Tuesday 28 July 2020


Sometimes, rushing things without inquiries create numerous problems for us. We can see things just ordinarily from our limited physical view without waiting to see if we can see a light or fire at the end of the tunnel. Taking two families as examples to this, we will get the point at home.
A family had a beautiful daughter that attracted many men, boys young and old, rich and poor and so on. The girl and the father kept on analyzing men who were coming to seek for her hand in marriage based on these questions. What type of car does he drive? How many buildings does he have? What is the name of the city he lives? These were what they were interested on. Continue Reading................

Friday 24 July 2020

Why too much Rape? By Tobe Eze

Why too much Rape?
When one obverses closely what is happing now in our society, one may ask series of questions on this trending evil. Cases of rape is increasing every day in the society. What and what are the cause of this growth of evil in our society? If we blame ladies who are being raped, what of children who are being raped, shall we blame them too? If we blame men who rape both ladies and children, shall we also leave ladies that do go around almost naked? We are aware that they said, blood is thicker than water. If we blame boys that rape people they do not know, what do we have to say about fathers raping their children or siblings? All these are creating serious society disorder and they are calling for attention of many. Spiritual attention is needed, psychological attention, mental attention, moral attention, social attention, economic attention and so on. I will briefly highlight few things that may lead to rape and how we can avoid some of them in this write up for this is no longer a joking matter. Continue Reading........