Friday 24 July 2020

Why too much Rape? By Tobe Eze

Why too much Rape?
When one obverses closely what is happing now in our society, one may ask series of questions on this trending evil. Cases of rape is increasing every day in the society. What and what are the cause of this growth of evil in our society? If we blame ladies who are being raped, what of children who are being raped, shall we blame them too? If we blame men who rape both ladies and children, shall we also leave ladies that do go around almost naked? We are aware that they said, blood is thicker than water. If we blame boys that rape people they do not know, what do we have to say about fathers raping their children or siblings? All these are creating serious society disorder and they are calling for attention of many. Spiritual attention is needed, psychological attention, mental attention, moral attention, social attention, economic attention and so on. I will briefly highlight few things that may lead to rape and how we can avoid some of them in this write up for this is no longer a joking matter. Continue Reading........

I will blame men for rape.
It is true that in creation, God created them male and female and expect them to be in communion but he did not expect that communion to be forced on any of them. The road to procreation is only meant for those who are legally married so that they will help God in fulfilling his promise to our father Abraham. Sex as I wrote about three years ago is not sin categorically rather, it becomes a sin when done at the wrong time, with wrong person, with wrong intention and at a wrong place. So, for it to be done forcefully, nothing can justify it. These are some reasons why I will blame men for rape.
1. Hard Drugs: Our young men are now very deep with hard drugs addiction and some of them do unimaginable things after taking that. They think that for them to be among the happening guys in the city, they must have to belong to the group of those who take excessive hard drug. That is a serious lie. The worst thing in our society today is that, they will claim that both the white men and our own rich men are taking them, why do we say it is wrong to take it. The white men’s weather is not the same with ours. Someone will be under hot sun smoking hard drug that is also hot, who is deceiving who? The rich take enough things that refresh their bodies and wash their system, you that is perpetually under hard labor with little earning, who is deceiving who?
2. Peer Group: Many boys go into this because of what some discus with peers. I can vividly remember those days they were telling us that, if you do not have a girlfriend, then you are not a man. These days, they tell people, if you are still a virgin as a man, you are a ju guy. If she refuses, force her, either by coercion or by drugs. Many do this every now and then and that is born out of peer group. Some even plan to help each other and some do that in group. Such a bad trend in our peers these days.
3. Cultism: Some boys who have joined one cult group or the other will think that every girl must worship them and accept whatever they request from them which is very wrong. They will claim the king of the city and they must have something to do with every girl they like in the city and if you refuse, wait for rape.
4. Occultism: Many who want to make it by all means do join one or two secret society and the request there may be to rape a number of persons. And this may be linked to father raping daughter, siblings raping siblings, an adult raping a baby, men raping mad women and so on. This is serious causing a lot of harm in our society and needs to be addressed.
5. Laziness: An idle mind is the devil’s workshop they said. Someone who has nothing serious doing will always think and the devil will always be there to supply the materials needed for thinking. If you have nothing doing, that is when the devil will supply you with series of thinking that you have never imagined. It will show you that, your sister is so beautiful and sexy, even your mother, daughter, cousin, children around you, girls in the street and many others. Devil can deceive.
6. Pornography: Many scholars have said that visual things stick in the brain more than every other thing. So, what we watch stick more in our brains and make more impression than what we hear, read, touch and so on. Some are seriously addicted to pornographic displays and that make them to look for any possible place to discharge and if that is not gotten, they will even go to the extent of rape.
I will blame women for rape
Just like I said in the men aspect, sex is not categorically sin but situations surrounding it. Some ladies, women, babies and parents make themselves open to rape and at last they will blame others for that. In many ways this can be done and few of them are:
1. Indecent Dressing: It is always said that, “the way you dress is the way people will address you”. Why should a lady, a woman, a girl of 8 and parents dress naked and be going round the street and it is also said that men are seduced by what they see? A lady will be visiting a man or a boy and leave herself naked and be acting like robot in the single secret room you are with a man and expect him to leave you just as you came. A parent will go to the market and buy one stupid dress for the little girl in the house and wear her to cloth to places and expect wonders to be done on her (though it is never a free ticket for rape). I am just saying this for people to know how they dress.
2. Places you go: It is not every place that a woman should go. There places that are restricted to men especially now that men are becoming evils. Going to a clandestine places with men these day is very dangerous and every sane lady should know it. Some places may be safe during the day and very dangerous at night, you should also watch places you go at night. Save yourself from this danger than to complain that men are wicked at last.
3. The way you accept gifts: Many ladies and women accept gifts both from known and unknown men and sometimes, it may be very dangerous. We are well aware that, some boys are not ready to give without gaining something in return, why not watch the type of persons you collect gifts from before you receive a Greek gift? And some ladies will also demand too much from boys and think they will go scot-free, sometimes, it does not work that way. Do not take everything given you in a man’s house or in the place, you can take it or them home and take it or them there so that, if there will be any reaction, then, it will be in your house. Respect yourself for once, not every gift is to be accepted.
4. Unnecessary Bragging: One day, I was passing and I overheard a lady shouting that no man can rape her no matter what. One can say such a thing but depend on the grace of God. You do not need to shout it because some men are devils and will like to violet it. So, do not shout it, more especially where two or three will hear it. Even your friend can betray you in this aspect to see your strength and your glory.
5. The people you go with: It is true we should trust people a little but we should also mind those we trust. Some that we go with are not our friends and they will pretend to be. They will just bring us to our waterloo. Some people these days are no longer to be trusted with all our hearts. Mind what you tell your friends always for some of them will be jealous of your achievements especially with your moral life. If you tell them more about your virginity and your unwillingness to lose it, they may plan for your downfall.
6. Alcohol: Some ladies and women do take alcohol to stupor and that will make them unconscious of the environment you are and anything can happen that time. I am not saying that you should not take alcohol but know your gage. Do not compete with anyone with alcohol so that you will not regret it at last.
Suggested solutions
Since I addressed this according to genders, I will also suggest solutions in accordance with the genders.
Men listen
Hard Drugs: It is often said that, “Imitation is limitation”. Many of our young men are imitating others in taking hard drugs thinking that that is making them top men in the society. Before we embark on any journey in this life, I suggest, we check the ups and downs of that particular journey to know what it will gain us before we go into it. Many mad young men are coming out every day and many of them are caused by this hard drug of a thing. Some after committing one crime or the other under the influence of this hard drug will regret much later when the punishment has come. So many have raped people because of this hard drug. If we can shun this hard drug of a thing, we shall be saved a bit.
Peer Group: Tell me your friend and I will tell you whom you are. This adage should not be swept to the carpet because friends contribute to our way of life. The influence of our peer on us is not something that can be neglected for they contribute a lot in our formation of our life style. So, we have to watch very well the kind of people we keep as friends and what we discuss with them. Some memories cannot be erased easily and many of them come from what we share together with our peers. So, to control this rape of a thing, let us also regulate the type of people we keep as friends.
Cultism: Many youths are now living in perpetual fear because of one cult group they have entered. I do not know why people are being led astray every day when they see the troubles that do follow cultism. Someone will come to you to tell you that once you join their group, you will be protected and the person cannot stand a Hilux car for they are always afraid of the security men/women. This cultism has led many astray and it contributes to the number of rapes we do have these days. Let us run away from cultism and save our land.
Occultism: The other side again is almost the worst for this has to do majorly with having something to do with the devil directly. I think the number of rape of infants, children, mothers, siblings and so on that is on increase can be pinned to this particular one. Many people can do anything because of money and the devil will always use those who are desperate to achieve that. In order to make money, you have to rape a three months child, and someone will have the mind to do that. Occultism is evil and will continue to be evil, let us run away from it and our world will change to good.
Laziness: Many who are always prone to this act are lazy ones. They have no handiwork and nothing good doing except to occupy themselves with evil thoughts. It is a sin to be lazy and we must run away from it. Laziness is a disease and it kills more than corona virus or any other virus because, it kills, spiritually, morally, psychologically, socially, physically and so on.
Pornography: If we can shun the idea of pornography, we shall conquer this rape. Some after watching pornographic pictures and videos, they will look for any available opposite sex to release themselves and that may lead them to rape. This also kills spiritually, morally, psychologically, socially, physically and so on. We have to quit it and those who act these videos and post these pictures should also help the world to be good again.
Women Listen
Sexy Dressing: I am pleading, ladies, some women and parents, this age’s dressing is causing serious trouble. To be a beautiful lady, woman or child is not by being naked on the road. Please, your body is sacred and you should treat it as such. A lady will wear a cloth and the whole body is outside or a transparent cloth that shows every part of the body, it is tempting and very bad. A parent wearing the child a sexy cloth, what do you want to achieve? Please this should be checked so that many wrongs will be put in right positions.
Places you go: As a lady or a woman, there are many places you should not go. It is not every invitation that you must honour. If you sense danger in any invitation, place look well before you leap. Do not go to lonely dangerous places alone especially at night. Save yourself from the embracement of rape.
The way you accept gifts: Many girls do request for many unimaginable gifts from boys knowing full well that some boys are give and take. It is very dangerous to accept everything given you or for you to request for too many things. Some are not ready to sacrifice and if you deny them the opportunity of getting what they want, they may drug you and have their way and that will translate to rape. Mind the person you collect gifts from and the type of gifts you collect, it will go a long way to help you.
Unnecessary Bragging: Many women do not know that there is always the devil that follows stupid bragging and devilish betting. I was once in a wake keep where a lady was shouting that no matter what, no man will cross her. Before midnight, some boys had already made her drunk, you can know what happened next. You have to mind the people around, where you are and the time before you boost to avoid unnecessary insults.
The people you go with: There are many people that are evil and they always claim to be friends. Do mind the people you go with and places they take you to. If this friend of yours is in the habit of taking you to risky places, please avoid that person to save yourself. People can be evil, watch the people you go with.
Alcohol: It is good to take alcohol if you can carry it but very dangerous if it becomes a habit, if you drink to stupor and lose control always. If you know that one bottle is your due, please, no matter the situation, do not take more than one bottle. If two, do the same and avoid putting yourself into danger.
Rape is evil, no matter your reason. Evil is evil. Those topics that I treated above, if you are involved in any of them, today is still very early to make a change. If you can right the wrong today, it will make a better tomorrow. No matter the situation you have found yourself, do not involve yourself in rape and the not make yourself an object of rape. It will never pay you, rather it will destroy you. Thanks, as you avoid rape.


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