1. Till
death do us part is not tomorrow, be careful on choosing. Tobe Eze.
Pentecost – Solemnity Year B
Acts 1:1—11
1 Corinthians 12:3b—7, 12—13
John 20:19—23
The Christian feast day
of Pentecost, which is celebrated ten days after Ascension Thursday, commemorates the descent of the Holy
Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus
Christ while they were in Jerusalem celebrating
the Feast of Weeks, as described
in the Acts of the Apostles. Some
Christians believe this event represents the birth of the Church. Since the
Feast of the Ascension occurs forty days after Easter, Pentecost is a movable feast.
A man
brought out a cartoon at night to share to children around him gifts from it.
At the point of sharing the content of the cartoon, NEPA took light and there
was total darkness. He managed to share them in that darkness. When the whole children
have gotten, they managed also to go home in darkness. When each reached him,
they checked their gifts. Some got chewing gum, some milkose, some Tom Tom and
so many others. They differently told their different parents the gifts they
received according to what each received. When they gathered again and were
discussing on the gifts, they discovered that they received different gifts
from one person.

They noticed that they were giving things differently and they
understood themselves. It is God who gives but we that are receiving, receive
different gifts for the good of mankind and Glory of God. Because we cannot
access other person’s spirit, like that darkness, it is left for the one who
received the gift to tell us what he/she has received. Continue Reading..............................