Showing posts with label MY QUOTES. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MY QUOTES. Show all posts

Saturday 27 October 2018

My Quotes By Tobe Eze

      If you want to take another person’s place, remember you will also take his/her problems. Think about it. Tobe Eze.
2.       If one is following you, always look back to know if he/she is still following, for you may not have the same paste with him/her. Tobe Eze.
3.       After faith, the next thing that moves mountain is love. Tobe Eze.
4.       If you like taking others’ position, expect others to take your own at any time. Tobe Eze.
5.       Have listening ears to things that concern you. For all are not for you. Tobe Eze.
6.       If you like giving excuses for your actions remember, others have their own excuses to give. Be wise in judgment. Tobe Eze.
7.       To water the efforts of a dead hero is to killing the hero for the second time. Tobe Eze.
8.       Keeping quiet when things are going wrong is as doing the wrong thing itself. Tobe Eze.
9.       Love demands sacrifice even when you know you will gain nothing in return but others will gain. Tobe Eze.

Saturday 24 March 2018



       No matter how you force one to learn, disposition is the base of every knowledge. Tobe Eze.
2.       That you think that you are strong does not make you strong. Know yourself. Tobe Eze.
3.       Repent first before you expect others to repent from your preaching. Tobe Eze.
4.       Some listen to wait for time while some listen to utilize time. Tobe Eze.
5.       Withdraw your trust from one who contradicts him/herself, for you will be misled in life. Tobe Eze.
6.       Emotivism can only work perfectly where there is no other option. Tobe Eze.
7.       Bringing two different tribes together to become one is like forcing north and north poles of magnet to attract. Tobe Eze.
8.       If you like correcting others, please accept corrections yourself. Tobe Eze.
9.       Knowledge is not only yours, others have theirs. Respect their own. Tobe Eze. One who plays with serious things, will not know when the unserious things will turn to play him/her. Tobe Eze.

Tuesday 6 March 2018


  • The value of N5 comes out when it disgraces you in the bank. Tobe Eze.
  • 2.       Keep quit if you do not know. Do not argue in your ignorance. Tobe Eze.
  • 3.       Rigidity of individual does not deny the flexibility of the universe. Accept change. Tobe Eze.
  • 4.       If you do not trust yourself, do not expect others to trust you. Tobe Eze.
  • 5.       If you follow many gods, you will not know the one that saves you, follow one that you trust, so that you will know if it is saving or deceiving you. Tobe Eze.
  • 6.       Having many people around you cures many infirmities in us. Tobe Eze.
  • 7.       When you are not convinced, allow others who are convinced to go ahead. Tobe Eze.
  • 8.       Evil begets evils that look like good, watch it very well. Tobe Eze.
  • 9.       Trust is a two edged sword, use it very well. Tobe Eze.
  • 10.   Find yourself first before finding others. Tobe Eze.

Thursday 15 February 2018


  •                MY QUOTES FOR THE WEEK.  
  •      Fear is important, for suicide is different from martyrdom. Tobe Eze.
  • 2.       Looking is different from seeing, see before you place conclusion. Tobe Eze.
  • 3.       Fat body is never fat courage. Tobe Eze.
  • 4.       Before you deny one meat, check if he has teeth, for you may be doing him good in the name of evil. Tobe Eze.
  • 5.       The Lord is good is more effective when you are in the company of good people. Tobe Eze.
  • 6.       When you see a beautiful lady both in character and stature, you will know that nature can create. Tobe Eze.
  • 7.       It is not all that good to marry an ugly man but more dangerous to marry a handsome man. Tobe Eze.
  • 8.       Misinterpretation can kill, understand before interpreting. Tobe Eze.
  • 9.       Men are jealous but women live it as their lives. Tobe Eze.
  • 10.   One minute is too small but does a mighty thing. Tobe Eze.

Monday 5 February 2018



  • Small stature is never small value. That is, small body is not small knowledge or does not make man small. Tobe Eze.
  • 2.       Attention reduces attention. Tobe Eze.
  • 3.       Till death do us apart is not tomorrow, be careful on choosing. Tobe Eze.
  • 4.       Our “I Do” has many implications, think well before you say it. Tobe Eze.
  • 5.       Gentleness of the body is not gentleness of the heart, make them to be one. Tobe Eze.
  • 6.       Recognize your present needs and it will help you to know your future needs and prepare for them. Tobe Eze.
  • 7.       Slavery from within is the worst slavery on earth. Tobe Eze.
  • 8.       On your marks, is for those who are out for the game. Tobe Eze.
  • 9.       Allocation brings responsibility or culpability. Tobe Eze.
  • 10.   Prayer without concentration is like cultivation without plantation. Tobe Eze.

Monday 29 January 2018

My Quotes for the Week. By Tobe Eze

  • 1.       When things want to turn around for you, the place, state and people you are with matter a lot. Mind the place, state and people you go, are and stay with. Tobe Eze.
  • 2.       Appearance can be deceiving, go for the reality. Tobe Eze.
  • 3.       In everyday, try to drop one bad thing in your life and pick one good thing. It helps in building oneself. Tobe Eze.
  • 4.       Move in this world as the eagle moves in the air when the wind blow against it. Enjoy it for it must rest and it is just matter of time. Tobe Eze.
  • 5.       Even if there is no reason for you to be happy, be happy for it is necessary. Tobe Eze.
  • 6.       Growing old is not growing up, try to join the two. Grow old and equally grow up. Tobe Eze.
  • 7.       If you follow all that you see, you will be eaten by all that you see. Tobe Eze.
  • 8.       All men are the same always follows a bad experience with a man. Tobe Eze.
  • 9.       Underline the bad, work towards eradicating it. If you leave it open, you may eradicate both good with it. Tobe Eze.
  • 10.   If we are to take life as an examination hall where we are faced face to face with the invigilator, we will not cheat. We will not sin. Tobe Eze.