Friday 20 October 2017



1.      What are the names of the three children of Fatima? A. Jacinta, Lucy and Francisco
2.      In the five Joyful mysteries, recite the first one. A. The Annunciation.
3.      Recite the Remember of Our Lady. A. Cheta…………………..
4.      Who is the Mother of Jesus? A. Virgin Mary.
5.      Who is your Parish Priest and where is he from? A. Rev. Fr. Valentine Okenyi. From Aku.
6.      In the five Sorrowful mysteries, the fifth one is from which chapter and verse in the Holy Bible? A. Lk. 23:45-46 or John 19:17,18 or Lk. 23:26-38.
7.      Which year did Blessed Virgin Mary appear to them? A. 1917.
8.      Recite act of contrition. A. Omume nke ime ebere.
9.      When a priest celebrating mass says, offer to each other sign of peace, what do you say to people? A. Peace and Love of Christ.
10.  In the five Sorrowful mysteries, recite the fourth one. A. The carrying of cross.
11.  In the five Luminous mysteries, the second one is from which chapter and verse in the Holy Bible? A. John 2:10 or John 2:11 Continue Reading...........................................

12.  When a lay reader say, the word of the Lord, what do you say? A. Thanks be to God.
13.  In which city of Portugal did Blessed Mary appear? A. Fatima.
14.  In the five Glorious mysteries, recite the third one. A. the decent of the Holy Spirit.
15.  In the five Joyful mysteries, the second one is from which chapter and verse in the Holy Bible? A. Lk. 1:39-80. Or Lk. 1:42-45
16.  Recite I confess to Almighty God. A. Ekwuputa mụ gwa Chineke…………
17.  St. Theresa’s Parish Ugwu na Agbo Edem has two stations, what are their names? A. St. Theresa’s station and St. Leo the great Station.
18.  In the five Glorious mysteries, the first one is from which chapter and verse in the Holy Bible? A. Matt.28:1-10 or Matt. 28:5-6
19.  In the five Glorious mysteries, the second one is from which chapter and verse in the Holy Bible? A. Acts 1:9 or Lk. 24:50-51
20.  After all the readings during mass, what will be the next thing? A. Homily.
21.  Recite Hail Holy Queen. A. Ekene Ezenwanyị dị asọ………………..
22.  In the five Joyful mysteries, recite the fifth one. A. Finding in the Temple.
23.  In the five Luminous mysteries, recite the first one. A. The Baptism in Jordan.
24.  In the five Luminous mysteries, recite the second one. A. The manifestation of Jesus at Cana.
25.  When a priest celebrating mass says A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Matthew, what do you say? A. Glory be to you Lord.
26.  Recite the Lord’s Prayer. A. Our Father………………..
27.  In the five Joyful mysteries, recite the third one. A. The Nativity.
28.  In the five Luminous mysteries, recite the fifth one. A. The institution of the Holy Eucharist.
29.  In the five Sorrowful mysteries, recite the second one. A. The scourging at the Pillar.
30.  In the five Glorious mysteries, recite the first one. A. The Resurrection.
31.  Recite act of hope. A. Omume nke Nchekwube
32.  At the end of the Gospel, when the priest say, the Gospel of the Lord, what do you say? A. Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.
33.  In the five Joyful mysteries, the third one is from which chapter and verse in the Holy Bible? A. Matt. 1:18-25 or Lk. 2:6-7
34.  In the five Luminous mysteries, the fourth one is from which chapter and verse in the Holy Bible? A. Matt. 7:1-13 or Mark 9:2-8 or Lk. 9:28-36.
35.  In the five Sorrowful mysteries, the third one is from which chapter and verse in the Holy Bible? A. Matt. 27:28-29 or John 19:11-3.
36.  In the five Glorious mysteries, the fourth one is from which chapter and verse in the Holy Bible? A. Judith 13:8. Or Judith 13:18. (May be considered).
37.  When I say Lord have mercy, what will you respond? A. Lord have Mercy.
38.  Recite the Angel of God? A. Angel nke Chukwu.
39.  In the five Joyful mysteries, recite the fourth one. A. The Presentation.
40.  In the five Luminous mysteries, recite the third one. A. The proclamation of the Kingdom.
41.  In the five Luminous mysteries, recite the fourth one. A. The Transfiguration.
42.  Recite we fly to your patronage. A. Anyị agbaba na nchedo gị.
43.  After In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen at the beginning of Mass, what will be the next thing the priest will say? A. The Lord be with you.
44.  In the five Joyful mysteries, the first one is from which chapter and verse in the Holy Bible? A. Lk. 1:31-32 or Lk. 1:26-38.
45.  In the five Joyful mysteries, the fifth one is from which chapter and verse in the Holy Bible? A. Lk. 2:46-47 or Lk. 2:41-52. Or Lk. 2:16-47
46.  In the five Luminous mysteries, the fifth one is from which chapter and verse in the Holy Bible? A. Mark 14:17,22-26 or Matt. 26:20, 26-30 or Lk. 22:14-20. Lk. 22:19
47.  In the five Sorrowful mysteries, the fourth one is from which chapter and verse in the Holy Bible? A. John 19:17-19. Or John 19:17.
48.  In the five Glorious mysteries, the third one is from which chapter and verse in the Holy Bible? A. Acts 2:1-4 or Acts 2:3-4.
49.  After credo during mass, what will be the next thing? A. Prayer of the faithful.
50.  Recite we fly to your patronage. A. Anyị agbaba na nchedo gị.
51.  In the five Joyful mysteries, recite the second one. A. The Visitation.
52.  In the five Sorrowful mysteries, recite the fifth one. A. The Crucifixion.
53.  In the five Glorious mysteries, recite the fourth one. A. The Assumption.
54.  Recite the creed (I Believe). A. Ekwem na Chukwu.
55.  When a priest celebrating mass says, Behold the Lamb of God, behold he who takes away the sins of the world, happy are those who are called to the supper of the lamb, what do you say? A. Lord I am not worthy……………………………
56.  Recite act of love. A. Omume nke ịfụnanya.
57.  After Gloria during mass, what will be the next? A. Prayer.
58.  In the five Joyful mysteries, the fourth one is from which chapter and verse in the Holy Bible? A. Lk. 2:41-52 or Lk. 2:22.
59.  In the five Luminous mysteries, the first one is from which chapter and verse in the Holy Bible? A. Matt. 3:13-17 or Mark 1:9-11, 10 or Lk. 3:21-22 or John 1:32-33
60.  In the five Luminous mysteries, the third one is from which chapter and verse in the Holy Bible? A. John 8:12 or John 1:4,55,9. Or Mark 2:5 or Lk. 7:47-48 or John 20:22-23 or Mark 1:15
61.  In the five Sorrowful mysteries, the first one is from which chapter and verse in the Holy Bible? A. Matt. 26:36-39 or Matt. 26:36-46.
62.  After Homily during mass, what will be the next thing? A. Credo (I Believe).
63.  Recite Hail Mary? A. Hail Mary…………………….
64.  In the five Sorrowful mysteries, recite the first one. A. The Agony in the Garden.
65.  In the five Sorrowful mysteries, recite the third one. A. The Crowing with Thorns.
66.  In the five Sorrowful mysteries, the second one is from which chapter and verse in the Holy Bible? A. Mark 15:15 or Matt. 27:25-26.
67.  Who is the Foster Father of Jesus? A. Joseph.
68.  In the five Glorious mysteries, the fifth one is from which chapter and verse in the Holy Bible? A. Rev. 12:1.
69.  In the five Glorious mysteries, recite the second one. A. The Ascension.
70.  Recite the act of faith. A. Omume nke Okwukwe.
71.  In the five Glorious mysteries, recite the fifth one. A. The Coronation.
72.  Who is your Seminarian and where is he from? (Bonus). A. Hillary Tobechukwu Eze from Agbamere Eha-Alumona
73.  St. Theresa’s Parish Ugwu na Agbo Edem is in which Deneary? (Bonus). A. Ibagwa-Ani
74.  St. Theresa’s Parish Ugwu na Agbo Edem is in which Diocese? (Bonus). A. Nsukka.
75.  In which year was St. Theresa’s Parish Ugwu na Agbo Edem created? (Bonus). A. 2016.

76.  Who is the Parish Block Rosary President? (Bonus). A. Onah Precious Chinenye.

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