Tuesday 4 May 2021



To what shall I compare this generation, this generation is the generation of those who have lost the values of life if I may say this. There is this video clip that is going around in the social media now, both in Facebook and WhatsApp of a boy beating, brutalizing, killing a woman and an old woman for that matter. Such a barbaric act is what I don’t understand, what must have come over that boy? Was he manipulated? Or under the influence of something? If it were to be in the old Igbo tradition, that boy deserves to die (both Christians, that is not the best). I wonder the type of persons we are having this time around in this generation. I do not know how to classify this but I see it as the worst thing the devil has done to us by making us lose our identity, our tradition, our culture which honours elders both from the feminine point of view and masculine point of view. Whatever may have prompted that boy to do that thing is a strong thing I believe. The boy should receive more punishments more than even the one that is also going around that he received for what he did is seriously is a grievous offence. Continue Reading........