Tuesday 4 May 2021



To what shall I compare this generation, this generation is the generation of those who have lost the values of life if I may say this. There is this video clip that is going around in the social media now, both in Facebook and WhatsApp of a boy beating, brutalizing, killing a woman and an old woman for that matter. Such a barbaric act is what I don’t understand, what must have come over that boy? Was he manipulated? Or under the influence of something? If it were to be in the old Igbo tradition, that boy deserves to die (both Christians, that is not the best). I wonder the type of persons we are having this time around in this generation. I do not know how to classify this but I see it as the worst thing the devil has done to us by making us lose our identity, our tradition, our culture which honours elders both from the feminine point of view and masculine point of view. Whatever may have prompted that boy to do that thing is a strong thing I believe. The boy should receive more punishments more than even the one that is also going around that he received for what he did is seriously is a grievous offence. Continue Reading........

Coming from another point, I strongly believe that that woman was not beaten only by that boy. He was rather beaten by all those who were standing there watching especially the one that videoed. It is true that had it been they didn’t video the incidence, we may not be aware of what happened but how could they stand and watch that boy do all those things to the woman and none of them could get hold of the boy? From the first person to the last person watching the brutality, all of them are victims, if I am to punish, I will punish all of them. We should not be interested in making a wonderful post or videos. Posting it online is a wonderful thing for certainly it will rise emotions and make people know how our world is degenerating but allowing people to die because of posts is another thing all together. This is actually what we get in our society these days, you will meet an accident scene, people are dying and somebody is making a video, “accident just happened now, people are being taken to the hospital, blablablaba and you are not helping out. What will you gain from making that video and allowing people to die? 

I feel we are losing our humanity, we are now trying to use human beings to get to an end which is popularity than using popularity to get to an end which is humanity. Ethically speaking human beings can never and will never be taken as means to an end rather an end itself. If we understand this very well then we should save lives before making videos. In so many occasions, this sort of thing has happened and people do not react to it, I feel we are degenerating. We are becoming like animals in the bush or in the forest watching other animals devour their fellow animals without doing anything. Not even all animals will watch you devour the same species without doing anything some of them will fight tooth and nail to make sure they scare you away but these days we watch, we video, we take pictures where lives are at stake. 

The punishment melted on the boy is quite alright but should be extended to those watching and videoing. If we encounter this type of situation, it is better we save the situation than to make post of the sisituation. The post may get so many attractions but God will still ask us questions because that video that we post is not the best rather we should always think of how to save lives. If care is not taken, that woman may not come out from, number one the trauma, number two the pains of what happened, so I feel to safe the woman first should have been the best thing to do.

I sincerely appreciate those who have tried rehabilitating the boy, he should be left to go back to the woman if she is his mother. He should be taught a serious lesson of his life before going back to the woman because he may end up killing that woman. The root of the problem should be traced to see how the life of that woman can be saved, leaving it just like that may be keeping the life of the woman in a very dangerous position. The root of the problem should be traced, if the cause came from the woman, it should be addressed appropriately, if it came from the boy, it should be addressed appropriately, but then, no matter the root cause, that boy should not have gone to that length. It was a serious man’s inhumanity to man, it was a barbarous act and no sane person should accept it. 

God save us in this generation of internet because we follow and care about the internet and leave our primary duties. If that woman dies, she was not killed by that boy rather all those around. So, we should be mindful of what we do with what comes around us. In any situation we should always check the consequence, circumstances, and the result. Let us not be Machiavellian in nature, that the end will justify the means, rather Let the means and the end be good and blameless. If after saving the woman from the boy pictures were taken, it would have been better than videoing the woman dying in the hands of that ruthless boy.

Videos and pictures are not more important than lives we should value our lives more than videos and pictures and a we shall gain everlasting life. Thank you.

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