Friday 24 June 2022

I SWEAR By Tobe Eze


I often hear people say, Lord protect me from my friends; for my enemies, I can handle them. I have never doubted it and I do not think I will doubt it but I have never believed it as I believe it now. Another adage says, experience is the best teacher. This has also made me to believe more in asking God to protest me from my friends; for my enemies, I can handle them. Some or all of these friends-enemies are born out of a heart that does not have forgiveness in it. If a heart has forgiveness in it, it will find it very difficult to play the two parts of being friend and enemy at the same time because they are contradictory. The pain of betrayal or the wound of betrayal is one wound that I have noticed that it takes supernatural grace of God to heal, if that is the case, then we should make every effort to avoid it.

A lady was presented with two names of those that applied for job in a company where she was working. Continue Reading..................

She went through their CVs and when she saw a picture of one of them, she said this one cannot work in our company. Meanwhile the manager felt that that one she was disqualifying got the greatest chance of getting the job from his own assessment. Why did the lady say she would not work in the company? Because, in their secondary school days. There was a day that the girl that applied for job refused to help her carry her bag home for her after school when she wanted to go somewhere. She said, she did that forgetting that one day, she would need my help also. That person recounting this was serving her 4th year in that company and she went to the university which she spent 4 years and NYSC as well before getting the job. The manager was dumbfounded because he could not understand why this particular girl had to habour this for almost a decade or even a decade. The manager managed to ask her if they have been in talking terms since that time. She foolishly told the manager that she has been pretending to be her best friend but has been waiting for an opportunity to come so that she would pay her back and this is the opportunity. To cut the story short, the manager later employed the girl in question and sacked the girl who wanted to revenge what was done to her in her secondary school days. This is not the only story that I have but I would not continue telling them. 

So many husbands, living in the same house, sleeping on the same bed with their wives are having acrimony in their hearts against their wives. They are only waiting for an opportunity to strike. This is not what God created us to be and to be doing. Love your neighbours as you love yourself. Forgive others as you would want others to be forgiven you. Two of you are no longer two bodies but one body. Anything you are doing to your wife, you are doing it to yourself. Funniest thing here is that these set of persons provoke their wives more than anything on earth and they do not count them rather, they wait for opportunity to strike. Chukwu mere gị ebere. You better change and make your home to work again. Do you not know that any woman that is always at the begging side or apologizing side will also be at the side of hating you easily? Make effort to strike a balance and you will enjoy your home. 

Some wives are brood of vipers in their homes. A woman who suppose to make her house habitable is the one scattering things, it is seriously unfair. Why should you have the record of all the ills done to you by your husband and you recount them every day for him and you would not take the record of his good deeds to you? Is that how you want to start your hell fire on earth? Do you know that if you tell your husband three good things he has done for you and tell him a single thing he did not do well that he will make sincere effort not to repeat that single bad he did? But if you tell him three bad things he did and fail to tell him any good thing he has done, he may find it difficult to change. He will rather see you as a sadist and will hate you more. Do you know that if you subject your husband to constant apology that there will be constant reduction of the love he has for you? Think about it and overlook certain things.

Some friends are just like black snake in the night, where lies the head? You would give in everything you have as trust to someone without knowing that he or she is your problem. Why is he or she your problem, because he or she feels that you have offended and you need to be punished. I feel that forgiving ourselves heals us than seeking strict justice. I feel that letting go of things helps us to grow than sticking to a particular thing or deed. Why killing yourself with grudges against your brother, sister, mother, father, wife, husband, relations and friends. Free yourself from that sickness and you will see the joy of the Lord. Tell him or her what he or she has done in a polite manner and even if you can endure and forget some of them, it will be the best, forgive him or her and most importantly, accept your own mistakes and you will see that this world is still very sweet despite the fact that Buhari is still the president of Nigeria. If we Obidiently forgive ourselves, Atikulating our Tinubunations will be forgotten and we will get our PVCs and vote wisely. Good Day.

1 comment:

  1. You know sometimes the word forgiveness can be deep and almost impossible.
    This is even a small something.

    The one of husband and wife
    I have an aunty that's married but I'm not sure how long she must have dated. But you see the worst thing that can happen in marriage is one using each other's partners weakness against the other.

    This particular one can not be easily pardoned as it can generate more problem than it seems.

    The thing here is
    1. Knowing ones difference and accepting it
    2. Not just accept it but protect it with everything because once it's breached
    Even a well composed speech can't ammend it

