Saturday 11 February 2017

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A By Tobe Eze

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
Sirach 15:15—20
1 Corinthians 2:6—10
 Matthew 5:17—37
Let us start from the meaning of sin. What is sin? Sin is an immoral act considered to be transgression against the divine law. Sin is saying No where God said yes and saying Yes where God said no. Putting God after instead of putting him first. Ndị Igbo sị na Onye buru Chi ya ụzọ, ọgbagbuo onwe ya na ọsọ.
How can we sin? We have sin of commission and sin of omission. Sin of commission is when we act against the Ten Commandments if God which centered on thou shall not do, the six commandments of the Church which centered on thou shall do. Sin of omission is when we leave the good deeds we should do and do otherwise. James 4:17 says Therefore, if anyone knows how to do what is right and yet does not do it, it is a sin for him. But we usually forget this sin of omission. This is where we committee many times. Continue Reading
Have known what sin is all about, let us go to the first reading. We are placed with two things to choose one, to choose between life and death, good and bad, sin and righteousness. Joshua and his family chose God (Joshua 24:14-15). Who are we choosing today? Onye ka anyị họrọ? Do we choose life or death, do we choose God or devil? The ball is on our court. The second reading tells us about the wisdom that will help us to choose very well. But according to St. Paul, we fail to notice the presence of that wisdom. What God prepared for us, no eyes have seen, no ear have heard talk more of it coming to the heart of men. But, that which God prepared can only come to those who choose him. Those who choose other gods increase their sorrows (Psalm 16:4). The gospel also makes us to know that there are many ways we sin, which we must cut many of them. You think that I come to abolish the law, No, I came to fulfill the law. The people of Israel were thinking that Jesus came to make the Laws of Moses easier or cancel them for them, nothing knowing that he came to make them more alive or to give them more strength to live and guide them. To make them more active. Some of us also think in the same way with the Israelites. We think that our husbands or wives are dead, for that we are free to commit adultery. Because we have developed in height and size we are free to sin. (Fornication). Because our wives and husbands are stupid for that we should throw away our Fidelity. Because our parents do not beat us any longer we should sin anyhow. Anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has committed sin. Anyone who also looks at a man lustfully has also committed sin. I only kissed her or him, we did not do anything. Or I only touch that place but nothing happened or he only touched that place but I did not allow him to go further. Who is deceiving who? He has disturbed me too much. Let me just give him once for him to leave me. Who told you that once will be enough? Ụzọ dị mma aga ya ugboro abụọ. If you give once, prepare also to give twice and even more. Or this girl or woman is tempting me. Let me give her what she needs so that she will go. Akuko. Who told you that she will go? This my brother or sister is no more worthy to answer one. I cannot forgive him or her any longer. God will understand that it is not my fault. Just remember 7×70 a day. We are not free to sin. God will not understand. Go and reconcile with your people before giving billions if naira in the church. This fellow is a fool I cannot go with him or her again. You are answerable to it for calling your brother or sister, one created in the image of God fool. This marriage should be dissolved. I am tied of it. Take it easy, life is not to be good all the time, that will not give you joy all your life on earth. Follow it with humility. Throwing the woman away or leaving the man will not solve the problem. That person behind that act is only deceiving you. He or she is an agent of Satan trying to destroy your marriage. Tell him or her go and never to return. That man or woman is a fool did not give you the ticket to sin. The first reading is closed with No one does he command to act unjustly, to none does he give license to sin.  Not even one person. Not you or I. The second reading ended with a hope for only those who avoid sin and occasions of sin.  But as it is written: What eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, and what has not entered the human heart, what God has prepared for those who love him, this God has revealed to us through the Spirit. The Gospel gives us ways we sin and tells us how to avoid them. The Gospel also is concluded with Let your 'Yes' mean 'Yes,' and your 'No' mean 'No.' Anything more is from the evil one."  Matthew 5:48 You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Whether you are married or single, whether on top or below, no matter your position, NO ONE IS FREE TO SIN. HAPPY SUNDAY.

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