Saturday 1 April 2017

5th Sunday of Lent Year A By Tobe Eze

5th Sunday of Lent Year A
Ezekiel 37:12-14

Romans 8:8-11
John 11:1-45

My fellow Christians, we are drawing closer to the great event of our salvation, which is Easter. Today’s readings are telling us also like that of last week how God can bring out fortunes from our misfortunes. In the first reading today, the prophet Ezekiel is giving us hope that our dry bones will rise again. And the second reading is trying to make us understand that, it is only through living in the spirit that our dry bones will rise again. The Gospel makes it clearer that if we are living our lives in spirit, Jesus will cry to his father in our own dead situations like he cried for his friend Lazarus who was dead. Continue Reading
The first reading is trying to show us that, in every situation we find ourselves, we should not lose hope. Those bones were dead and no person thought that anything can make them alive again. You may be in a terrible situation, you and people may be thinking that you cannot come out of it again. That your own is gone but, look at what happened in the first reading. God just decided to remember those dead and dried bones. In the Gospel, we can see the risk Jesus had to undergo because of his friend Lazarus. The Jews have been looking for any way possible to kill Jesus for they did not recognize him as the Messiah. When he told his disciples that he was going back to those people who want to kill him, they were surprised. He did it because of love.
There are three reasons why Jesus decided to take the risk. One, for the love he has for his friend Lazarus. Two to show us that God can change any situation. And thirdly, to give the Jews chance again to recognize him as the Messiah. Coming to the first reason, the love Jesus has for those who are his friends cannot be measured. Christ can do anything for the person he loves. He had to travel back to Bethany just because of the love he has for Lazarus. Christ can go extra miles to see that his loved ones are satisfied. Jesus is the only business that we can do on this earth that will never fail us. The only thing it takes is love in return for love. Love of him and love of our neighbours. The only way we can become friends of Jesus is through love. There is no other greater commandment than love. One who loves God will obey his commands. If we love God with all our hearts, with all our minds, with all our souls and with all our bodies, we will not think of taking other gods as our God, we will not conceive in our minds using the name if God in vain. Think of when a man is in love with a particular girl, whenever you want to join your ancestors, then joke with the girl before her boyfriend, talk more of the boy joking with his girlfriend. If we truly love God, we will not be waiting for anyone to remind us that we should respect the day of the Lord. Coming to human side. Any child that loves his/her parents can never disrespect them, even when they offend him/her, it will be taken as training. Killing or murder cannot exist where there is love. In summary, murder, stealing, false witness, letting yourself to be lustful after your neighbours wife and coveting your neighbours house, his farm, his cattle and anything that is his can only be found in a place where love is lacking. All these can never exist where there is love. Jesus loves us so much that whenever we go to him, he welcomes us.
The second reason is to show us what God can do. No person on earth can make dry bones to gain life again except God. It is only God that can raise someone who has stayed four days in the tomb from death. No human being can do that. Jesus has been showing us what God can do in our lives but sometimes we do like the Pharisees and the Jews who were still asking for signs while Jesus has done many signs among them. We should notice the work of God in our lives.
The last reason is still connected to the first reason, giving the Jews another chance to see if they will recognize him as the Messiah. Jesus gives us many chances to see if we can recognize him in our lives, in our neighbours and in all his sacraments, but sometimes we choose to follow other ways. He is offering us chances again to come to him. This Lenten season and Easter period should be the best time we accept him so that he will raise our dead situations to life again on his own resurrection day. He can do all things. He calls us back to himself. In Zachariah 1:3, Therefore say to them, thus declares the Lord of hosts. Return to me says the Lord........ In Jeremiah 4:1 If you put your detestable idols out of my sight and no longer go astray, and return to me........... In many other places in the Bible God made the statements of returning to him. Jeremiah 30:22, Joel 2:12 and others. Mary and Martha recognized him as the Messiah and he immediately wake their brother from death.
Once we show our God and our neighbour love, recognize what God can do and believe that Christ in the Eucharist is our Messiah, he will show us who he is. He will raise every dead situations in us and give us life in full. (John 10:10b). THANKS AND HAPPY SUNDAY

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