Saturday 3 June 2017

Why are you Spoiling that Child? By Tobe Eze

Why are you Spoiling that Child?

After that, what next? The kind of moral decadence in our world today calls for alarm. Children are today doing all sort of evils and parents are worsening the whole situation. Come to think of it, when a mother will be telling her daughter that, any day that you prove yourself to me that you are a woman by getting money from these young men or old men (sugar daddies) in exchange of what you have naturally, then I will do anything you need that time for you. Father on the other side, promising the same to his son with the same condition. When I was at your age, I have tested up to 12 girls to know how sweet they are and you are still here like a log of wood waiting for me to do everything for you. These girls help my son.
Parents now buy phonographic videos for their children to teach them how to seduce men and women in the name of home sex education. What type of sex education is that one? We blame schools much before now that there, children learn all kinds of evil and how to misbehave but the whole thing starts now from the root. It is now coming from our different homes and from our parents. To who shall we go? Continue Reading
My daughter, when I was at your age, my parents were spending less on me because I decided to help them with what I have. I get what I want with what I have. Nwa, package well and get this load of my head. Will I die for your naivety? Biko chaa anya maka na time adịrọ. This is mother’s advice to her daughter and you are telling me that it shall be well. I don’t think if it will be well. I doubt. Mother will continue to tell her daughter, when I was at your age, men na-agbara mụ ticket.
I met one father in a particular place advising the son in these words. “Son, as you can see we are poor, I cannot afford everything this family needs. I was trying myself before now but it is no more easy for me. Please help me in any capacity you can. At least get one of these rich men’s daughters or these old untired women (sugar mummies) and they will be supplying us with our family needs. These people can be of serious help to us. It was just a mistake on my own side that I failed to marry from a rich family and my parents were too strict on me that time and see where it has landed my family and I. Even when you try to help them, they will not also appreciate you rather asking too many questions about where the money is coming from. I would have gotten one of those sugar mummies. I am giving you people free hand. Ebe ọbụla osi bịa dị mụ mma. I am not like my parents who did not appreciate good things. Please help me in your own little capacity. The son was scandalized but because he is his father, he gave in to it after thinking about. And I tell you the boy crashed on the way.
Patents are now losing that parental pride. That joy of parenthood. That pride of parenthood. Parents are no longer training their children these days. It is even as if to say that some children are training their parents. Aka gara n' ike, ọrụtaghị ahụ ọrụta nsị. That child you have refused to train will certainly train him/herself in the way he/she wants or his/her friends want. The world has grown wigs, if you don’t guard it very well, if you don’t guard your own judiciously, it will fly away, and you will lose it forever. If you do not leak your lips during harmattan, it will do it for you. Onye rachaghị ọnụ ya ụgụrụ arachara ya ọnụ ya.
Parents, God will ask you about the children he has given you. Ọga ajụkwa gị maka ha. Please we are leaving the track. Let us come back before it becomes too much and too late for us. Ọdịrọkwa nụ mma. Pray for God’s grace to help you to train your children in his way. Ala adịrọkwa nụ level again. Let us make it level by not leaving anyịnya kiri beezie nwaukweze. These people are our hope of tomorrow.
Children, these days are no more days of onweghi onye nne ya n' esi nri adịghị ụtọ. Mothers are now cooking badly. If our parents try to mislead us, we should redress and run for our dear lives. Onye ọbụla n' agba ọsọa n' onwe ya. It is ometara buru. Your parents will answer and suffer for misleading you and you, yourself will suffer for allowing yourself to be misled. Ihe dị bee oke dikwa bee ogini. As punishments await parents who mislead their children and refused to train them, so also children for allowing themselves to be misled. We rely on the help of God and our own little effort and all shall be well with us.

Thanks for Reading.

1 comment:

  1. It is true. Parents are now spoiling things. But, still we rely in the hands of our make. Thanks for this write up.
