It pains most when you see your
loved one being taken away from you either by human being or divine being. It
is a pain from the heart that affects the body. When you see a person suffering
from heart breaking problem caused by taking away of the other lover, you will
notice it from the look or the appearance of the person. Love is a two edged
sword, when treated well, it does many good but when treated badly, it also
does many bad.
The Journey of Love: Before putting yourself into a serious
relationship, check where it will be leading you to. Love is not something one
should go in and come out anytime one wants, for it may cause many harm if one
leaves it at its peak. The journey of love starts gradually and develops a
strong bond. At the initial time, one may think that nothing is happening but
with time, things will happen. Let us
follow the life of these two lovers: It all started in the secondary
school, in his last year in the secondary school. A certain girl joined them in
their class to write WEAC with them. He was staying in the same line and was
the next person to the girl. They started chatting as classmates who were
staying together without any intention of having anything to develop between
them. Life continued like that till January the last year of their stay there,
he packed closer to the school to enable him study for his WEAC. Very fortunate
for them, he was living very close to the girl’s house. The girl often goes to
his house to study with him. This time around, there were things developing in
them but they were pretending that nothing was happening. After sometimes, he
opened up to the girl and told her that he loves her. To his greatest surprise,
she responded in affirmation. It was on one faithful afternoon when they were
alone in one of the rooms in their school hall that they first had their first
kiss. On that same day, he told her that, they are not going to marry each
other for they are age mates. The two agreed on that but they continued to love
each other and cared for each other. Live as normal continued and the affection
was growing very strong. When they started their WEAC, the fear of losing each
other came upon them.The question now is why the fear, if they
will not live forever? Continue Reading.........
The Period of Love: When you see a girl who is in love, you can see
it in her smiles and when a boy is in love, you can see it in his eyes. Life
during love is the sweetest thing one can get in life. Even when the love has
no intention of lasting forever. Every moment, one who is in love will like either
to see or hear or think about the one he/she loves. If the person is not
present and a picture of the person is present, it will serve in place of the
person. The story continues: After
their WEAC, they were forced to separate but social media made it easy for them
not to separate entirely. The girl travelled to Lagos and he had no one in
Lagos he can go to and that gave him serious emotional trouble but there was
hope for they still were talking over the phone. Two of them got admissions but
in different institutions. He got his within the state while she got outside
the state. She lost her phone barely two weeks after her resumption in the
school. As if it was planned, he lost his own phone at the end of first
semester and none of them did welcome back, which means, they lost contact. After
one year of no communication, providence brought them together again. Their
love grew stronger this time. Kissing was just like the air they breathe in.
they cared for each other with love messages in the morning, afternoon, evening
and night. Lengthy calls were their daily meals. Their feelings were as strong
as whatever you can think of.
Latter Days: Sometimes, love can make one not to think straight.
When one latter regains his thinking ability, decision then may not be
favourable to the situation that person and his/her lover may be. It is always
good to take a bold step in life and be ready to face whatever may come out of
it. That is how to live an authentic life. The
Story continues: The girl latter got a young man who loves her so much, who
proposed to her. She was in dilemma for she did not want to leave the other one
and also she knew that he will not marry her. She accepted the latter man. They
planed everything necessary for their marriage and fixed date for their
marriage ceremony. She could not tell the boy for she was afraid of the outcome.
It happened that one of the boy’s friend asked him one day. “Guy,
you allow another man carry your babe?” He could not understand it and he asked
further questions and got the news in detail. When he confronted the girl, she
started crying telling him that she could not afford to lose him. After all
said and done, the marriage came to pass. The boy nearly committed suicide
because of that. He was not himself for some months, even a years or two years.

It is Very Difficult:

God and man can help: When one is in this type of problem, it is no
longer a question of beating or scolding or blaming rather, it is now a
question of going back to the creator who also created love and those who are
experts in the field of helping those in that type of problem. Let us just finish the story: The
husband being a just man noticed all these all these years and finally decided
not to follow people’s advice of taking another wife and sending her away, but
to help his woman, himself and his family. He engaged the family in serious
prayer and also took his wife to a psychologist who helped the family. Prayer and
concealing were the way out of the situation of the woman. They are now living
in peace. And also the first love of the woman and his own family being family
friends now.
The Arrow was removed: It depends on the people who are or were in
love to remove the arrow that is in their hearts and people around them that
will help them. The boy made the first move and the husband of the woman helped
to finish it up. Love demands sacrifice and this sacrifice can come in many
ways. Either by doing like the boy or the husband, they both sacrificed something
serious. It is very important to examine the ups and downs of the relationship
you are going into before you go into it. The problem with them, was that they
did not examine the relationship. They were just dancing to the tone of the
love without control. It is never evil to fall in love or to be in love but the
problem is when it takes away your self-control. Self-control is very important
in every relationship so that, when it stops, you can build another one successfully
and continue your life. IF YOU MUST LOVE, LOVE WISELY. THANKS.
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