Genesis 22:1—2, 9a, 10—13, 15—18
Genesis 22:1—2, 9a, 10—13, 15—18
Romans 8:31b—34
Romans 8:31b—34
Mark 9:2—10
Mark 9:2—10
the whole Bible, there are so many stories about mountain. Both ugly and
beautiful stories happened on the mountain. Many beautiful stories that
happened on the mountain was horrible before they reach the Horeb of the story.
Come and think of Elijah when he ran out from Jezebel, he ran to the mountain, raven
was feeding him and the voice of the Lord came to him there (1Kings 19:11-18, 1Kings
17:2-16), think of Moses, he was meeting God only on the mountain (Exodus
19:1-34). God himself promised to prepare banquet for his people on the
mountain (Isaiah 25:6). Why mountain? Continue Reading.................................

God has prepared a banquet for us on the mountain, who can deprive us that? Abraham
did not spare his son on mountain Moriah and God himself did not spare his son
on mountain Calvary, so also we will not be spared on the mountain of lent to
enter Easter. The test like Abraham in the first reading is like what the Lord
has prepared for us, no one can change it, we are just to ask for the necessary
graces to pass. The lot marked out for us is our delight and we must welcome
indeed the heritage that falls to us. (Psalm 16)
gospel shows us the story of transfiguration. He took them to a high mountain
and there, he transfigured before them. Why did he take them to a high
mountain? Are there no low mountains around? Why mountain at all? Jesus was
taken to the high mountain during his temptation and he saw the riches of the
earth. Jesus himself took his four of his apostles to a high mountain and they
saw the riches of heaven. During temptation, you may climb many mountains but
check very well to see if you are seeing the riches of the world or that of
heaven. There must be Good Friday before Easter or more still Lent before Easter.
We must climb a high mountain in life but we should check if we are seeing the
riches of heaven or the riches of the world.
season is a serious season of the Church that offers us the opportunity to
climb the right mountain as Abraham did in the first reading and likewise Jesus
and four of his apostles. The riches of heaven will make you to say so many
things that you do not know. Abraham on the way to the sacrificial mountain of
Moriah, he said what he did not know. The Lord will provide (Genesis 22:8).
At the mountain of transfiguration, Peter said what he did not know. Let us build three tents here, one for you,
one for Moses and the other for Elijah (Mark 9:5). Peter even forgot
himself and the other three in his counting. Selfless love of heaven. And when
you notice that you are on the right path, you will be like Peter. And your selflessness
will be in Christ Jesus. You will be with Christ wherever he goes, Peter did
not count himself and others because he knew that wherever Christ will be, he
will be with him.
experience or experiences may sometimes not be palatable just like in Abraham’s
case, Jesus’ case during his temptation and many others in the Bible but the
outcome will be far better than what we may undergo. Let us today pray to have
the right mountain’s experience, no matter how hard it may be, to reap the
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