21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B.
Joshua 24:1—2a, 15—17, 18b
Joshua 24:1—2a, 15—17, 18b
Ephesians 5:21—32
John 6:60—69
John 6:60—69
Some think that church is a refugee camp that you will run to when things
get hard for you. It is not that the church cannot help in that aspect but it
is not the primary duty of the church. Catholic Bishop of Nsukka Diocese Most
Rev. Prof. Godfrey Igwebuike Onah in his 2014 Lenten pastoral message Volumus
Jesum Videre (we want to see Jesus), said, There is difference between a child that ran
to an elder’s house because he is pursued by a masquerade and a child that
prepared and went to visit an elder in his house. The first, when the
masquerade is gone, he/she will leave. Even when the child is still in the
house, he/she will learn nothing from the elder because he/she seeks only
protection that time. But when it comes to a child that prepared and went to an
elder, there will be discussions and he/she will learn a lot from the elder.
Tomorrow he/she will come back again for more but the other will not return
unless the masquerade is back. That is the same way some of us practice our
Christian life. Our church is not a bed of roses, it is a church filled with
many sufferings that have hope. If we are choosing Christianity to escape
suffering, we are making a serious mistake. Continue Reading...............
In the first reading, Joshua asked the Israelites to choose the God
they will serve. They quickly chose the God Joshua and family have chosen thinking
that they will never experience any hardship with him again. It is not all that
way but there is a way out. That way is what we can see now in the second
The second reading talks about unconditional love that should exist
among us as Christians. St. Paul used the love that exists between husband and
wife, and Christ and his church. Since we have known that Christ loves us so
much, why do we not love him back? He offered himself for us and he is
expecting us to do the same to him. How can we do that? St. Paul illustrated it well in this second
reading that talks about the first church one attends. The first God’s people
which is family. Serious love should exist between husband and wife so that
that love will extend to the children. Husbands should love their wives, and
wives should respect their husbands for they are their heads. Christ is the
husband of his church which we are part of, which means we have to respect him
for he is our head. Things we experience in this journey of love are not always
palatable but to whom shall we go? The gospel can tell better.
The gospel is the continuation of last week’s own. After talking
about eating his body and drinking his blood, some of his disciples could not
take the teaching again and in today’s gospel, they left him. When they have
left, he turned to his apostles and asked them if they were not joining them.
The answer Peter gave should be a lesson to all of us and it should be ringing
bells in our ears and heads everyday of our lives. "Do you also want to
leave?" Simon Peter answered him, "Master, to whom shall we go? You
have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that
you are the Holy One of God." To whom shall we go if we leave the
one who has the message if eternal life?

Our church is a church of crosses and crowns. We must embrace them
in order to be good Christians. If we wish to take graces from God, we should
also be ready to take grasses. (Job 2:10). The church is only a means not an
end in itself. It is not a resting place rather a way to the resting place.
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