Saturday 20 April 2019

Holy Saturday. Easter Vigil Year C. By Tobe Eze

Holy Saturday. Easter Vigil Year C.

First Reading: Genesis 1:1-22
Second Reading: Genesis 22:1-18
Third Reading: Exodus 14:15-15:
Fourth Reading: Isaiah 54:5-14
Fifth Reading: 55:1-11
Sixth Reading: Baruch 3:9-15, 32-4:4
Seventh Reading: Ezekiel 36:16-17a, 18-28
Eighth Reading (Epistle): Romans 6:3-11
Gospel: Luke 24:1-12
Some persons can be very religious in life. A certain woman during a burial (Christian burial), was sharing food. It happened that the food was not enough, she did not eat. After about 50 minutes or one hour when the food has finished, a woman came looking for food. When she was told that there was no food left, she finished the woman who shared the food up. There is nothing bad on earth that the woman did not rain on her fellow woman. Even when people tried to explain to her that the woman herself did not eat, she did not listen but was seriously barking. She told her that that is how they eat church money that poor people have contributed, that hell is now their birthright. After the whole thing, she left. What touched all of us who where there was, the woman that was insulted was just smiling and did not say anything. Continue Reading.....................................
When she was asked, she said, what would my talking have changed? Another day in the church during August meeting, she was appointed to share food again. She accepted that in good faith. She met a woman who was one time the president of the organization. After serving her, she called her back and asked her. Do you not know that I was the president of this organization for eight year? She answered that she knew. Then the ex-president asked her again. Why did you put one meat for me? You should know that some of us who have made serious effort to the success of this group should be treated well. Not like some of you who will die as sharers. She started from there and was raining abuses on the poor sharer. Like she did the other time, she was just smiling and did not say anything. After looking at this, I came to the conclusion that some can be very religious in life. Despite all those insults, the woman did not lose faith rather she continued her service knowing where she was aiming.
From the story, we can see what happened in the life of the apostles and the women that followed Jesus during his life time. After seeing all that they did to their master, had the gut to go to the tomb very early in the morning to anoint the tomb. They knew that soldiers were even kept there but they were not afraid. When seen this type of faith, Jesus did not leave the tomb closed after his resurrection so that they will not be stressed much. The stone was rolled out for them.

All the readings today are talking or pointing towards the glorious resurrection and salvation that Jesus has brought us through his death. The stone that blocked the tomb was rolled out for those who were ready to enter the tomb and not for the soldiers who were keeping watch around the tomb. Those stones in our lives can also be rolled out if we are ready for the Lord. A good Lent, a wonderful Good Friday will certainly bring about a perfect Easter Sunday and that was what happened exactly in the gospel reading. If we have done what we should do as through Christians during the preparation (Lent) and have followed well in the suffering, the stone will also be rolled out for us. We should run to the tomb of the Lord with ointment to anoint the tomb of our Lord in our hearts and we will find out that the stone is no longer there. Our ointment may be to live our lives just as those who did a good Lent as we are always in Lent by avoiding sin and doing more of charity works. Easter comes with joy and that joy will reach us when we see that the stone has been rolled out in our lives. THANKS AND HAPPY EASTER VIGIL (HOLY SATURDAY).

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