Saturday 13 April 2019

Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion Year C. By Tobe Eze

Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion Year C.

At the Procession with Palms.
Luke 19:28-40
At the Mass
First Reading
Isaiah 50:4-7
Second Reading
Philippians 2:6-11
Luke 22:14-23:56
There are two ways one can be exulted and two of them are manifested in the readings of today. The first gospel at the procession is telling us about the exultation human beings give to people and the latter development in life. The second reading at the mass talks about the exultation God gives to those who are humble through the example of Christ. There are some things that are made available for us to attain that humility that will give us exultation from God and those things appeared in the first reading. It is true that there may be ups and downs in the part of righteousness, many who have exulted us may turn to be against us but the joy of the Easter will be greater than the sufferings of Good Friday and this appeared in the gospel (Passion) at the mass. Continue Reading..................

One drunkard from my place after drinking each day will be singing a song in my dialect. Ezechiteoke numu ego manya, mmadu numu okomu onu. In the English translation, Good God give me money that I will use to buy drinks for myself, if people give me, they will mock me. Even a drunkard knows the effect of glory or exultation from people even in his stupid act of drinking.
In the gospel outside, Jesus before entering Jerusalem were being exulted by people, throwing branches of trees, palm leaves, even their cloths on the ground for Jesus to pass on them as if they understood whom he is. They were singing hymns of praise but Jesus knowing their hearts, wept for them. Some of the Pharisees despite that those praises were of the lips not from the heart were still jealous of him and asked him to tell them to stop. I will just like us to reflect small on these two outstanding points in this reading. False exultation and jealousy. Why do we like praising people even in their errors? Why do we like pretending to be happy over the joy of another when we are not? Why do we desert people at their difficult times when we are the one that do lead them to those situations sometimes? Let us look into these and correct them. Secondly, why are we always jealous of the good things that come to people? Why can’t we also be jealous of them in their hard times? It will pay us more to work to gain our own instead of being jealous of others. That time we will waste in the act of being jealous, we will use it to utilize ourselves.

First and second readings are teaching us act of humility. Jesus Christ knowing that he is God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped. He humbled himself and latter was exulted. As the Easter feast or solemnity is fast approaching, let us bear in mind that the grace of Easter can only rest on those who are humble. We can be exulted by men and latter they will crucify us just like in the case of Jesus, those who shouted Hosanna today will be the same that will shout crucify him on Good Friday but the exultation of the Lord is forever just like in Christ whom there is no name above his own. THANKS AND HAPPY PALM SUNDAY.

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