Tuesday 14 April 2020


In this world, anything that has advantage, there are still many disadvantages that follow it and we cannot discard it entirely because of the disadvantage forgetting the advantages of it. I thank my brother for recognizing at all that early marriage has some advantages but he emphasized the disadvantages more as if nothing good can come out of it.
Following your points, that someone is young does not mean that that person cannot take care of a family. The skill of a good home does not depend on the age but the maturity of the individuals involved. The home training of a person can make one to be knowledgeable more than an old person. If you invite our dialectical adage, it can tell you more, “Onye ije ka onye isi awo akiko”, which means, someone who has traveled a lot have more stories than an old person who has not traveled. There is a clear difference between growing up and growing old.
Your second point again has flaws. What type of youthful experience do you mean? For the fact that you are married does not remove the youngness in you. There are many who are very much capable to take care of twenty families at their youthful age and at that age you think they will be due to marry, they may not be able to take care of a half family. For the fact that they study does not make the marriage wrong for even those we feel they are now matured to marry are still struggling to study. Age does not bring understanding but maturity. Someone may be 50 years without having any understanding spirit while someone of 20 years will have that in full.
If you say that getting married forces one to lack in finance, what of those who made it early? There are some who are very young and rich and they can take care of many families. There are some women who bring open door for people. I have many existential examples of those who marry and their wives made them to become somebody in the society. For the fact that marriage needs money to maintain does not mean that marriage depends on money.
In conclusion, being married at the early age can bring disadvantages likewise marrying late can also do. We should not stress the other side of it forgetting that there are also good sides.
My brother, you would have made your point clearer if you used probabilistic words or statement than saying it capitally that early marriage is not good. Thanks.

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