Sunday 19 April 2020



Since the outbreak of this virus that is ravaging the world today, many things have happened and many news are flying both true and false news. Many have asked so many questions that are seriously looking for answers and some of them have not gotten the answers they are looking for.
Many have been reflecting on this situation and I decided to join the queue, for I can see the necessity. I have to reflect on some of what people are suspecting about this corona virus, the time it struck hard and our supposed responses to it as Christians and human beings. I may not write what might have never existed but I will make it exist in my own terms. Continue Reading........

Suspects about Corona Virus
1. God: If you go to many interior villages and some developed villages, people will tell you that God brought this sickness to punish the world for her sins. Taking Nigeria as a case study, they will tell you it is a punishment meted for our bad leaders and not for all of us. That God is fighting a just fight for us. Some will say that it is for all of us. That we have sinned so much and God is no longer happy with us, and that is why corona virus is ravaging the world. Others also said that, corona virus came to make those who do not have faith in God to develop it (Faith in God). Those who think that science is all, need to know that it is not true, and that God is all and all.
2. Satan: Some said that the devil is the one that is behind this corona virus and it is using it to put fear in people in order to win souls for himself. They said, God can never leave those he created in his image and likeness to pass through this, that it is the devil that is always in a fight against the good will of God that is causing this to take many away from God in order to enrich his own kingdom.
3. Human Beings: The suspicion is very high that this virus is created by human beings. Many believe that Chinese created the virus in a quest to gain world power and some believe also that Americans created it, sent it to China and China sent it back to them and it started spreading. All these are done because of world power. Following analysis of people on this, one may believe more that this virus was created. Ebola came and it was traced to monkey and bat, the antidote was gotten and we thanked God. Lassa fever came and it was traced to rats, the antidote was gotten and we also thanked God for that. Many others have come and their antidotes were gotten and they were traced to a thing but this corona still have not been traced to a source and the antidote is now very difficult to get. This makes many to believe that it was created in the laboratory. Some said it escaped from the laboratory before the experiment must have been completed and killed the person preparing it and that has made it difficult for the scientist to know the source and the antidote.
4. Chinese: Some believe so much that corona virus came from what the Chinese eat. That they eat insects and other animals raw and that has caused corona virus. Mr. Gozie Okeke so much believe in this. This may be very wrong for even those that do not eat raw insects and animals are now suffering it.
All these and so many others that I did not write may be true. It may be God or not, Satan sure and human maybe. In all, anywhere it is coming from, it is very dangerous.
The Time it Struck Hard 
When Jesus Christ was preparing for his public ministry, he went into the desert to fast, pray and prepare himself for the work ahead. Seeing what will come out of it, the devil decided to strike by tempting him in order to distract him, but he did not allow that to happen (Matthew 4:1-11). When the same Jesus Christ wanted to enter into the highest sacrifice he made, the devil through his human nature wanted to distract him by making him to pray against drinking the cup he was destined to drink but, he also did not allow that to happen (Matthew 26:39). The disciples were meant to wait for the risen Lord and the Holy Spirit in the upper room to get the power needed for their work when the devil decided to cast some doubts on them and some decided to leave, Peter went out with some to fish (John 21:3), two disciples were already leaving to go to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35), in all Jesus brought all of them back.
I think all that happened those days somehow are being repeated in our time now. Corona virus started in 2019 and struck us hard in 2020. Why did it strike in Lenten season and more especially in the Holy week and Easter season?
a. As Catholics, we believe that Mass is the highest prayer and sacrifice one can offer and that, the so called corona virus has struck.
b. As Catholics, we believe that Easter Tridum is the holiest week and days in the year and that, the so called corona virus has struck.
c. As Christians, it is believed taking from the bible that, where two or more are gathered in the name of Jesus Christ, He is there with them, and the so called corona virus has struck it.
This time that this corona virus struck us is the most precious time it has taken from us and we should not allow it to go free. We should fight back and collect what we have lost. How can we do that?
Our Supposed Response to it
Since this corona virus is a fact that has come to distract us, let us now not look at the source, if we are not experimenting on the cure or vaccine; let us leave where it is coming from and where it is going and do the needful. We should observe all that we are asked to observe and fight this fight to win.
When the religious Leaders (especially Catholic Bishops) announced the suspension of any public religious gathering, many blamed them to the highest point saying that they do not have faith again. Many said the devil has won them and also trying to win all of us through them. That may not be right at all and even if it is right, it is now our duty to do the needful putting in mind what Jesus told the Jews, “Respect and obey what they teach you because they are sitting on the seat of Moses but do not follow their ways of life” (Matthew 23:2-4). You can obey our religious leaders even if you think corona virus is not real.
You can do the needful by obeying the directives and more especially praying harder in this moment. The best thing to do this moment is to trust God more and pray harder. This moment, the devil will gain more souls if care is not taken. Many will leave themselves very lose in this period and that will be the worst that will happen. It will no longer be the devil using the religious leaders rather, one will become his direct servant. That public religious activities are suspended, private religious activities are not suspended and that we should increase its volume. This is not the time to work during your normal prayer times for instance, time for morning masses, prayer meeting, you can perfect that in your homes. Many religious leaders are making effort to air their prayers, follow them in spirit and gain the necessary graces involved. If we follow this as it should be, we will have nothing to lose and the devil that struck this time will go back in shame. I think the devil wants to use this time, this opportunity to win souls, but we can deny him such opportunity.
I can comfortably say that the devil is behind this corona virus. All people’s suspicions may be right but God is always a loving and merciful father who will always save his people from any sort of problem that they may be into.
This is not the time to relax spiritually, it is time to move to the highest level of spirituality. It is no longer time to be living in churches and prayer houses but the time to live out what we have learnt over the years in the churches and prayer houses. When we come out of this, many will lose faith and they will regret it. Do not follow that group rather, fight till the end and also enjoy it at last.
As we wash our hands always to avoid contracting physical corona virus, let us also wash our hearts to avoid contracting spiritual corona virus. As we distance ourselves from others physically, let us also distance ourselves from sins. As we sanitize our hands with sanitizers to fight corona, let us also sanitize our spiritual lives with constant prayers to fight the devil. As we wear our face masks to prevent corona, let us also wear love to prevent hatred. As we wear hand gloves to avoid corona, let us also wear charity to avoid hunger among us. As we make effort not to spread corona more, let us also make effort not to spread fake news. When we must have done these, whether the devil is behind corona or not, we shall win the battle.
Given by Tobe Eze on April 19, 2020. Divine Mercy Sunday at Queen of the Rosary Secondary School, Nsukka.