Saturday 13 June 2020


Since the outbreak of this deadly virus called Corona virus (Covid-19), the world has suffered it hard and still, she is suffering it. Many people have died because of the virus in many places in the world. There is no sector that has not experienced the effect of this virus in the world. It has changed the program of the world. The church experienced it, mosques, markets, schools, financial institutions and many other fields and some are still suffering it now. In many countries of the world, many died and some are still dying. Continue Reading

In our own country, we think that some are infected already, some dead, some survived and some are still suffering it. We believe more that this virus is real outside our country than here because of many suspicious things we see in our own country. In other countries, when an isolation centre is shown, we see people gasping for air, in our own isolation centres, we see empty beds or people having a kind of party there. Is this not abnormal? A state in this country, an isolation centre was vacated because of Sala and those there went and mingled with people. Is this not abnormal? NCDC announced two index cases in a state and the government of the state said, it is not true. Is this not suspicious? And many other things that happen in our country which I will treat few below.
I will treat this sub-topic in accordance with some sections that I have observed to be a sort of problem to us in this trial time.
The Bank: From what I observed and still observing, the bank is one of the places we will contact the virus more if it is real. We are advised to keep social or physical distancing to avoid getting the virus but banks do cluster us at the gate for us to write down names. There will be no atom of social distancing of any sort there. If you insist on maintaining the social distancing, then forget your business in the bank. People will stay at the gate from morning till afternoon without being attended to and some will just come and they will make way for them and tell us not to react. That is when corona flies, because people will shout and lament and few will be putting on their face masks.
Our Markets: During the lock down, all our markets were locked and people were suffering it. People decided to turn everywhere along the road to be their shops and there you see serious social contact. If this is real in our country, we would have got it more during the lock down than now.
Again, the funniest part of it is that, those who were employed to see that no shop opened during that period turned it to Business Avenue. I call it “Corona Business”. They will collect some amount of money from shops owners, depending on the capacity of the shop and allow the owners to open. When they pay, corona will go on leave or it will go and stay at the shops of those that did not pay. You use money to send corona off and continue your business. If this corona is real in our country, we are doomed.
Our Security: On Monday 8th June 2020, I was going home from my place of work, Queen of the Rosary Secondary School Nsukka. In front of the school gate, I saw vigilante men stopping Keke Napepe and motorcycles users. They were checking face masks and those that were carrying more than two in the Keke. That was the work they went out to do but they changed it to corona business. Those who were carrying more than two persons in their Keke were paying them. When they pay, they will allow them to pass with the number. When they pay, corona will leave the Keke and enter the Keke of the one who have refused to pay. Who is fooling who? I also observed the same thing at Orie Orba in Udenu Local Government. Are this people not betraying us? If this corona is real, we are doomed because of these actions of men.
We all are aware of the massive transfer of the Alamanjeries from the north to south-east. They crossed many check points but none stopped them till they reached their destinations. Who is fooling who? It was also reported about force men collecting money from travelers travelling beyond boundaries when the federal government said otherwise and allowing them to go anywhere they like. If this corona is real in our country, even you a security man or woman will also die because of it.
Our Face Masks: It is true that we are not used to this face mask of a thing and many things happening are even making us to doubt the reality about corona in our country but we should also consider the other way round. I also find it very difficult to wear but I have to. But from time to time, I remove it to get enough air and I do it when I am not in a crowded place.
My suggestions will be based on the things I have observed all these while. From Banks to our face masks
Banks: I suggest banks should allow us to go back to our normal way of banking which was less risky than what we see now. They should only maintain the directives of our medical advisers. Compulsory face masks and they should sanitize the hands of all that will enter than risking us at the gate. If this corona is real in our country, you people are making us prone to the virus.
I will suggest again, if the former way cannot work, then you people should please, tell us that this particular number of persons, you will attend to in a day so that many will not waste there days in this hard time. Some have gone to banks for three days without getting into the bank because they do not have connections and the list they wrote their names have not been paid attention to. When you come and see that the number for the day has been completed, you will not waste your time, you just go back.
Our Markets: Because the lock down rules have been relaxed small, I may not talk much here. I only suggest that lock down should not come back again. It makes us vulnerable than any other thing. And worst still, it kills more than corona virus. Some lost very huge amount of money because of the lock down which was not obeyed properly both from the authorities and the subjects and that sent many to their early graves. The rate of those suffering High Blood Pressure is on increase, likewise those suffering from stroke. Many lives were also lost because of it, please, let it not come back.
Our Security: The worst sets of betrayers I have seen in this country are our leaders and our security officers. After all the warnings about how deadly the virus can be, our security officers had the mind to collect money from travelers and allowed them to go to any place of their choices. Too bad. I suggest our security officials should pick up the pieces of their consciences and amend them. They should work more with conscience than greed. In my dialect, we do say, “anu aduchataru nee ize anugu eju eho (meat gotten from the teeth openings cannot satisfy you)”. You will be killing yourself and many others by doing that.
If you are determined to work, please, ask the Keke man that is carrying more than said to pay and still reduce the number, if the person loses two times, he will obey. If you collect money and allow the person to go, then they will only increase the price per person and use it to pay you. There is nothing good in risking lives of many.
Our Face Masks: I strongly advice, weather corona is real or not in Nigeria, please let us try and use the face mask in a crowded place, it will save us even from other diseases than we many even get through the same method as of corona. We should not wear it for formality sake but for protective sake.
To us all, we should not lose faith in God. He is our saving Lord and he will save us. This corona is not above God. It is a visitor that must surely go. The only thing necessary now is for the people in charge to tell us the truth.
NCDC should tell us the truth about the virus in our land.
Doctors and nurses should tell us the truth about the virus in our land.
Our government, both federal, states and local government areas should tell us the truth about this virus in our land.
Those discharged should tell us the truth about the virus in our land.
Those in the isolation centres should tell us the truth about the virus in our land.
Those that are having the virus should not go into hiding, please save us and go to the isolation centres.
If truth should be told, we are going to achieve a lot in curtailing of this virus. Many are doubting the presence of this virus in Nigeria because of inconsistency and falsehood in the issue of corona in our country.
If this corona is real in our country, from what is happening, we are doomed. Please let us save ourselves. Thanks

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