Wednesday 12 August 2020

NO GAIN. By Tobe Eze


What do people gain in letting others suffer what they themselves suffered and did not like the experience? Let me start this with a short story.

A certain man from a certain place once went to a particular native doctor to get charm for protection. Continue Reading........

He was given the charm but he was paying from the nose for what were required by the native doctor were unimaginable. The charm requires renewal every month and what is required for that is too much. It happened that one of his friends who was also looking for protection came to him for help and he promised to help. He took his friend to that same native doctor to get that same charm that he was already looking for a way to remove it. His friend got the same charm and entered the same trouble. When he asked his friend who put him in a serious trouble in the name of help if he knew the implication before taking him there, he answered him yes that he was away but not ready to suffer it alone. What did he gain?

You are into an occultic group that is seriously tormenting your life and you are busy initiating others into it. What will you gain in their suffering? You are into a cult group that you know that you cannot come out and you will live in perpetual fear, you have been looking for a way to leave the group but not possible and you are still taking people to the group to join. What will you gain? You have formed a habit that you know it is very bad and you have been working towards stopping it but when your brother, sister or friend asks you for advice in issues relating to that you ask the person to do the same as you do when you know it will not favour the person. What will you gain? Why should other persons’ suffering give you joy if you are really a human being and not a beast? I thought the Igbos said that, “Okenye adighi ano, ewu amuo n’ ogbiri. Ma obu, Onye hu okuko n’ eri nsi ya chupu ya maka n’ amaghi onye ga eri isi ya”. Instead of people chasing the fowl away, they are taking them to toilet either. It will pay us nothing to lead others to suffering or allow others to suffer what we have suffered but it will pay us more to save others for “Okuko adighi echefu onye foro ya odu n’ udu mmiri”. Thanks.

Tobe Eze (DAN~HILL)

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