Thursday 13 August 2020



The rate by which young men and women become useless these days is quite alarming. We all cross our hands waiting for the government to provide us with opportunities to make it in life but they are seriously failing us. Regular joke in the social media will always say “education is the key but the problem is that after studying, we will notice that government has changed the padlock”. We are living in a country that the youth are not cared for. Shall we continue to wait for them? For me the answer is “No”. We can still do something. Continue Reading.......... 

It is true that there is unemployment everywhere in the country but we are also not helping matters. We have many potentialities in this country that can help us with or without the government helping us. What are we doing to actualize these potentialities? We have many ways we can employ ourselves but people will always pitch their tents on the ground of unemployment. Since we have known the fact of unemployment in the country, shall we continue to live like that? Is there nothing we can do to help? Someone once told me that after his degree, that he cannot go back to start learning new handiwork or business again. “It is somehow”, in his words. What is somehow in trying to create yourself when government has failed to create you? Some only go to learn known big works and businesses, forgetting that many have left some small businesses and works that give money on daily basis to cling to that one. In some areas in this country, you will travel miles before getting a computer center, this gives you money in small quantity but it comes everyday. Insofar there is life, people must continue to have one celebration or the other, in some places, rentals are not near and even if found may not be in order and it will be costly. There are many things we can invest locally to help ourselves and not wait forever for government that does not even care that people are waiting for them. We can still change our lives with our own hands and not wait forever for government. Thanks.

Tobe Eze (DAN~HILL)

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