Monday 5 July 2021

Tuesday Of Week 14 Year A By Tobe Eze

 Tuesday Of Week 14 Year A

First Reading: Genesis 32:22-32

Gospel: Matthew 9:32-38

Theme: Let us keep it till this day

It is very common in our nature and among us to keep what we got from our forefathers both good and bad and we call them tradition or culture. This is mostly found in our youths these days going back to what our parents ran away from to embrace the gospel in the name of culture.

After the story of Jacob and the fight, we heard that his name was changed. Can’t we keep changing from bad to good till this day? We also heard in the conclusion that the Israelites do not eat the hip till this day because of their father Jacob. Can't we keep morals our forefathers taught us to this day? We stick to so-called cultures of our parents but will leave the morals they taught, behind. Who is deceiving who? No one is against our genuine culture but people leave our cultural heritage and take up the ones they like which most times are not even our culture.

In the gospel we can see Christ doing good despite the evil talks from the Pharisees against him. He also showed us what to keep to this day. Let us teach those who need teaching till this day as Christ did. Let us also show compassion to those who need it till this day as Christ did to those who needed it. Let us heal hearts till this day as Christ healed those who were sick. If we do these, if we keep them till this day, we shall make heaven. Thanks.

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