Monday 21 June 2021



Nigeria is now so terrible that no one is sure to sleep and wake up again with his or her head still attached to the body. We are being beseeched by all sorts of evils every day. We are now very much confused and afraid that we do not even know whom we are to run to. The government has failed us automatically and we do not even have a single hope in them again. Hoping on ourselves now is also becoming problematic for we are now increasing the fire instead of quenching it. Why do I say this? Continue Reading..............

We wake up almost every day with different bad news and they increase the tension and fear in us. Many things are now happening that we are quite sure that our only hope is God. But my question now is, why is it that we like to increase and hype the fear we have already by circulating false news? Someone knowing that we are already tensed up, will wake up, sit down, and after thinking for a while will come up with a voice record of treat to increase the fear in us. In almost every WhatsApp group, each day you will get up to two or more voice records of treat about what is to come. You will see things like these: I am a pastor based in USA, my name is Desmond. The Lord asked me yesterday night to tell you people that Nigeria will collapse. Send this message to all your contacts, all the groups you belong. I was in a dream last night and the Lord said to me, “tell my children in Nigeria that their days are already numbered that they will be wiped away if they do not do 30 days dry fasting and praying.” And so many other stupid things they claim come from the Lord.  And to worsen it all, they will end it with threats. If you do not share, you will die, you will suffer and others. What do we gain in lying and putting people into unnecessary tension? And some who are ignorant or who are not logical will just click share button and they will continue to spread the record in order not to die or suffer. What a terrible situation we have.

Let me ask, what do we use the wonderful brains God gave us at our creation to do? Why can’t we analyze these things sent before sharing? Pastor Desmond, living in USA. Desmond who? Which part of USA? What is the name of your church? Which state are you from in Nigeria? Your local government, town, community, village, clan or kindred and your particular family? If we are to verify your information, how can we do that? If I tell you now that I am Tobechukwu from Enugu state, for Christ sake, how can you locate me? If I am sincere to you, I will tell you that I am, Hillary Tobechukwu Eze, the son of Onyishi Cyril Eze from Ogbodu Orlu Agbamere Eha-Alumona in Nsukka, Enugu State. If you reach Ogbodu Orlu, please do not tell them that you are looking for Hillary Tobechukwu Eze because I am not known with that in my village, just tell them Tobe Eze and they will bring you to me. With these details, you can get me and verify everything I have said but if I had left it as in the first place, even in the next world, you will not get me. Let us try and verify news before sharing. And to those using the name of God in vain, the second commandment will treat your case and remember also that by extension, you are a murderer. All those that will die of fear because of what you have sent, you will partake in it and the fifth commandment will not leave you just like that.

Another group is the group of those who go about exhuming old horrifying videos, circulating them as recent news in order to increase the tension in the country. Please we are almost living without elders because many of them that saw the civil war are afraid to experience anything related to it again. They are dying of High Blood Pressure. These videos we are circulating are causing more harm than the good we may intend to achieve by circulating them. They are making people to live in perpetual fear and not being at alert or security conscious. The truth remains that the country is in a worst state now. No one can deny that fact, but let us not kill ourselves before the coming doom (if God will allow it). It is very wonderful to alert people about the state of the country, but please do not exhume old horrible videos and tag them recent videos. We have not even finished watching the recent happenings and you are presenting to us old news as if it is a fresh one. Many are suffering from High Blood Pressure and they cannot absorb shocks. Please their lives are very precious to us. Let us allow them to live longer.

Another end to this is that some of us are now becoming tired of these videos and we do not take them serious as they should be. Since we get them every day, some of us now believe that they are fake and we are now relaxing. We are no longer being all that security conscious. No one is to be blamed because it is caused by the attitudes of those who are not charitable enough. Please let us concentrate on the recent happenings and leave old ones so that we will be sincerely security conscious. 

In all, obodo adịro mma. We should not relent in praying and watching (being at alert), our country is in a serious mess and this type of situation can only be solved now by praying, changing our ugly life styles for we are also major sources of our problems. Daalụ nụ.