Wednesday 16 August 2023




Please read to the end.

On 31st of December 2021, I was praying a prayer (Rosary and others) given to us in the Catholic Charismatic group and my Spirit man was quickened. After the prayer, I told God that I needed a sign of His presence. I told Him to do something that is impossible to convince me. Few minutes into this plea, rain started drizzling. At first I thought it was not true but I was wrong. I confirmed the drizzling. That was huge because it's something very unusual at such time of the Year.

Continue Reading..........

This Divine presence prompted me to pray into the new Year and my Spirit told me that 2022 would be a year of spiritual and financial explosion. I wrote that on my WhatsApp status, Family group chat and also on a plain sheet and dropped it on my Altar, with much conviction.

I then promised God sacrifices of devotion. I told Him I would sleep on the floor in front of His Altar in my house from January to December, aside other sacrifices. So from January to December (between 6pm and 6am) I slept on the floor or sat/slept on the cushion communing with God. I had access to my bed  only outside these times. This is because Matthew 7:6, Mark 9:29, Luke 5:33-39 ........ explains to us that in order to grow, a new you is needed. You sacrifice something to grow higher in the spirit. You need to proof your worth of it by shedding off your old self which can be achieved by body mortification.

I also had daily study of the word and constant prayers, from one Novena to another especially in the midnights, Church programs, listening to preaching even while sleeping, etc. I fasted from food and sometimes without water for days. In August during my leave, after reading the book; "FASTING, ATOMIC POWER WITH GOD" by John Hall, I embarked on an indefinite fasting (please don't fast for a long time without reading that book to avoid harms). I drank only water for straight eleven days. Though I was very down and started work two days after but I still donated one pint of blood to someone that same week when the need arose. God is a wonder.

Within that last year, I recorded outrageous and inexplicable miracles all through. Some of them are written down and very vivid. They will convince You of God's powers as I unfold them. GOD IS REAL, FOLLOW HIM.

NOTE: Before that time, I used my nights for Crypto activities but GOD allowed me to be disabled from that so as to have my full focus on Him those periods especially at nights.....

Here are some of the events;

By March of that 2022 God gave me a strong pointer to whom my Wife would be.

1. My Dad's swollen leg.

My grandma died on 2nd May, 2022. I got home on the next day and was greeted by another shot from the devil. My Dad's one leg was acutely swollen. I stared at it in amazement. After a little while I declared that as far as I am there, the leg can't get bigger but rather return back to normalcy. When Elijah was drunk in power he told King Ahab, no rain will drop except by his words (1Kings 17:1). While we were mourning my Grandma I was in night prayers too. When the healing was a bit delayed, everyone got afraid except me and my Dad. People came with different advices but I stood my ground. I left home on 9th or 10th to resume work. By then the leg was getting better and it gradually returned to normalcy by God's might.

2. The Office key

I got to workplace one day and everyone was outside, both patients and staff because the key to the central door got spoilt. The in-lock went inside and the more they tried to bring it forth the more it went in until it was about to fall inside. I met them at that point and look at it and prayed to God within myself. I said God help me to get something that I can use to bring this key back. I went to the back of the department and came back with two metals (wire). I put one inside and twisted it and started pulling it out. That was how God work that wonder to everyone's amazement that day.

3. God's revealtion of mysteries to me

2022 was full of revelations of uncommon knowledge, insights, dreams, etc. Many of them are written down. Some of them have ending like #SAVE-ONE-SOUL-PER-DAY# You may have come across one.

4. The miracle rain drops.

One day I was angry at some circumstances around me. It rained that day and while the rain was falling, my Spirit told me that I should go out and allow the rain to touch me but I refused owing to my anger. I have had this promts other times and I always obeyed my spirit. I was on my single cushion that day and within few minutes of refusing to follow that prompt, rain passed through the roof of the house and through the ceiling and started dropping on the handle of the seat, splashing on me. I was greatly amazed. This occurrence repeated itself some other time.

5. My Friend's instant healings.

My good Friend called me at midnight and told me how sick she was. She told me that she was sure she wouldn't make it. She wanted to call the Mom too but I stopped her because they were far apart and it was already too late, coupled with problems that might come out of such call. I tried to shun her from accepting to die so early. I encouraged her until She believed that Jesus can heal her. I then reminded God my covenants with Him in prayers and prayed for her. Almost instantly, she got well. This happened about twice more.

6. My Friend's insomnia cured.

As I was conversing with my Friend one night, I told her it was time for me and my God. She boldly told me that since she knew me it had always been prayers and God things. She said I should tell God that she wants to see His powers. She said, "I have not slept for days now because of sleeplessness (insomnia). Tell God that I want to see His powers". Within me I said God You are hearing your daughter and my reputation is at danger. She then asked me to sing worship songs for her before I would go. Few minutes into the worship I noticed that my Friend was not following again. Then I dropped the call and continued with God. She woke up late the following day and called me to apologise for talking to God that way. That was how insomnia was cured.

7. My Nephew's healing.

One day my elder Sister called me and told me that the Son was dying. The people around were praying including a pastor in the compound but to no avail. At first fear gripped me but I mustard courage to tell her that the Child would be fine. Thanks to God I was prepared for work but was still in the house. I knelt before God's Altar and prayed, "Lord You said in Collosians chapter two that everyone who is baptized is buried with Christ and in the same baptism you resurrected him and therefore his life is no longer his but Christ's. This Child is baptized and named Emmanuel which is Christ's name. Therefore I command any evil spirit or demon that is making demand of him to loose it's grip and disappear forever in Jesus name, Amen". I left for work and when I got to office I called my Sister. She told me He had become well. That was how God did it.

8. My Friend's HBP and the healing

Sometime in June 2022, my Friend came down with high BP and other health challenge. She became so down that she barbed her hair. She had crises many times. When my spirit made a survey I found out that the high BP was not ordinary and it runs in the Family. She was so much afraid of starting to suffer managing BP from tender age. I told her that God would heal her and her case would be different. We journeyed with God in prayers. She allowed God to refine her, stopped wearing trousers which made up most of her clothes then. When I was observing my eleven days fast in August 2022, she joined me too. She would stay all day without eating food but take a little sometimes at night. This was someone that had had crisis for skipping a meal. The High blood pressure disappeared. She became very sound. The BP sometimes even appeared to be below 120/80. Stomach ulcer that had tormented her for years vanished. Till today those disease are gone. It surprises Doctors even up till today. God can attend to you in that problem.

9. My senior Sister's labour and delivery (5&6/10/2022).

My Sister's different scans showed different expected date of delivery (EDD). She engaged in so much exercises especially trekking. On one occasion after scan she was told to go and see a doctor but she didn't refused. Her first delivery (twins) was by operation. I believe she was afraid of being booked for another operation. I called her one day and she told me that about two dates had passed and no sign of labour was around. But the frightening part was that she kept telling me that she was already tired but I kept shunning her from losing hope and speaking negative things. I was in the Church one day and my Spirit revealed to me the deaths the enemy was planning. I prayed against it. One day I woke up and my spirit told me to embark on a fast. When I came back from work I called my Sister late in the night and told her I want to pray for her. After a long prayer session we ended the call. My Sister said in about two hours time after the prayer labour began. They called me in the midnight when they were already at the place of delivery. I was awake too because my Friend was taken to hospital that night. We journeyed through with God all night. My Friend was discharged in the morning but my Sister was yet to deliver. We journeyed in prayers. Labour continued throughout that early hours of the morning and the day. I went to Fellowship from work. While I was coming back the Husband called and told me that they had entered labour room but the Child was not coming forth. I got home quickly and knelt before God's Altar and prayed, "Lord your words in Like 1:37 assures me that nothing is impossible before You. I know that that Baby is big in size. Please compress him/her to enable delivery and return him/her to the original size after delivery." Few minutes into this prayer the Husband called me and told me that successful delivery had taken place. That was how great God did it.

We thought the battle was over but after they discharged them the following day, my Sister couldn't use her legs to walk. I knew it that that was a little thing to what God does. Some days later God perfected her. Glory to Him.

10. The home key.

God will always confirm Himself to proof that it's Him. While I was in the house in October 2022, we came back one day and my Dad exclaimed that my Mom had locked the main key inside the house without knowing it. There was an alternative key but my Dad told me it doesn't open it. He tried it himself and it didn't open. I tried it too and it refused. I prayed to God within myself, "Lord help me to open this key". After that prayer, God guided me to put just the tip of the key inside and turn it. That was how God demonstrated His powers again.

11. The crisis in my place of residence.

Certain time in August/September I was instructed to pray in tongues for one hour every night starting from 11:50pm. When we pray in tongues, the Holy Spirit helps us to pray according to God's will. But when we pray in words we may dwell only in our wants and may not get answers. Desire tongues and Holy Spirit will give it to you (John 7:37-39). During that prayer God opened my eyes to various secrets things happening in that my place of residence. In October, I tried to attend to some of them. It later bursted out to physical problems, with threats and quarrels. Many People in the main building with me became so much afraid but I stood my ground. And by God's might He upheld us. No power or threat can affect a faith driven Child of God..

12. The naked wire.

Around October 26th 2022, God led me to Luke 10:19. He assured me there that He has given me authority to walk on serpents and scorpions and against all the arrows of the enemy and that nothing shall by any means hurt me. I felt bolder the more. On 31st October 2022, I was washing my clothes outside and I was unconscious of the Electricity wire from pole to our house which I knew had cuts and naked wire. I raised my hands up and my wet fingers touched it unconsciously. I immediately remembered and raised my head up and realized my wet fingers must have touched a naked wire and there was light but I felt nothing. I would have died if not God. He has done wonders in my life.

13. The third but mysterious key miracle

On 16th Nov., 2022, my Wife to be came back from the day's activities and found out she had lost her door key. She called me that late evening and told me but I couldn't give her full attention because I had a visitor. After seeing the visitor off, I came back and knelt before God's Altar and prayed, "Lord tomorrow is the CCRN National program at Ubulukwu Delta State which I have told her I would be going. Do not allow her to question your powers again. Besides this is night and she might end up sleeping in a wrong place. Please unlock that key by your own powers". I called her while still praying. I told her to carry her Neighbor's key and put it in to open it. She told me they had done that several times. I told her remember I always tell You that when am talking to you I am communicating instruction and you don't need to doubt it or give me reason but behave like Peter when Jesus told him to cast his net (Luke5:3-9). She said okay. She told the People in the house that she is instructed to go and open the door with their key. They tried to discourage her but she persisted and they followed her while I remained on the call. I told her put it, twist it, ............... She said it was not opening. I told her collect another Neighbor's key and try it, that I don't know how it will open but it must open now. She told me okay. She then said I can end the call because of airtime so that they can go and get another key. She called me back almost immediately to tell me that she was already inside her Flat. She said instead of going for another person's key, one of them saw an old key in her window and it opened it immediately. The key to the in-lock key which was lost was bought just few weeks ago. But God used an old key they didn't know who kept it to open it. There is efficacious powers in prayer.

14. The immediate return of the stolen phone.

I came back from that CCRN program on 20th Nov. 2022. My Wife-to-be told me on phone that she was going to market. She plugged her phone inside her room and went out with the small phone. She locked her door and kept the key in the palour for her roommate. She also locked the Palour and hid the key somewhere outside. She came back and called me. She was shouting and crying that her phone had been stolen. She met only the charger. But the doors were properly locked and the roommate when contacted confirmed She never came back. I told her to stop crying but she couldn't contain it. ..... lamenting, my phone that I just bought few months ago.................. Then I shouted at her "have I not told you that it's not everybody's property that can be stolen?" She stopped crying. I assured her that the phone was coming back immediately. I told her to kneel down and tell God what she wanted and afterwards start cooking what she bought from the market, and if the roommate comes back she should not show any sign that she is afraid of the phone not coming back. I ended the call and knelt down before God's Altar and prayed, "Lord thank You for how far You have led us and the miracles You have done. Remember Lord how we have been able to preached to each other through this phone. Remember how helpful this phone had been in our knowing You. She did not steal this phone. She bought it with her money. Therefore, wherever the person that stole the phone is, let there be so much thunder and lightening that he/she will bring it back unconsciously". In about ten minutes time, she called me with the phone number in the phone that was stolen. I picked it and she told me "you won't believe this, one of my Neighbors brought the phone back and started telling me stories". That is how great God's wonder can be. Pursue Him with purpose and assurance.

15. The eyelashes and burning eyes.

Sometimes around middle of 2022 my wife to be called me in the night and started apologising that she did something that I do not like. I asked her what it was and immediately she mentioned that she fixed eyelashes, the next thing I heard was shouts; "my eyes, my eyes, my eyes!". And the shout continued until she used her hands to force-pull both of them out from her eyes. She later explained that the two eyes became hot as if burning. I never even said a word when God taught her the lesson in a better way. From that time till now, she has never fixed eyelashes again. You need power and demonstration of miracles to save some Souls (John 4:48). Not everyone will listen to your preachings and salvation is not just by mere words or grammatical articulation. After that, I remembered what happened in the Bible in Mark 9:20 and other places.

16. The mysterious leg problem

 I don't want to end this without telling you about how God saved me on 1st September, 2021. Aside wonders prior to 2022 that prompted steady miracles which I just listed some above, let me tell you the might of God against poison.

I went to work that day and because it drizzled, the central door was still locked and patients were outside. Though I wasn't supposed to open it but because of the little rain, I went and collected the key and opened it. One of my Madams was around as I was opening it so we all went inside. I opened our offices and started preparing for the day's work. After some minutes I noticed that the top of my left leg was paining me. I ignored it. I noticed the pain was insistent and suspected my shoe lace being tight. I checked and it was not tight but I still loosened it more to avoid doubts. The pain intensified in few minutes. That was when I knew that something had happened. I went and told my Madam that something is wrong with my leg and I want to go home. She suggested I go to physiotherapy people in the hospital but I told her I knew what was wrong and it's not physiotherapy matter, that I need to get to my house. On my way going, I met one of my junior Colleagues and just after little discussion my leg had become more difficult to walk with. When I got home I tried to pray but the zeal was not there. I prayed little and slept only to wake up in the afternoon with immobile and inflamed leg. I started praying and by 3pm I prayed my Divine Mercy prayers alongside. After that I slept again and woke up in the night. To my amazement, my leg had become very okay. This is what only God can do. His wonders will make you wonder.


these stories of events that I have told you are real encounters. God's powers are available to anyone that can make him/herself available. If you want to command things seek God genuinely.

IN CASE YOU KNOW WHAT I DO IN MY SECRET PLACE then read further. You mustn't do what I do to achieve results. Different People have different ways of approaching God. Some are gifted naturally and some make extra efforts and God sees their hearts and bestow the gifts on them. Meanwhile, strive to be holy while you seek God. Reject lies and live by the truth. Offer sacrifices of different kinds. Aside group prayers create a personal time with God (Matt. 14:23, John 8:1-2). Transformation happens in our personal worship, prayers and meditation. I maximize my night time.

I fast from time to time because it helps me to disable flesh and seek God with more concentration. In fasting God disables many disturbances and unnecessary things and kill irrelevant appetites. I have ulcer which I told God not to heal it but anytime I want to fast, once I tell God about it He will take good care of me. Fasting focuses me more on higher things. God will not use you for mighty things the way you are. If you want to access higher things you need a new person in you. You may need to do away with many things that you are holding tightly now.

I try as much as possible to keep Sundays sacred. Isaiah 58:13&14 specified it. Personally I make efforts not to buy anything on Sunday except on emergency. I don't travel on Sundays except on emergency. Sometimes I off my data all through, off my television, don't charge my phone except on power bank (Exodus 16:23-26), switch off my lights etc, on Sundays. I rest and listen to and read the word of God.

Studying the word of God is not optional. It is by studying it that you know your rights and become transformed (2Cor. 3:7-18). I have audio Bible. Sometimes I play it all through the night even while I sleep. Sometimes it's sound preaching from genuine Men of God and sometimes it's worship songs. When am cooking or washing clothes what keeps me company is the preaching or worship songs am playing. And most importantly, I make efforts to live by these preachings.

In sacrifices I open myself up to God. I deny myself some important things and tell God to tell God to use it to take away unnecessary appetites and distractions. Sometimes I endured pains through nights while I sleep on the floor. Many night I slept for just 3 hours or lesser while I journeyed through prayers. I deleted worldly songs from my phone and others. I made efforts to pray Rosary 5, 10, 30 decades, and sometimes I do that while processing with my kneels round my room in pains, Angelus prayer by 12 and 6 am and pm and short prayer of Divine Mercy wherever I am and other ejaculatory prayers as my spirit promted me at anytime (Luke 18:1). We need constant fellowship with him devoid of distractions. That is how we access light and have dominion which we exercise when need be. Every created things out to be subject to us (Mark 11:21-23). That was why I gave and give orders to even keys. I once held one coconut tree that the fruits wasted away in 2021 and into 2022 and commanded the fruits to be useful. That 2022 was it's most bountiful time if am not mistaken. Seek God in truth, I assure you that you shall find Him.

Not observing any of these sacrifices is or may not be a sin but observing it may move God to speedily work wonders for you.

Faith can achieve anything. I know it's very hard to teach about faith because it's not something physical and it's more difficult to exercise faith when we are faced with real critical situation but you must have faith if you need God to work for you (Heb. 11:6).

The above were majorly 2022 events. Many things have happened in 2023. Maybe I will tell the stories some other time. Shalom!

Remember, you mustn't do what I do to obtain your own results but seek God genuinely and let no one make you to believe that God can't save you in any situation.

Nnadi AN

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