Wednesday 11 January 2023



Have you ever wondered why you will come to a particular society and you will be witnessing unwanted pregnancies, high increase in child birth and poverty, and over population?

Yet, we leave in a society where by things go wrong, economy shutting down and crimes is on the increase every day. Continue Reading............

We do every other thing to remove these abnormalities and we have researched and tried every solution but yet haven’t come to a conclusion and has failed to imply family planning. Family planning is the surest way to maintain other in the society. But people have failed to adhere to this. Let’s take Ebonyi state south eastern part of Nigeria and let’s say some parts of the northern part of Nigeria kastina state where education and civilization is yet to reach its people as a case study, you will find out that these people don’t know what family planning is and what to do to avoid unwanted pregnancies. And these places are places that has recorded high level of crime rates and child misplacements because of lack of proper information and this as a result, has caused a lot of child misplacements which has led to increase of banditry and terrorism in our country Nigeria. Before we continue, we will first of all find out what family planning is.

According to UNFPA, Family planning is the information, means and methods that allow individuals to decide if and when to have children. this method includes the use of contraceptives including pills, implants, intrauterine, devices, surgical procedures that limit fertility, and barrier methods such as condoms – as well as non-invasive methods such as the calendar method and abstinence. it also includes the information about how and when it is desirable to get pregnant as well as when to get the treatment of infertility.

And it also helps improve and mange the economy of a country. Based on how many people they are in the country and economic distribution of a country.


Hormonal method: this method includes pills and injections and implants of drogues. Also contains hormones called estrogen and progesterone a woman makes in her body. This method works by preventing eggs from being released from the ovaries.

Barrier: these are devices that attempt to prevent sperm from physically entering the uterus. The sperm is thus blocked from reaching the egg, they include the use of condoms, cervical caps. diaphragms and contraceptive sponges with spermicides.


There are a lot of reasons why family planning should be implemented and they are as follows.

1) family planning enables the woman to fully recover after child birth.

2) It gives enough time for the woman to provide love and attention to the husband.

3) The children will also get the attention, love, attention and security they need from their parents while growing up.

3) With family planning, the family responsibilities are lighter and can be easily dealt with.

4) It enables the parents to easily provide the basic needs of the family like food, shelter, Education and a better future.

5) It aids in the economic growth and distribution of a country.

6) It reduces the risk of maternal mortality.

7) It improves life options for women and give them more control over their fertility.

7) It reduces the high rate of illiteracy and increases literacy in a society.

8) It also assists in reducing pressures on the environment and public services.

9) It creates favorable conditions for socioeconomic development in a country.

10) Family planning also aids in achieving humanitarian goals.

11) Family planning aids in reducing domestic abuse and child labor.

Conclusion: family planning should be one of the things to look into if the government want have economic and population control.

Things are now going out of control including crime rate, pregnancies, abortions and finally death simply because we lack proper information on how to deal with these factors. One of the surest factors to have stability and control is family planning. I think in the society really needs to be aware and also the government should create avenue for the awareness of family planning for it will aid in creating a well and stable nation.

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