Wednesday 13 December 2023

Christmas Day: Mass During the Day. Year B. By Tobe Eze


1st Reading: Isaiah 52:7-10

2nd Reading Hebrews 1:1-6

Gospel: John 1:1-18

Theme: The Word was made Flesh; but it is finding it Difficult to Dwell among Us.

We have come again to continue the celebration we started previous night. In the night, we talked about Joy, despite the situation we have found ourselves. It is the continuation of this message of joy that we have gathered here to share. Continue Reading..........

The situation in the first reading is now on the Southern part of Israel and now Babylonians and no longer Assyrians are the oppressors. Even the temple was destroyed, nothing was left and the remaining were taken into exile. We are in almost the same horrible situation, Isaiah is calling us as he called on his people to bring the message of joy, hope, love, care etc. how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good tidings, who publishes peace, who says to Zion, your God reigns. This Christmas period is the best time to bring this good tiding.

God gave his people good tidings through prophets in the old, but in our time now, Christ is the good tiding among us. Christ lived like us and showed us the perfect way of giving this good tiding. This is the crus of the second reading. We now have a formula in Christ.

The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. This is the best thing that has ever happened to humanity, for God to dwell among us. He came to show us the practical love and not just words. As we have seen that no matter the situation that we are called to bring good tidings and follow the example of Christ. What then shall we do?

We have to note that when we talk about good tidings, we are not talking about empty words (though words are important) but actions. No one is too poor that he or she has nothing to offer, if you do not have cash, please have kind (let it be positive kind). The problem is that some think that anything can form good tidings, mba nu. Please let us bear in mind that gossip is not a good tiding, swindling to please people in this period, prostitution to get money, kidnapping, stealing and committing all sorts of atrocities in the name of Christmas is not good tiding. Unforgiving spirit is the destroyer of this period, we should know it that it hinders good tiding. These and many more make it impossible for the word made flesh to dwell in us.

We must like our master Jesus, give life to the dying, give food to the hungry, give healing to the sick, give money to the suffering etc. We shall never run dry by giving, it will increase us more. Christ did all these and we hear them today and rejoice over them. Let us do our own today, those that will hear them tomorrow will also rejoice and thank God that we existed.

Even those of us who would harden our hearts, the poor will never force you to help but they may have peace more than you do. He who sleeps on the floor is not afraid of falling from the bad. Man’s conscience determines how we sleep and not the mattress we have. May we bring good tidings to people today and forever, and the word will dwell among us. God bless you! Happy Christmas.

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