Wednesday 13 December 2023

Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph (Feast). Year B. By Tobe Eze


1st Reading: Genesis 15:1-6; 21:1-3

2nd Reading: Hebrews 11:8. 11-12. 17-19

Gospel: Luke 2:22-40

Theme: Family life; A Journey of Faith

Often people like to attract pity by telling ugly stories about there families. Some would also be positive sometimes in telling stories about their families. Whichever one we have chosen to tell; we should always bear in mind that faith is required in every family. Faith in God and your family members. Again, we here every now and then that this is not what I bargained for in family issues, no one can know everything about his or her family before being in the family (especially husbands and wives). We may have in our heads prototype of families we would want ours to be like, only to go in and start seeing different things altogether. It is a journey of faith. Continue Reading..........

Though Bible did not say it but I certainly know that Abraham and Sarah never prayed to stay these number of years without a child as in the first reading. Though they did not plan for that, they trusted God and from them generations came as in the second reading. I also know that Joseph and Mary did not plan to have a child before their actual marriage as in the Bible (we may say, out of wedlock) but they have accepted the child and even performing rituals for him as in the gospel. 

If couples stay long without a child, it is always a trouble, if they start giving birth before marriage, also a trouble. But we can see that through these two ugly situations. God has visited his people. We are in the season of Christmas and many are celebrating, rejoicing. The funny aspect of the whole thing is that some are not celebrating because of one family problem or the other. May we note these:

1. No family is without a problem. No matter your problem, celebrate because God can change your laughable situation to a situation of smile.

2. Do not compare because you may not know what the other is suffering. If Abram/Sarah were to be placed side by side with Joseph/Mary, each would have chosen the others position. Abram’s family would say, do you know how many years we have married without a child, you are lucky Joseph. Joseph would say, do you know that my wife will be stoned to death because of pregnancy out of wedlock.

3. No condition is permanent. Even if you could not solve it, those after you may solve it. 

4. No child is unwanted. No matter the means, the child is a gift from God and should be cherished. Let us try our best to avoid illegitimate acts that give to child bearing, but ones a life is there, the child is no longer unwanted.

5. Children, you may not be fully aware of what your parents passed through to get you, keep you and train you, please do not grieve them. Be sources of consolation, joy, happiness, peace, love etc to them.

6. Parents, that I know what I suffered because of this child or these children should not be a reason for failing to give proper training. It does not end in giving birth, training is of great importance. 

May God visit us in this our family journey and help us to be counted as people of faith and heal us of our every wound. Thanks, and Happy Sunday.

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