Thursday 22 December 2016

Christmas Mass During the Day By Tobe Eze

Mass During the Day
Isaiah 52:7—10
Hebrews 1:1—6
Longer Form John 1:1—18
This is Christmas, let us shout Alleluia, this is Christmas, let us shout Hosanna. Christmas is back again. Since four weeks we have been preparing for this very day. This day is a great day to the Church and the whole world. Christ is born to us, Glory be to God. Christmas is for all, not for only Christians. Those who say it is not for them also notice it and also obey it. I went to the market to buy wrist watch. When I approached an Hausa man popularly called ABOKI to bargain for it, he told me #1200. I asked him why and he answered. “This is season, Christmas is at the corner. When you also meet those practicing African Traditional Religion (ATR) they also repeat the same thing. Which means it is for all. But all these are physical things. This Christmas of Joy, how joyful is it when many around us are in agony and we can liberate them from it? How joyful is it, when the one who offended us since last year, we are yet to forgive them and not even ready to forgive? (Ikpe mụ na gị bụzị n’ eligwu) How joyful is it, when our neighbours, friends, blood brothers or sisters and relations etc have nothing to use in this Christmas and we have more than required and still we don’t want to help out in this situation? Christ brings Joy to the world. Continue Reading

As Christians, why not we help that joy to reach to the ends of the earth? Share whatever you have because there is love in sharing and the good Lord will give you more. (Anụrị dịrị onye ma ọbụ aka n’ enye enye). How God and how pleasant it is when brothers live together. How good and how pleasant when brothers eat, drink, dance, chat and discuss during Christmas. In the Gospel, Jesus came but the world did not recognize him. Jesus is here with us. Let us recognize him with our words, thoughts and deeds. For those who recognize him, he makes Sons of God. WE MAY not recognize in many big occasions where those in our classes will come but we may recognize him in doing or remembering the following: Remember the poor around you, remember prisoners, remember orphans, remember motherless and fatherless children, remember the less privileged, remember the sick and also remember the dying in this Christmas. These are the ways we enjoy the joy of Christmas in full. Try to remember everyone both spiritual and temporal. Help people in this Christmas both in kind and cash. Christ is no more near, but he is already here. Let us recognize him in the people around us. Let us not move to hills and valleys looking for him while he is with us. Dispense the joy of Christmas and it will remain with you forever and ever Amen.

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