Thursday 22 December 2016

New Year Day. Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God By Tobe Eze

New Year Day.
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
Numbers 6:22—27
Galatians 4:4—7
Luke 2:16—21
It is not all those we started last year with are present now witnessing the New Year. It not also all those who were healthy last year are healthy now in this year. Many have died and many are seriously sick. But we are here some alive and sound and some alive just little unsound. PRAISE BE TO OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST BOTH NOW AND FOREVER AMEN! We are to sing, jump, clap and dance onto the Lord for his goodness to us. Where shall we start? (Ebee ka anyị ga ebido ma ebee ka anyị ga akwụsị?) The Lord is good. In the first reading because of his love for us, he gave format for blessing us. The LORD said to Moses: "Speak to Aaron and his sons and tell them: This is how you shall bless the Israelites. Say to them: The LORD bless you and keep you! The LORD let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you! The LORD look upon you kindly and give you peace! So shall they invoke my name upon the Israelites, and I will bless them." His love for us is too much to be counted. In the second reading, he also in the appointed time gave us the Son through her mother to also make us his own sons and heirs to his kingdom. Continue Reading

We cannot thank him enough but we can only learn from Mary in the Gospel to ponder all in our hearts. Let drop all the bad things we did last year, let us leave all the sins we committed last year. Let us focus on the good we should be doing throughout this year. Forget the things of the pass and remember them no more. We should only focus our minds in thanking God and planning for the good of this year.  Lord God, in the simplicity of our hearts, we have joyously offered all things to you our God. You have been on our sides from January to December of last year and we know you will continue to do it throughout this year. We thank you for the once you have done and hope that you will do it again. (Eto dike na nke omere omekwa ọzọ). We thank you Lord. When we thank him with all sincerity, our blessing will come to us. He will see us through in all our endeavors this year.   Let us sincerely thank God for his goodness to us in our lives, families, schools, places of work, roads, market, church and many other ones which we may not even know or remember throughout last year so that we may still receive more of them in this year. PRAISE BE TO OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST BOTH NOW AND FOREVER. AMEN. MAY HIS NAME BE PRAISED BOTH NOW AND FOREVER. AMEN.

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