Saturday, 21 October 2017

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A. By Tobe Eze

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A.

Isaiah 45:1, 4—6
1 Thessalonians 1:1—5b
Matthew 22:15—21
With regards to the experience Zacchaeus had on the Sycamore tree, this can show us that he knows all. He was a man who had not met Jesus before, but Jesus called him by his name on reaching where he was. He was surprised that he noticed him on the tree and to worsen it all, he called him. (Luke 19:1-10). Still on that line, prophet Jeremiah made it clearer that even before we were born, he knows us. (Jeremiah 1:5). St. Paul in one of his letters made it clear to us that in him all things hold together, which means he has all (Colossians 1:17). Sometimes we try pretending to be saying the truth that the way we are taking to get to the that life is the best forgetting that he is also the way, the truth and the life, which means, he is all. (John 14:6). Continue Reading..........................

Some of us think that God knows only ordained ministers or some who pray very well or more still some who claim to be holier than others, but the first reading is making it more palatable for us today. Though we don’t know him very well but he knows our going out and coming in. He clears the way for us in all we do. His plans for us are for good and not for bad. (Jeremiah 29:11).  He is the only one who can do everything we need, it only takes us to search for that person that does everything for us both in season and out of season.
St. Paul knows that the reason for God to have been doing to us all that he is doing is not from us but because of the love he has for us is today writing to us through the Thessalonians to remind us about it. It is God’s love that does everything for his people not the righteousness of his people. Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
The Pharisees ignorant of who he is asked him to test him or even worst, they set trap for him to fall into it by the question they asked him. Psalm 94:8-10. Asked can he who created eyes not see, or ear not hear? And so on. Jesus is the master of all wisdom, so trying to get him for what he will say is like pouring water on a Rock. We all are witnessing it today how he made those who think are wise fools like Socrates of old.
My problem in today’s Gospel is the misinterpretation our Christians give to it. When we have any challenge in life, we shout, give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and God what belongs to God. What do we have that belongs to Caesar? When boys in the name of culture start robbing, raping and every other outrageous act, we Christians will quote for the person who wants to fight them, give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to him. Without God or outside God Caesar has nothing. It is because God created us and also created Caesar that made him to have anything. What our Lord is saying is that when you borrow something, try very hard and pay that thing back. Not to pay when you have not bought, borrowed anything and not doing it for charity. If that is the case, when arm robbers attack you do not complain, just give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and God what belongs to him. Give to them what they ask for, the thing or things belong to them.

God is the only one who has everything, who knows everything even all our thinking and who is everything good you can think of. Come to me all who are overburdened and over laboured and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28). It does not take much, just come to him. Let us not always see everything as belonging to Caesar. He has nothing on his own. Outside God, he would not have existed. Nebuchadnezzar tried living outside God and we all know how he ended up (Daniel 4:33). Everything is not spiritual attack, some are physical and some that are spiritual are products of our behaviors. So let us today redress our ways and come back to the way, the truth and the life, he who has everything, who knows everything and who is everything. THANKS AND HAPPY SUNDAY.

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