Saturday, 21 October 2017

IF THERE IS NO DEATH…………………………… By Tobe Eze


The action or fact of dying or being killed; the end of the life of a person or organism:  synonyms: demise · dying · end · passing · passing away · passing on · loss of life · expiry · expiration · departure from life · final exit · eternal rest · murder · killing · assassination · execution · dispatch · slaying · slaughter · massacre · snuffing · curtains · kicking the bucket · decease ·
Life can end in many ways as written in the definition. Let me start from murder. One Igbo adage said that onye gburu nwanne ya abụghị dike. Why should we kill each other? It pains me a lot when I hear that someone has been killed either by any means. Charm, strangling, deeds and words. We can kill each other anytime any day.
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Is It Only Charm And Weapon Can Kill?
The answer is emphatically NO. We can kill through many ways. One is, through words. One certain year in my place it was recorded that a man after attending village meeting came back and told his wife that the best in this world now is death. The wife asked why and he said his kinsmen told him openly that he is a bastard. That he should not talk again till he finds his father. It was said that after two days, the man hung himself. How was killed by his own kinsmen not with any charm or any weapon but WORDS that came out from their mouths. Another woman was also recorded that she drank poison because her fellow women called her a man because she had no child. We should mind the kind of words we use on our fellow human being for we may be committing murder through that. It is good to think before we talk, not thinking after talking. And we should learn how to manage words, for there are truths that are to be managed before we say them.
We can also kill with our deeds, like sight, the places we go. What we do to people may cause them emotional trauma that will never leave the person till it kills the person.
What are the disadvantages of death?
1.       It frustrates.
2.       It removes hope.
3.       It loses faith.
4.       It brings another death.
It frustrates.
When death come upon a pillar of a family or the bride winner of a family, the family sometimes fell frustrated. They sometimes ask God some rhetoric questions which they expect God to answer them. Some questions like: God why me? What have I done? What do I do? And many other question. Sometime in the past, there was a couple, two weeks after their wedding, the husband had an accident and died. Out of frustration and shock from the death of her husband, went into the kitchen to cook, she use petrol in place of kerosene, she could not differentiate between the two. She was consumed by fire though she did not die but was recreated. There are many stories of what death has caused people. Some lose their senses and never to come back to senses again. Death Why?

It Removes Hope.
One of my classmates in the secondary school lost his parents through car accident, when we went to visit him, he told us that it is over between us that there is no hope again for him. Death has succeeded in making some hopeless in life. Ebe onye nkea nwụrụ, mara na hope adịrọ. This is what some say when death visits them. Such a painful situation.
It Loses Faith.
There is a family in my village, there were very devoted to everything that is activity of the church. They never believe that any other thing can help them in life except Christ. They had three sons and a daughter. One day like that, the last son died without being sick. After three years, the only daughter died, they God gives and God takes (Chineke wetara Chineke ewerela). The following year, the first son died again remaining one that was when the woman shouted, Chineke ewezila ọzọ, that is, God stop taking. People advised them on many places to go to avenge the death of their children. They refused, but when the only remaining child fell seriously sick. They entered places where spirits are afraid to enter abandoning their faith say onye Chi n’ azọ n’ azọ onwe ya. That he that God is helping, helps himself. They dropped their faith entirely because of fear of what death has done to them. Our faith shakes most when we are faced with death. Man does anything in life to avoid death but the problem is that after everything, death will still come.
It Brings Another Death.
 Cases have been recorded where people kill themselves after the death of a dear one. It is no longer a news. A woman jumped into a well when it was announced to her that her son is dead and died there. A man when heard that his second son who was the bread winner of the family died climbed a palm tree and cut his rope, fell from there and died. Many heard and unheard stories everywhere. What a wicked thing.
What are the Advantages of Death.
1.       Population Regulation.
2.       Removal of Evil.
3.       Saving of soul.
Population Regulation.
These days there over population explosion in the world and some countries are now looking for a way to reduce their number. There is no other way the number can reduce except when people die. But despite that population is too much, people have no right or authority to take any life even the one dying. Life is sacred.
Removal of Evil.
Some who practice capital punishment kill evil doers when caught. They do that so that the person will not do more and to deter others from doing the same. Some die because of evil they commit not being killed by anyone but just die ordinarily. There was a man in my place that died and boys dogged the grave very deep up to ten feet and buried the man before elders could finish their meeting. They did it so that he will not wake up to continue with his evil acts. Death has ended that one.
Saving of Soul.
The Lord removes the soul of the righteous from among the evil ones so that they will not deceive him to sin. When a good man dies, he goes to God and rests and his soul is secured and save (Psalm 125:3). The only way to heaven is death, so no one will go again to heaven without dying. Nothing unclean will enter the kingdom. (Revelation 21:27). Flesh is unclean for it makes us to commit every sin we commit in life, which means it will not enter the king.

If there is no death:
1.       The devil will rejoice for his agents will continue to win.
2.       Men will not obey God for we obey because we are afraid of death.
3.       Evil men will continue to rule. But for the fact that they die, then sometimes the good will rule.
4.       Heaven will be a story.
5.       Hell will be a comedy.
6.       Incarnation, birth, life, death, resurrection and the salvation of Christ will be wastes.
7.       The Holy Spirit will not come into existence.
8.       Jesus will be the most foolish creature. And many other things.

So, death is very necessary. For the fact that we do not know, when, how and where it will meet us. We have to be prepared always. Let us not pray to live forever rather pray to die a holy death and secure everlasting life in Heaven. Thanks For Reading.

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