Friday, 20 October 2017



        Irresponsibility is the bane of failure in most of our life projects. Marriage as an institution of the greatest importance in the history of societal creation, development and expansion needs nothing short of the greatest responsibility on the part of the parties in marriage for its success and thrive.  Lack of commitment in marriage is the cause of huge percentage of the breakdown of many marriages.  Statics of the marriage breakdown and its causes show that many young men and women who embrace marriage do not qualify to marry before they enter into marriage. Whereby such persons are not qualified for marriage, it means that they lack the capacity for taking up the obligations and duties of marriage.  In other words such marriages would be in the stormy waters of immaturity and are bound to fail. Continue Reading................................................
Marriage is an institution constituted by God between a man and a woman bound together by love for the purpose of living in partnership and producing and educating children. Scripture defines marriage as an institution whereby man and woman are united and by such union the two become one flesh and no longer two persons (Gen 2: 24; Mt 19:6). Canon Law defines marriage as a covenant by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of their whole life and which of its own very nature is ordered to the well-being of the spouses and to the procreation and upbringing of children. This partnership between the baptized persons has been raised by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a sacrament (Canon 1055 §1). Civil law defines marriage as a contractual agreement authorized by legal authority for a man and a woman to establish social and legal dependencies for the purpose of founding and maintaining a family. The sociological view is that marriage is an institution which determines a mating relationship for the purpose of founding a family.

          A shameless man was arrogantly saying the other day that he is living with a fourth woman in marriage, having gone through 3 other women and gotten children with them and dumped them. The children of four mothers are now having one father and this man claims to be a Catholic Christian. The present concubinage which he calls marriage will soon crash and he would look for a fifth woman. This is just a wicked and an unjust infestation of children which is a direct abuse of children and a great injustice to the society which the off-springs would not favor following the impoverished growth and life they might experience since the children of such a man no doubt have to be victims of traumatized marriages.
           The marriage (canon) law indicates that a person is not qualified to marry who gravely lacks the due discretion of judgment concerning the essential rights and obligations of marriage which are mutually given and accepted by both parties. In other words any person who cannot make a critical deliberation, judgment and free decision about the nature marriage and its properties (rights, obligations and duties) is not qualified to marry. The law expounds further that any person who lacks due competence in carrying out the essential obligations, responsibilities and duties of marriage is not a candidate of marriage. Such incapacity on the part of the man or woman could be as a result of psychological or psychiatric condition of the person which renders him or her incapable of making the just deliberation and decision about marriage before entering into it (cf. c.1095). Many marriages experience breakdown because of this fact. Many who enter into marriage in spite of their mature age are psychologically very immature. Some have psychiatric problems either from the family lineage or causes of accidental or drug related nature. 
         A person who attempts series of marriage and always has problems and does not succeed is suffering from psychological or psychiatric disorder. Other psychological or psychiatric defected persons include drunkards, drug addicts, sex maniacs, homosexuals, lesbians, violent predators-who have the habit of beating their partners, fraudsters, chronic liars, etc. People with such ills are not mature enough to enter into a life time covenant (marriage) which demands utmost responsibilities towards their partners and families. Such chronically unhealthy personalities rarely succeed in marriage. To qualify for marriage, they need to be effectively treated and cured with proper certification before entering into any marriage. The clear reason is that such deviant personalities cannot make sound judgment and fulfill the essential rights and obligations of marriage. Marriage is not meant to be a trial adventure. It is a very serious life covenant that requires the right minds and hearts to undertake. 

           Other unqualified persons for marriage include those prohibited according the law by diriment impediments. Such are the persons who have not attained the ripe age for marriage-those with too tender age to be able to discern and embrace the nature, properties and obligations. Others are those who have blood relationship or relationship by adoption; who abduct or are abducted for the sake of marriage; who have been ordained Catholic transitional deacons or Catholic priests and those who have received their final vows in the religious congregation; a person who hides important information about himself or herself in order to deceive his or her partner.
            Among such persons is also a person  who is involved in killing somebody with the intention of taking his or her place in marriage; who is pushed into marriage out of fear or force inflicted by another person; who plans to keep his or her intimate relationship with opposite sex while entering into and staying in marriage; who is not willing to bear and train children while going into marriage; who has other ulterior motives for going into marriage apart from the real marriage; who does not believe in or has not the plan for staying permanently in the marriage he or she is going into; who is not capable of engaging in true sexual intercourse with his or her partner for the purpose of pregnancy and bearing of children; who is still in the bond of a previous marriage etc.

        A lot of crisis in marriage experienced by couples and families today are the off shoots of the incapacity of persons who deliberately or ignorantly enter into marriage without being qualified. Marriage as a vocation should be given enough attention with regard to its study and preparation on the part of those who intend to marry so that they could have the true knowledge, awareness, understanding, acceptance and conviction of the reality of marriage and its properties.   
         Families, Churches and schools should concentrate efforts in teaching our children on time the meaning and nature of marriage. I would also advice that schools should create or introduce in their curriculum a course on marriage and family both at the secondary school and university levels of education. These measures would go a long way in minimizing the rate of invalid marriages and breakdown of marriages that really harshly affect our families and society especially today. 

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