Monday 23 April 2018

2nd Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy) Year B. By Tobe Eze

1.       If you follow all that you see, you will be eaten by all that you see. Tobe Eze.
2nd Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy) Year B.
Acts 4:32—35
1 John 5:1—6
John 20:19—31
Pope Francis said that “if we do not get tired of asking for God's forgiveness, he will not also get tired of forgiving us our sins”. Again, Psalm 118:1, Give thanks to the Lord for his love endures forever. God's love towards his creatures especially human being is unmeasurable and indescribable.
A certain wealthy man was on the point of death. His wife went and called a priest for sick call, when the priest came and the man was told. When the priest went in to meet him, he told Fada. “It is of no use being here for me for I know where I belong”. Fada asked him what he meant by that and he told him that he belongs to hell. That God cannot forgive him his sins, that his sins are many. “Fada, obaro uru, bia lawa”. After all said and done, he refused to accept the sacrament and the priest left. He latter died in that state. We have many other stories like this one. A woman also on the point of death rejected sick call because of the particular priest that came. “Oburu n' obughi assistant ya lawa”. If the priest that came is not the assistant, he should go. Again on the positive side, we can talk about Constantine who accepted baptism at his dying bed. And so many who have repented on the point of death. These are stories of those who thought that God is tired of giving his mercy to us and those who still believe in his mercy. Continue Reading..........................

I think that being in the right place at the right time and doing the right thing attracts God’s mercy in life. The first Christians were at the right place at the right time and were doing the right thing which made the spirit of the Lord to be with them. Those who have, were bringing what they have out to be shared equally with those who do not have. In our world today, we give things to those who do not need them and neglect those who need them. The rich give to only rich fellow which makes it more difficult for the poor who need it to get it. Government gives Waldrop allowances, sitting allowances to those who have plenty and forget the poor around who need them most. Apostles took serious note of that and they were progressing. The backbone of that was love. Where love and charity abide, there God is found and where God is, his mercy lives there.
Love should be in the centre of everything we do in life. Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is begotten by God, and everyone who loves the Father loves also the one begotten by him. In this way we know that we love the children of God when we love God and obey his commandments. For the love of God is this, that we keep his commandments. This is gotten from the second reading. Love of our brothers and sisters in Christ. There is no other strong way to show this love if not by giving or caring for those who need our help.
In the Gospel, Jesus manifested his love for his followers. Thomas was not around when he came but just because of him, he came back again. No matter our sins, he can come back to us again when we show him that we are ready to leave our sinful state. Thomas immediately shouted “My Lord My God”. We can as well shout it as we leave our sinful present state.
Many Catholics make this mistake of saying God is merciful, after sinning, I will go for confession and all will be over. I cannot tell you that all will not be over but I have to tell you that the problem is knowing the year, month, week, day, hour, minute and second it will be. Many others say that God who is merciful cannot allow us to go to hell, it is only when we have done something that merits his mercy. His mercy is never a guarantee for us to sin we have to change. THANKS AND HAPPY DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY.

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