Monday 23 April 2018

3rd Sunday of Easter Year B. By Tobe Eze

1.       All men are the same always follows a bad experience with a man. Tobe Eze.
3rd Sunday of Easter Year B.

Acts 3:13—15, 17—19
1 John 2:1—5a
Luke 24:35—48
I was going somewhere one day with my motorcycle, when I reach a roundabout. I was taking straight so I waited for the person taking the roundabout, as I was waiting, a man from behind hit me and started shouting. Bia kedu ihe bu nsogbu gi? What is your problem? Why blocking the road? As he was shouting, the person I was waiting for passed and I continued. The funniest thing happened that the man followed me. He passed me and stopped. I stopped also for he blocked my way. He came to me and asked me again. Are you stupid? People around there who saw what happened came around. They started defending me even before my talking but the man was even trying to beat me. As all these were going on, a young man recognized me and immediately descended on the man and they started to beat him. They were telling him that if you are ignorance of road signs, when you fail any of them, say sorry. I had to come and be separating them and also begging them to stop. After all he left with pains. Continue Reading.................................

Sometimes we behave like the Jews and that is what St. Peter is seriously telling us to come out of it. The Jews killed Jesus out of ignorance and even when they were corrected, they insisted and maintained their stand by killing the early Christians. In this first reading, we are asked to accept our sins and seek for forgiveness. The first reading ended with “Repent, therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be wiped away." Let us repent and right our wrongs and we will be forgiven.
My children, I am writing this to you so that you may not commit sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous one. Second reading also is showing us that once we turn around from our sins through Jesus Christ who died and has risen from death just to save us, we will be saved. Some have not gone for confession for over some years, months and weeks now, we have to wake up from that sin slumber. We have to look for the sacrament of confession as fast as possible to save ourselves.

Even in the Gospel, when the apostles realized that he is really Jesus, they corrected their doubt on him and welcomed him with joy. They were happy and ate with him after his resurrection. We have to correct our doubts on God. We have to change our way of life and live the life of people whom their Lord has risen. Eat with him in the sacrament of Eucharist. His body is food indeed and his blood is drink indeed.
The story above, is just to show us what we may see if we do not change our way of life. The man went home with pains. We may go to hell at the end of all if we do not change. Another story to show one who accepted his mistake. I was with a priest in his car, we were on speed, when he wanted to apply the break, it did not respond and we hit a packed car. The owner came out barking but the priest accepted his fault. He told him that he is very sorry that it was all his fault. He was not putting on anything that will show that he is a priest. After sometimes, one person from the crowd that gathered shouted. Fada obu gi? The man asked if he is a priest and he said. Wow, what I humble priest. Just go you are free. He said because Fada did not defend himself even when Fada knew that he tried but his break failed him.
The problem we have sometimes is trying to put into practice the Igbo name onyemelukwe or odinkemumelu to worsen it all, emeebo. No one wants to accept his/her mistake, the person will deny from head to toe or even shift it to others instead of accepting it. The earlier we right our wrong the better for us. Let us take good steps backward to save ourselves from eternal damnation. THANKS AND HAPPY SUNDAY.

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