5th Sunday of Easter Year B.
Acts 9:26—31
Acts 9:26—31
1 John 3:18—24
1 John 3:18—24
John 15:1—8
John 15:1—8
I like borrowing the words of my spiritual director Rev. Fr. Jude Nwodo, “Your
conscience is clear is not enough, live it out. We may claim sometimes
that our consciences are clean but to see the cleanness in our behaviours will
be a difficult task and that puts a question mark to that clean conscience(s). In
2015, I went to a certain parish to deliver a talk to the youth during their
youth week. When I reached there and the person who invited me introduced me to
the President who can be my father in his age. He looked at me and said. Odogwu
can you do this, what have you to offer? I felt ashamed but I told
myself that, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians
4:13). After the talk, he came back and asked me. How old are you? I told
him, it is not necessary, that what is necessary is what you are made of. Since
then he has been inviting to many places for talk. Continue Reading...........
first reading presents us with the story of how Paul was rejected by the first
believers for he was known for persecuting the first Christians. After his introduction
and preaching, it was obvious that he has proven that he was really no more
Saul but Paul. It is only the fruit that we bear that can speak more about us
not what we tell people that we are. How do we live this Christian life? It is
very difficult to live it. But the problem of living out this Christian calling
is not normally that it is hard to live but what will follow it. Paul was
smuggled out because of the words and actions of good Christian he lived.
Senator Dino Melaye is suffering seriously now because he said the truth. He talked
at length about the situation of the country.
second reading started with these words, Children, let us love not in word or speech
but in deed and truth. Action speaks louder than voice is like national
anthem to all of us but we still find it very difficult to do it. Faith, love,
trust, truth and other Christian virtues are not meant to be expressed only by
words of mouth but more through actions. Faith without good works is dead (James
2:14-16). We must bear fruit if we really are still attached to the Vine. A man
in my village got converted, he started going to church and was devoted to
every activity in the church. Any church’s program, he will attend it. He was
very serious as a traditionalist as he is currently in Christianity. He was one
of those that use to make music for masquerades, he endured that for the first
three year and in the fourth year he said. Bia nu okwukwe ga akwusi ebea. This
faith will stop here, I cannot continue to miss this. I am a Christian, let me
go and use that music and praise Christ also. He continued with his going to
church’s activities and also go for the masquerade’s music. He was just living
the life of faith only on lips not in actions. He detached himself from the
vine and many tribulations followed.
of from me and you can do nothing (John 15:5). Lord, to whom shall we go, you
have the words of eternal life (John 6:68). If we cut of from him, where are we
going to attach ourselves to? We can stick to him through our actions and also
can cut of through our actions. We must as Christians abide in the Lord so that
our actions will portray what we believe in. We may prove people who think that
there is no longer a good man left wrong (Psalm 14:3).
the story above, I was glorified through the fruit I yielded among the youths I
met. It is not bad actions or evils alone that catch up with people who commit
them, good deeds also catch up. As we bear fruit, we should bear also in mind
that life is never a bed of roses, we will face many trials and temptations as
Paul faced in the first reading. The reward for good work is more works. It is
in the face of temptation that we can bear more fruit, fruit that will last. And
after all the unfading crown of glory will be ours (1Peter5:4). THANKS AND
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