Saturday, 19 May 2018

Pentecost – Solemnity Year B By Tobe Eze

1.       Till death do us part is not tomorrow, be careful on choosing. Tobe Eze.
Pentecost – Solemnity Year B

Acts 1:1—11
1 Corinthians 12:3b—7, 12—13
John 20:19—23

The Christian feast day of Pentecost, which is celebrated ten days after Ascension Thursday, commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ while they were in Jerusalem celebrating the Feast of Weeks, as described in the Acts of the Apostles. Some Christians believe this event represents the birth of the Church. Since the Feast of the Ascension occurs forty days after Easter, Pentecost is a movable feast.

A man brought out a cartoon at night to share to children around him gifts from it. At the point of sharing the content of the cartoon, NEPA took light and there was total darkness. He managed to share them in that darkness. When the whole children have gotten, they managed also to go home in darkness. When each reached him, they checked their gifts. Some got chewing gum, some milkose, some Tom Tom and so many others. They differently told their different parents the gifts they received according to what each received. When they gathered again and were discussing on the gifts, they discovered that they received different gifts from one person.
They noticed that they were giving things differently and they understood themselves. It is God who gives but we that are receiving, receive different gifts for the good of mankind and Glory of God. Because we cannot access other person’s spirit, like that darkness, it is left for the one who received the gift to tell us what he/she has received. Continue Reading..............................

 The first reading is like it came to correct the confusion that came during the construction of tower of Babel (Genesis 10:1-11:25). The apostles and disciples received the Holy Spirit in the upper room as promised by Jesus and each received different flames on his/her head and the combination of languages came again like it was in the old (Tower of Babel), but there was a serious difference. Babel's, people could not understand each other but in this one, everyone around was understanding them in his/her own language, both those in the upper room and those outside. They were able to understand each person with the person's own language and gift. But these day we are like being confused as that of Babel.
In the second reading, it is made clear to us that it is the same spirit that Sives different gifts. Just as the legs cannot do the function of the stomach and they are in the same body, so also the different gifts from God. None should tell the other, I am needed or superior more than you. All are needed for the working well of the Church and the world. We should like our early fathers in faith understand each others’ gifts. We are gifted differently from the same God. The early Christians were bringing out their different gifts to help the early Church. It was because of this that the lives of Ananias and Sapphira were wasted for they joked with the gift God gave them (Acts 5:1-11). Every gift given by God to man is important and none should joke with them.
In the Gospel, he came to them to give them greetings of peace and to give them the Holy Spirit. He sent them out to continue his mission on earth. He gave them power to forgive sins. The spirit he gave them, they received it and they worked with it very well without confusion. Why are there confusions in our own time?

There are many factors that contribute to this confusion we experience these days. Some of them are the few I will list now and explain. 1. Claiming superiority. 2. Seeking vain Glory. 3. Some giving themselves their own gifts, 4. Some fail to use their own gifts, 5. Some who have not discovered their own gifts try to complain about others who have discovered their own gifts and many others.
Claiming superiority: Some who may have received the gift of prophecy will like to show others who are with other gifts that their gift is the best. I am the only man who can truncate the already existing problem in the society. I am the only one who can confront the leaders. The person will make it as if to say, that is the only gift that can come from God and it is even through his/her own power that that is working.
Seeking Vain Glory: Some say what the spirit did not ask them to say in order to win people’s praise or praises. They forget the Lord of the work and continue to do their works and works of the Lord. It is God who should even receive the Glory not even any man. The work is ours but the glory is God’s. Oru bu nke anyi mana otito bu nke Chukwu.
Some give themselves their own gifts: One man I met one day who actually calls himself a “minister” told me that he went to seek admission into the seminary and they rejected him but he must work for the Lord and he opened his ministry. Some of this cause confusion everywhere. People forcing themselves to be given a specific gift. It must be this one. Oga abunata ibu amuma.
Some fail to use their own gifts: Some bury their own gifts in the ground like the servant that received one talent and buried it in the ground (Matthew 25:14-30). They do not want to use the gift to help themselves, help others and serve God and that cause many confusion.
Some who have not discovered their own gifts try to complain about others who have discovered their own gifts. Anything they do, the person will complain. Look at this boy that all of us committed the same crime when we were growing claiming now to be Holy. Look at this girl that gives it to all men now forming CCRN. Look at the other priest that I know very well that was not spiritual when he was in the seminary is doing adoration now. What concerns you there? Are you God whom he is working for? Mind your own work.

Let us try to work on these that bring all these confusions especially the last one and it will help us. As we receive the Holy Spirit today with its gifts and fruits, let them renew the face of the earth in us. Let them renew our gifts, hearts, minds, souls and bodies and all these confusions will go. It is just matter of understanding and things will work well for and with us. Those children in the story above received differently but all of them were gifts and they enjoyed them without complains. Let us do the same. When we cannot interpret a gift, let us not condemn it rather ask God to take control. THANKS AND HAPPY PENTECOST.

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