Saturday 26 May 2018

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity Year B. By Tobe Eze

Our “I Do” has many implications, think well before you say it. Tobe Eze.
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity Year B.
Deuteronomy 4:32—34, 39—40
Romans 8:14—17
Matthew 28:16—20
A man was in a market discussing with people on how good and strong his father was but still people were disturbing him and provoking him. As he was saying all these and other things, an old man approached and asked him. Have you asked those who know your father very well for them to tell you whom he was? Have you not been told on how your father owed people every now and then? Have you not asked how he was redeemed from all of them by the umunna? These were the same questions Moses asking the Israelites today in the first reading. And the same questions are been addressed to us again today. Do we know how God saves, provides, protects, directs us and other good things he does for us? Have we ever asked how our forefathers treated God and his messengers and his forgiveness of all these? If we are to count his blessings on us, nights and days will pass without us finishing them. Anyi koba mmesooma Chukwu, chi ga eji, chi ga abo. It is only a good God that can do this to his subjects. And this is done by the FATHER. Continue Reading..............

A maid came new in a house. She did not know what she was to call her boss. Am I to call him Daddy, Oga, Uncle, Brother or what? She was passing through all these when her madam approached her to tell her how she will be addressing them. This is what the Lord has done for us in the second reading of today. The spirit came to make us sons so that we can now call God FATHER. His fatherhood is far better than the fathers of the earth. Takes care of us even when we are sleeping (Psalm 3:5), even when we do not know how to pray and in all (Romans 8:26-27), he came to die for us even when we are still sinners (Romans 5:8). This is done by the HOLY SPIRIT.

In the gospel another love of God manifested itself there. After looking at human beings he created, he planned a way of saving them and this way he knew that he can achieve it better through the instrument of human beings and he gave his disciples power to baptize all who believe in him, in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. This also by the SON.
After looking at all these, we can see the work of a good God. But this good God appeared in three dimensions. In the first reading, he came and was addressed as God the father, in the second reading, God the Holy Spirit and in the gospel he came as God the Son. These three dimensions are just appearances of one God not three gods. This is a mystery and if we understand it in full, it is no longer a mystery.
Let me give different views of today’s celebration.

In Genesis 1, the Bible said that, when the world was in a formless void, the Spirit was hovering around the water. In the same Genesis, God said let us create man in our own image and likeness. From this statement, it sows that were other persons existing with God that time. If it was only him, he would just say, let me create man in my own image and likeness. The Trinitarian has been into existence from before creation. (Genesis 1:2 and Genesis 1:26).
When Abraham in the same Genesis has lived with his wife for years without issue. Sarah has reached menopause and passed it according to human being for God has no menopause. Abraham may by that time have stopped erection. When men from heaven visited him, and promised them that by that time next year, they be with child. Why three men? To represent the Holy Trinity. (Genesis 18).
In Exodus, when the Israelites were about to leave Egypt, on the Passover night. God directed Moses tell his people Israel to kill a ram without blemish and paint the blood on the three poles of every Israelite’s door poles, so that when he sees the blood, he will Passover them. The three poles were to show that it was only the father that will be passing but the Trinitarian God. (Exodus 12).
In the canticle of Daniel, he also recognized the Trinity. (Daniel 3:57-88). The canticle we sang this morning during Morning Prayer.
Coming to the New Testament, during the baptism of Jesus, the three manifested themselves there. Jesus as a man (the son), spirit as the dove and father as the voice. (Matthew 3:13-17, Mark 1:9-11, and Luke 3:21-22)
Jesus again asked his apostles to go out to the ends of earth, giving them the word of life and baptizing them in the name of the father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19).
After his resurrection, he came to his apostles and told them, the father has given me every power, receive the Holy Spirit. By this it means that the Holy Spirit proceeded from the father through the Son to reach his apostles. (John 20:22-23).
St. Paul himself talked about this same Trinity in today’s second reading, May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. (2Corinthians 13:14). Again St. Paul in his letter to the Philippians. Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1:2)
St. John himself talked about the Holy Trinity in his first letter. There are three bodies in heaven and three of them are one. (1John 5:7).
Some said that Holy Trinity is like water can exist in three States. Gas, liquid and solid. Gas when boiled till point of evaporation, liquid as normal water we know and solid as when frozen to form ice.
Some said they are like a cassava leaf. One leaf that has three ears.
And many other stories both the same right and wrong. Both heresy and good arguments.

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