Wednesday, 4 November 2020



Very deep in my siesta, I heard the vibration of my phone. With eyes half opened, I collected the phone from the desk where I kept it. Oh my God, this girl and her trouble. It was my niece. I picked and she just shouted over the phone. Brother! Brother! E don happen! I managed to ask her what has happened? She told me, “do you know that our landlord’s son that you normally stay with when you come around? From my bed I jumped up because it was just few days after my own relation was buried and it was the same hour that I got the news of his death on the day he died. I shouted, what happened? Waiting to hear the worst news again and she just said I should calm down that there is nothing much. Continue Reading..... 

He has chased his fiancĂ©e out from his house because he caught her doing that thing with another man. He has cancelled the wedding they are planning. I took a deep breath and said, oh no, (deep inside me I rejoiced, for it was not what I expected). What led that girl to that type of thing. She said, he has been suspecting her and he has been following the girl but she did not know. We discussed about it and many other things before she hung up the call. 

After taking my bath in the evening, I decided to reflect on this issue. What is happening to our people? Are we not loosing it totally? 

Today I got the news of a lady and I am well aware that many men, many boys are into it and they don’t even take it as anything rather they blamed ladies very much when they do it. Don’t be surprised that the boy in question also has a girl or even girls that he goes to always and he doesn’t take that one as a problem rather he sees it that he is free to do it as a man but the girl, No. The girl he wants to marry is now the problem because she was caught. What of the boy who does it without being caught? It is not good to be cheating both before marriage and after marriage.

 Girls now listen, if you know you do not love a man, why are you wasting your life with him, wasting your energy and bringing bad names to yourself? Remember, issue of marriage is not something that you will say, “let me manage”, it is a lifetime project. A man will propose to you  and you will accept the proposal and you continue to cheat in the relationship, it is very bad. Why should you allow the devil to use you to the level of making your partner to suspect you, follow you up, and ending up catching you with another man red handed. Very bad. 

If you have accepted a proposal from a man and you really love that person and want to spend the rest of your life with him, delete every other person distracting you, that person does not love you, that person is playing the role of a devil in your life. If the person loves you to that length the person would have proposed to you before that time. And if you are hiding your proposal from the person, you are the one causing trouble, if you have accepted any proposal from any person please tell every other person to back off, for you are already taken. It is evil to cheat in a relationship because, it destroys lives, it destroys homes, it destroys future, it takes away joy, it takes away happiness,  it takes away rest of mind and it  destroys destiny. 

Never allow the devil to use you and destroy your own self. Never give the devil the chance to kill your own future. No man will glory to notice that his fiancĂ© or his wife is a cheat, so do not be the one to destroy yourself.  Make effort to be good, it pays to have self control. Even if you had many boyfriends before now, please, you are now to stick to one man and love that one man very well, make that man to love you and forget about every other person who is deceiving you. Somebody having sex with you when you are already engaged or married is a devil. Run for your dear life. That person is a home breaker. Run away from home  breakers.

Boys now listen,  if you have proposed  to any   girl and you still go about sleeping with other girls thinking that you are the man and you have the right, to do it, you are deceiving yourself.   No one has the right or the permission to cheat on the other, the law  that is binding the girl is also binding the man. No one is free, it is a sin before God. Forget about the local tradition that our people normally keep. That the woman is not free to cheat but the man is free to cheat because the man is the man of the house, the head of the house, it is a lie. That is self deception.  In the matrimonial law, it doesn’t give anyone  the permission to cheat on the other person, it is a rule that denies both, the permission to cheat, the law is for the two and not for the woman alone, boys should also control themselves and stop cheating. 

One thing that destroys homes very well just like I said when I was talking to girls, is cheating. Remember that the woman you are marrying  has the key to your life. If you break her heart, she can kill you. Do not be deceived by your fellow  men who will tell you, forget them, live your life as you want to  leave it, of course they are  Inferior gender. They may be inferior genders but superior dealers. If they deal with you, you will forget yourself as a man and be behaving like a goat. 

Both man and woman, delete cheating in your life, it will never help you, it will deal with you, it will destroy you, it will damage you. It will kill you, it will send you to hell fire and you will suffer forever. (Also bear in mind that both premarital sex and extramarital sex are bad, sins and they punishable by God. Act wisely). Thanks. 

(Kid sister, come and see the product of your call ooooo).

Given by Tobe Eze on 

November 4th 2020  Wednesday at B. M. I. T. S. Onitcha. 


  1. Good write up! An advice to our generation, only if we could listen. The language is simple and straight forward.
