Saturday 21 November 2020



Nonso is a very s

uccessful business man in the timber shade at Nsukka. He has been dated Nkeiru for three years. They had already started planning for their marriage to take place Easter next year. Nkeiru just finished everything about her studies but no job yet. The wonderful event that I want to talk about now took place during Christmas. Continue Reading......... 

Emmy Malaysia came back with Lexus 350, he was spreading money as if he has money printing machine in his house. One, Nkeiru was coming back from Ogige Nsukka, Emmy Malaysia stopped and carried her on a free ride. When Nkeiru reached her destination, she went down from the car and Emmy gave her his complimentary card with #10,000. Nkeiru could not understand the whole show. At night, she called Emmy to thank him for the ride and the money. After the short discussion, Emmy invited her for a lunch in his house. She innocently went for the lunch the following day. After the lunch, she was taken home with #50,000 as thank you for coming gift. She was already mad with the whole show. Emmy continued inviting her for one thing or the other and she continued going and that got her busy to respond to her fiancĂ© as normal. They continued in that line, going to outings and even clubs. It happened on 28th December that Emmy asked Nkeiru if she will like to marry him? She reluctantly told him to give her time to sort things out for she had a fiancĂ© already. He told her to go ahead. 

Nkeiru came to Nonso with a face not welcoming as before. Nonso in his innocence asked what the problem was. Nkeiru started all sorts of stories of how he has not been caring, that he is concerned about his business more than his wife to be. Nonso, being ignorant of what was happening accepted the whole blame and was apologizing. She continued nagging but Nonso insisted on begging without being provoked. At a point, Nkeiru left in anger. Nonso tried following her but she threatened to do something stupid if he tries that. In the wildest imagination of his thoughts, he could not understand what exactly was the problem. He tried reaching her on phone but all to no avail. This continued till after one week and he could not control his anger again. He then went to Nkeiru and barked at her for her stupid acts recently, she then turned the whole thing again that he is not romantic. Instead of petting his woman that is angry with him, he was barking at her. This was how Nkeiru tactically ended the relationship and followed Emmy Malaysia. 

She was always updating Emmy on the developments, so, finally they started planning for marriage. It was this time that news went to Nonso what was the actual problem. Being a gentle and honest guy, he just concluded that Nkeiru was not meant for him and forgot the whole situation. Emmy finally married Nkeiru on 11th June. They got wedded on that day and also performed the traditional marriage ceremony. Nkeiru was asked to stay in the village for six months to help him fix some things in Malaysia before taking her to Malaysia. 

After six months, she was taken to a place in the north and she was told that they will be staying there for a while before going to Malaysia. They continued staying there without talking about going to Malaysia again. It was already four months they got there. There was enough money to enjoy and more were coming but Nkeiru was only hoping to step her feet into Malaysia. Nkeiru after one year discovered that in the house they were living, there was an underground room that no one has access to and she had never seen the place open. She asked Emmy about the room and he angrily told her to concentrate on her own house and leave that place alone. From that day she started to investigate to know what is kept in there and when it is opened. It happened that that place is always being opened once in a month and in the midnight. She discovered also that is was done by her husband and some friends who normally visit every month.

The husband had always claimed that those persons are his business partners and they do come around to discuss business throughout the night so that in the morning they will go into the business proper because they go for business trip once in a month. The wife insisted on investigating more and more. she monitored the  keys that his husband  uses. She did this for a very long time and discovered the particular key that can open that room and she stole the key made a duplicate of it.

One  faithful afternoon when the husband was not around she took the duplicate she made, went down to the underground room, opened the room, lo and behold she saw terrible things there. She saw, shrine surrounded with human skeletons and other parts of human bodies. She almost fainted  inside there but she held herself and ran out. She locked the door, went straight to the room, packed everything she had and ran away from the house before the return of her husband. She brought out her SIM card, broke it, threw it away and ran home to her parents. 

After narrating her  story to her parents, they advised her to earnestly soak herself in prayers for her husband will not just let go ordinarily like that if he finds out the reason for her running away. Emmy Malaysia knowing that maybe the wife has noticed something did not ask about her,  he only called  twice  to know if the number would have connected but it didn’t and he relaxed. He went to his shrine and the whole show was revealed to him. He smiled, he said “Nkeiru, you will die, there is no hiding place for you”. 

From that  day, Nkeiru suffered many hardships. She was praying   day and night for God to help her and the suffering was increasing from different sickness to the other, from difference hardships to the other. 

 Adding to her sorrows, She saw that Nonso was already doing very well in his business. Nonso was still single and but not searching (though she didn’t know that he was not searching). Seeing Nonso everyday gives Nkeiru serious pain. One day she decided to try her luck, she approached Nonso to apologize and to know if he could accept her again. After everything he accepted  her apology but left her with these words. 

Before you take any action in your life think twice.

Before you follow any person ask questions.

Before you embark on any journey look for direction and have a destination. 

Before you eat anything   check your body system.

Before you reject any person check the capacity of the person and the love the person has for you. 

Before you hurt any love remember that it is difficult to heal the wounds of love.

I have forgiven you from my heart but I can’t marry you again for the wounds cannot be healed so soon. So, next time, think very well before you take any decision. Suffer for your decision. Thank you for caring about me. I will be  getting married on 30th of this month, you are invited. Thank you very much and have a wonderful life to live. Always ask important questions before you take decisions. Bye. 

My own advice. 

Girls, be very careful. This Christmas that is fast approaching, do not make costly mistakes that you will live to regret forever. Do not sell your soul and body because of Malaysia, Dubai, America, China and so on. Please fear God and respect him. The love of money will cloud you with ignorance that you will forever regret. Please be wise so that you will not damage your future. Many will be coming to use you and dump you, many will be coming to use you for money rituals, many will be coming to spoil your beautiful and promising future, many will be coming to impregnate you and go, many will be coming to lead you into killing through abortions, many will be coming to give you to the devil and many other bad things. And few will be coming to help you, marry you, help your family, promote your future and so on. Pray earnestly to discover those few and be saved from the other bad ones. Do not be lose and you will not be carried away. Thanks. 

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