Sunday 15 November 2020



I was having good time with my friends and a message came to my phone through WhatsApp because, my data was on. The message goes like this. 

Brother Good afternoon. Please brother, I need your help, you are the only one that can save me now. I told my mother that I was going to Enugu-Ezike to visit a classmate there. She accepted and gave me her car. 

Continue Reading.......... 

We went out, actually, we were not going to Enugu-Ezike but Adani to visit a girl but because my mother knows all my classmates and she knows that none is from Adani, I lied. As we were going, after Obimo, Road Safety Corp stopped us. I wanted to be a good boy forgetting that I was not with my driver’s license and stopped. As I am sending you this message, we have been booked and you know this is weekend. How can I explain to my mother this and she will understand me. Brother please, make calls, call your elder brother and all that you know to save me from this. I promise you that I will not make this type of mistake again, if I come out from this one. Thanks as I await your help. 

After reading it, I thought for a while, then I called his mother and started with a story and last a  question.

Hello Ma! 

Brother how are you doing?

 I am fine and you? 

God is good.  OK 

After a long pleasantries, I started. Ma,  please I need your help. A woman is seeking for my advice now and it is now a serious problem for me to take a decision. She told me the story of her stubborn son. She said, the boy is almost taking her to her early grave and he is the only child. On the other hand, she said, the boy is a very hardworking young man and very futuristic. That he has a wonderful dream he is recently pursuing but just stubborn. Now, after telling her brother who is a soldier, he said he will come and take the boy to use military power to train him. After thinking about it, the mother realized that 1. That will separate her from her only child. 2. The boy may not survive the hard training due to the nature of the training he has been receiving since he was born. 3. The future that he is pursuing my be harmed. After checking all these, she was no longer comfortable leaving him to go with his brother. She is now asking me what to do. 

She started. Wow! This is a wonderful story brother. If I was the one, I will stay with my only child. I will endure whatever he will be doing. She should remember that no matter the situation, he is still her son. She should accept her son no matter what insofar he is not a criminal. 

It was this her last point that I got her with. You said, no matter the situation, she should accept her son insofar he is not a criminal? She said yes and I now told her. You have to accept Emeka now because he is not a criminal. He lied to you that he was going to Enugu-Ezike but actually he was heading to Adani and now he has been booked by the Road Safety Corp because of driver’s license. He doesn’t know how to tell you now. That is why I am the one telling you. I will go and pick him and his friends to bring them home, on Monday, he will go and claim the car back. Remember, you have to accept your son no matter the situation insofar he is not a criminal. 

I went and took Emeka and friends home. I advised him and his friends with these words. 

Always try to say the truth for it will save you more, than lies. Especially when it involves going out to places. What if it was accident that happened? If you had told your mother the truth, all these stories would not have taken place. I suspect God just did this to teach you a serious lesson. If we want the prayer for Nigeria in distress and prayer against bribery and corruption in Nigeria to work, we have to start from righting the wrong we do in our little areas and it will help us to change our world. Always tell your parents, guardians, bosses, Ogas  and all those in charge of you the truth especially with regards to your movements so that they can save you if anything comes. You should have told the truth. 

Brother, I really thank you very much. You are wonderful, I am really indebted to you. 

Mother, please I am very sorry, I promise it will not repeat itself again, I will always be a good boy to you. Please forgive me. 

Tobe Eze, thank you very much, I really appreciate. You have taught me another one today. Emeka, I have forgiven you. Just be a good boy. No matter the situation insofar you are not a criminal, I will accept you. Thanks. 

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