Tuesday 23 March 2021



None of them will betray anyone. 

One day, those days when men were boys. We were going for the Altar Boys (Mass Servers) practise in my parish. We were six going that day. It was the period of Akatakpa our local masquerade. We saw two of them coming from afar. We agreed among us that none of us will run since it was church activity that we were going. I was fronting the movement. As we were approaching them, I was still moving with courage that there would be no way they would have attacked us because we were in group. To my greatest surprised, when I came face to face with the Edom, I noticed that I was the only one there. When I looked around in my fear and trembling, I saw my colleagues in the bushes already running for their dear lives. I had no other option that to stand and watch the evil that will be melted on me by the two Akatakpa. As God may have it, they just looked at me (may be as a child), left me and continued their journey. I ran away with serious fear and trembling. When I meet with my friends, they asked me what happened but I did not answer them because I was already hurt by the betrayal. I continued to carry that grudge for years. I only forgave them years late when I understood the real teaching of the church. Continue Reading....... 

Friday 19 March 2021



Please She is not this person 
This story is a fiction. It didn't happen anywhere. Thanks 

I entered the same bus from Nsukka to Enugu with her. It was not a company bus, rather what is normally called “pick and drop”. The bus left around 10:47 AM from Nsukka heading to our destination which was Enugu. Few metres away from Opi junction, the bus developed fault. The driver tried all he could to rectify the problem but he could not. He then pleaded with us to exercise some patience that his mechanic will be there in few minutes. Continue Reading..... 

Monday 15 March 2021



It baffles me to see people who in their dependent ages were complaining of evils melted on them by their Lords and Masters turning to unleash the same mayhem on those under them in the name of “it was done to us”.  How could you, who were complaining of evils  done to you as a junior student turn to be evil to your junior ones when you become a senior student? How could you, who were complaining of the evils done to you by your Madams when you were servants or maids turn and be evils to your own maids?  How could you, who were complaining of the evils done to you by your Masters when you were servants turn and be evil yourself to your own servants? If we understand the idea of suffering under people sometimes, it is to make us know  how evil it can be and to learn not to do the same to others. How we often cite our bad experiences when we want to teach others or to show example or to make a point, makes it to look as if we enjoyed it. We hated it, we wanted to stop it when we had no power or authority to do that, now we have the authority and power, what is happening?  What we did not enjoy then because they were evils, we should not promote them now for they have not changed, they are still evils on those we are unleashing them on. Continue Reading.......... 

Saturday 6 March 2021

Political Instability in Nigeria; Which Way Forward? Tobe Eze

 Political Instability in Nigeria; Which Way Forward? 


The Nigerian political situation has reached a point to be likened to the question Jesus ask in the Bible, “To what can I compare this generation? They are like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling out to other. We played the pipe for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn” (cf. Matthew 11:16-17). We have tried war, it did not work, we have tried dialogue, it did not work, the youth have tried revolution and still, it did not work, what are we going to do? As Chinua Achebe pointed out in his book, The Trouble with Nigeria, “The Nigerian problem is the unwillingness or inability of its leaders to rise up to their responsibility, to the challenge of personal example, which is the hallmark of true leadership”. And this just summarized the whole problem and instability of the Nigerian politics. If the leaders are ready to take the bull of leadership by the horn, we may have a positive change, but many things are coming to play through their being irresponsible. In this write up, we shall look into the situation of Nigerian politics, some of the things that are causing them and possible ways out from the political instability that we are experiencing in Nigeria. Continue Reading.....