Monday 15 March 2021



It baffles me to see people who in their dependent ages were complaining of evils melted on them by their Lords and Masters turning to unleash the same mayhem on those under them in the name of “it was done to us”.  How could you, who were complaining of evils  done to you as a junior student turn to be evil to your junior ones when you become a senior student? How could you, who were complaining of the evils done to you by your Madams when you were servants or maids turn and be evils to your own maids?  How could you, who were complaining of the evils done to you by your Masters when you were servants turn and be evil yourself to your own servants? If we understand the idea of suffering under people sometimes, it is to make us know  how evil it can be and to learn not to do the same to others. How we often cite our bad experiences when we want to teach others or to show example or to make a point, makes it to look as if we enjoyed it. We hated it, we wanted to stop it when we had no power or authority to do that, now we have the authority and power, what is happening?  What we did not enjoy then because they were evils, we should not promote them now for they have not changed, they are still evils on those we are unleashing them on. Continue Reading.......... 

Let me give some practical examples to make my point clearer.  A certain boy from a certain secondary school was ill-treated when he was in JS2, his left hand was dislocated by a senior student in the name of punishment for he committed an offence. He was treated by the senior student and the school authority punished the senior student in a greater manner in order to get justice for him. That very act from his senior made him hate senior students and everything about them. He was seeing them as wicked people destined for hell fire. The same boy was made the school social prefect of the school in his own senior class days. One day, he called a junior student for punishment, he continued slapping the boy till he could not see clearly. The little boy was helped home by his classmates. His parents could not bear it, they went to the school the following day for inquiries and probably, revenge. To the greatest surprise of the school authority, the same boy they fought tooth and nail to gain justice for few years ago committed that type of atrocity. To cut the story short, justice was also demanded and gotten even in a harder way from him. 

Another example, is an institution that suffered under a terrible head. The man made the institution to be a hell for everyone there, both staff and students. When he was changed, and a good man came to power, things changed to good – better – best. What surprised many persons was that, both staff and students who passed through the tough man continually were citing the tough regime. The younger ones were always threaten by the past regime. They were continually telling them “if it were when this man was here”.  Did they enjoy that period and they were complaining? Why can’t they forget the things of the past and remember them no more? Why can’t they build a good city and a home for all in the institution where a good man is in power? 

All these stories are just for us to shun recycling of evils. Let us not recycle evil rather, let us recycle good deeds. The funniest thing is that, we do not cite our good experiences rather bad ones. Let us not repeat an evil because it was done to us or on us or it has been or that is how it is done and so on. Let us grow above evils that we experience or experienced and extend love and charity. Let our evil experiences teach us to be good to others. Let them make us to vow not to do so to others. 

If we continue to recycle evils, our world will never change to good. Our world will continue to get worst. Let us not hurt hearts for that is the most difficult part to heal in human being. If we continue to recycle evils, we will continue to produce evil men and women thereby enriching the hell fire and emptying heaven. We should always think of how to better the world and not how to treat others as we were treated. 

Ahuhu abughi nri (sufferings are not food). Let us stop subjecting people to untold hardships in the name that it has not reached the one we suffered. Odiro mma. It is not good and it is evil. 

If your freedom was denied you , please do not deny others. 

If you were denied food, please do not deny others. 

If you were denied comfort, please do not deny others. 

If you were denied your initiative, please do not deny others. 

If your joy was denied you, please do not deny others.

If you were denied time, please do not deny others. 

If you were denied care, please do not deny others. 

If you were denied medication, please do not deny others. 

If you were denied love, please do not deny others. 

If you were denied happiness, please do not deny others. 

If you were denied drinks, please do not deny others. 

If you were denied peace, please do not deny others. 

If you were denied finance, please do not deny others. 

If you were denied opportunity, please do not deny others. 

Do not take yourself as a yardstick or a finished good, all of us are still in the process of becoming. What you like, all must not like them and what you hate, all must not hate them. Always give all the good things you were denied and the world will be wonderful for us. The only thing is to attach responsibility to all of them and we shall succeed. WE MOVE. 



  1. #cyclic evil.
    Nice one Tobeeze🙌

  2. Well written! Your write ups recently keep me alive I must say. Human beings should indeed learn to be humane, then our world would become better.
