Saturday 6 March 2021

Political Instability in Nigeria; Which Way Forward? Tobe Eze

 Political Instability in Nigeria; Which Way Forward? 


The Nigerian political situation has reached a point to be likened to the question Jesus ask in the Bible, “To what can I compare this generation? They are like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling out to other. We played the pipe for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn” (cf. Matthew 11:16-17). We have tried war, it did not work, we have tried dialogue, it did not work, the youth have tried revolution and still, it did not work, what are we going to do? As Chinua Achebe pointed out in his book, The Trouble with Nigeria, “The Nigerian problem is the unwillingness or inability of its leaders to rise up to their responsibility, to the challenge of personal example, which is the hallmark of true leadership”. And this just summarized the whole problem and instability of the Nigerian politics. If the leaders are ready to take the bull of leadership by the horn, we may have a positive change, but many things are coming to play through their being irresponsible. In this write up, we shall look into the situation of Nigerian politics, some of the things that are causing them and possible ways out from the political instability that we are experiencing in Nigeria. Continue Reading..... 

The Political Instability in Nigeria

Many people have already talked about the situation of Nigerian political instability in the days past without knowing that we were still in the state of nature or virgin land, that we have not started to see the worst political situations. Now we are faced with many atrocities from the political field that are making some to lose faith in Nigeria which is making many to be looking for any way possible to leave Nigeria to seeking for a greener pasture elsewhere apart from Nigeria. The problem of Nigeria is inexhaustible but we shall point out few manifestations of this situation.

Elections in Nigeria: It is no longer a new thing to hear that elections have never been free and fair in Nigeria. Nathaniel Ndiokwere in his book, Only in Nigeria elsewhere in America, said, “In Nigeria, elections are rigged. They are never free, fair or credible”. Based on this, I am going to shift my attention from that point. My point now is. Why is it written in Nigerian constitution that:  Almost all our leaders should be the unqualified, only the old should rule, the little young ones among them must continue to be under their godfathers, we should always be presented with two evils to choose and so many other questions? Nigerian system of election is the one that old age and incapable leaders that do not have the people at heart, those whose consciences have died are always presented for us to vote for them. Nigerian politicians are not interested in what the people want but in what will benefit the few in the corridors of power. The annoying thing is that, they enter and close the gate behind those who have good will for the country and if any entered through any means, they will make sure they remove and frustrate the person. Worst pattern of election.

Gender Stupidity: It is in Africa and mostly in Nigeria that it is a crime for a woman to attain a responsible position in the government. A woman cannot be a leader in Nigeria. Even from the grass root, we see this tread. In our various villages, women are always subjected to the most infinitesimal posts and men who are not qualified will be given places of honour. If it were in Nigeria, Ngozi Okonji Iweala would not have gotten the position she got in the world now because, she is a woman. No matter your qualification and your charisma and you are a woman, you are not qualified. Bad indoctrination.

Dialogue with the Wrong People: Nigeria has become a country where government dialogue with criminals called bandits and kill peaceful protesters. Instead of dialoguing with the peaceful protesters to help in changing the face of the country, they will be attacked, killed and wounded, then, bandits will be dialogued with in order to release kidnapped children. It is not bad caring for the kidnapped children but the problem is now, how positive is the care? They are just invariably, telling the criminals (if they do not have share in it or if they are not behind it), that this is a wonderful business and very lucrative. Instead of being killed as a protester, become a bandit and you will make it. Penny wise pound foolish.

Insincerity in Ruling: The joy of politicians in Nigeria is to lie and deceive the people to vote for them and make audio promises during campaign and after, turn around and be the source of doom to the people they claim that they are ruling.Moreover, most times, we also contribute in this bad situation we find ourselves called politics in Nigeria. Whenever any leader comes around, we will sing eulogy and say all sorts of lies to please him without considering that we are the ones suffering it. The lies we tell our leaders in order to please them, are too many and they also make our politics unstable. 

The Evil of their Gifts:It is true that no one receives a gift and remains the same but we have to sensor the type of gifts we receive and from whom they

from. We should know the difference between Greek gift and genuine gifts. Many influential speakers in so many communities and even in religious houses have been settled with some tokens and they have changed from telling our leaders the truth to singing their praises. Or some who have been also settled with little offices cannot say the truth again.

Discontinuity: It is best seen in Nigeria, many unfinished projects by governments. No government will like to complete an uncompleted project started by the predecessor. They go ahead awarding new projects that they, themselves will not finish and Nigeria is now filled with uncompleted projects everywhere. This discontinuity shows the level of selfishness that moves in the blood of Nigerian politicians. It does not end in embezzling the public fund for private use, it is also extended to the level of abandoning projects that would have bettered the lives of the citizens.

Valuing the less valued and disvaluing the supposed valued: It is no longer a news in Nigeria that cattle are valued more than human lives. This is being manifested in ways our government is following the issue of cattle rearing and human killings. In order to have a solid foundation to protect the lives of cattle as against human lives, appointments are also made from among people who value cattle more than human lives. Animal kingdom.

Possible Ways Out

Nigeria is now a country where those who have the good of Nigeria at heart and condemn the evils of the government are tagged those that want disunity of the country. This will not deter good people from suggesting good ideas for the good of the country. The idea of suggesting solutions is for the betterment of the society. If we can put these into practice, we many have a better Nigeria. As a way of solving our problems, we should follow the opposite directions of the problems stated above and we will have a better Nigeria.

Change of Election Pattern: The pattern of election in Nigeria is not in any way favouring the country and we know it. We should rise above these old men leading us and try the responsible youths and not those under godfatherism. We should rise above PDP and APC and vote for competent people who will lead us to the promised land. We should rise above predictions in the name of prophecy or vision and vote for the qualified. And lastly, the government should try us, even if it is once with free, fair and credible election.

Consideration of Qualities and not Gender: If we can rise above the ideology of inferior gender and look at the qualities, qualifications and charisma of our women, we may get a better Nigeria. Let us for once test our women with authorities and see if they will still fail us. Let our votes (those that will count) be for the qualified and not for the gender.

Proper Dialogue with the Proper People: If our government will come down and dialogue with the youths who are actually crying for the betterment of the country and take their suggestions and proposals, Nigeria will certainly be a changed country. But if they insist on dialoguing with the bandits and killing the innocent and harmless protesters, we shall get the worst Nigeria.

Truth, the only Saviour: Even the Bible made it clear that it is only the truth that can set us free (cf. John 8:32). If our leaders should tell themselves the truth that they are not doing well and be ready to change, if we tell ourselves the truth that we are not also wonderful followers and be ready to change, if we tell them the truth that they need to hear, without fear or favour, Nigeria will certainly have a sweet look. And if we all put sincerity into practice, we will be the best country in the whole world.

Ability to Know Greek Gifts: It is never a sin to accept gifts but we should guard against being bought by the gifts we receive. Bible condemned it also to be bought by what you eat or drink (that is being controlled by what you take cf. Ephesians 5:18). So many of our politicians are evil and will also like to buy off those who will challenge them in their evil deeds.  Let us be watchful.

Shun of Unnecessary Selfishness: One of the most wicked things our politicians do to us is not only that they embezzle our money but they even waste the little that should have served us. What sin is it for a Nigerian politician to complete a project started by past government? If we want a better Nigeria, our leaders should learn how to be selfless, reawaken the spirit of continuity and we shall make enormous progresses.

The Vitality of Human Life: If our government values human life as it should be, we shall not be talking about insecurity, unemployment, poor electoral system, poor hospitals and hospital managements, no infrastructural development and all that help to promote human life. If life is valued more, we will find a better way to accommodate cattle rearing but if not, we will continue to have bad system.


Since we still believe in God, we should not lose hope in him, he will still save us from this present situation. If we also help God by being good children of God through handling of offices very well and respecting the rules, constitutions and laws that are meant to be obeyed for the good of the country, we shall have a better Nigeria.

If our leaders will respond to this statement of Chinua Achebe positively, “The Nigerian problem is the unwillingness or inability of its leaders to rise up to their responsibility, to the challenge of personal example, which is the hallmark of true leadership”, a good and perfect Nigeria await us.

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