Thursday 17 June 2021



In my facebook friend request list, I have up to 87 friend requests that I have not accepted and I have not declined them. I am waiting and watching to see if I will see anything that will show me that I know those persons. The names there are not names that I have come across, the pictures are not familiar at all. Someone from my own village will use Itz Mhiz Dragon to create account on facebook, use the picture of a foreign footballer or an animal as the profile picture and cover page picture. If you send me friend request, how do you expect me to know that you are the one that sent me that. These days, hackers are doing terrible things, people are now becoming skeptical with regard to facebook things and they should not be blamed.  Continue reading........

So many other names and other pictures that are not in any way related to the person that has the account, that is what people enjoy these days. Some enjoy writing there, that they are from California when you know you are not from there. You are from Agbamere and even from the same village with me. Why writing California? Some who have different handworks and businesses will write, studied in oxford, living in Paris and working in Canada. Who is deceiving who? Advertise your true work and business and it will pay you better and not putting some fake information about yourself. Some who are a little bit appreciative of our own local schools will write studied or studying in UNN when they are selling cloths or they are masons. What is wrong with your name? What is wrong with your picture? What is wrong with your work? What is wrong with your business? In my own definition, I may term it, inferiority complex. You are not proud of your name, your picture, your work, business and so on rather; you prefer to showcase others who are better than you. In my own opinion, these are some implications of this particular act.

1. You may loss a chance of getting help from people who may through your name, picture, work business and origin recognise you and offer you help in one way or the other. Many have gotten help through the actual representation of their identity. I am a living testimony to this.

2. You may loss old time friends. So many of us find it very difficult to get connected to our primary school and secondary school classmates and friends. Some of them are now answering on name or the other, using pictures of the white men and women as their profile pictures making it very difficult to get connected to them.

3. Identity betrayal. I also see this as a way of betraying our identity. Your name, your picture, your behaviours, your work, businesses and some others identify you. Your name and your picture are at the forefront of doing that and we should bear it in mind. Some are now advertising the identities of musicians (not even our brothers and sisters but foreign), footballers, actors and so on who do not know that they are existing. Why not be proud of your own identity.

There are many others but I do not intend to write a long write up so that it will be easier to read. I strongly suggest that we look into this identity crisis online and appreciate ourselves. You can write thousands of things about the people you love both foreign and local; you can post their pictures but do not allow them to take your place. Do not allow them to rob you of your identity. Even saints, you should write on them, allow them to influence you but do not use them to replace your own identity. Register your facebook account with your name, picture, work, business, place of origin and place of domicile it will make you get connected to people that matter in your life.

Note: I am not in any way condemning nicknames; I also have mine in my own account but in bracket. You will see my name before seeing the nickname. Make it easier for people to know you and even be the first to send you friend requests. I am very much afraid of hackers, so, I will not accept your friend request if I do not know you. 

No be say I dey too important but I dey value myself well well. Proudly, Tobe Eze nwa Ogbodu Orlu Agbamere, Eha-Alumona. Thank You.

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