Saturday 11 December 2021



I was thinking that I will rest this weekend from this table stuff, I did not know that my friend and brother had a plan for me this weekend.  Just as he told me his plans for me this weekend, I remembered that all of us have plans for this Christmas season. I have been planning for many things that I will do and many places that I will visit during this Christmas break. I am certain others have been doing the same thing at least since we entered the month of December. Many people have many agenda for this break. I will not talk about the agenda of girls not because they do not have but because the last table was the one I collected from a saloon, from the girls I met there. So, this table belongs to boys. Continuing Reading........

Every Christmas boys do funny things in order to show off, deceive people etc. Many do come back with different expensive goods to make some feel inferior, that they have failed in their lives and some are to get girls that they will play PS game with and go back to base highest January 10th, for those who are strong.

Ụmụ okorobịa, why is it that what is occupying your minds now is how to get these girls in the villages, how to enjoy them and go back in January to change your contact? Instead of thinking on how to change the situation of your family and friends, you are busy thinking of how to change girls and sex partners and even sex styles, just know that God is watching. Have you thought of contracting disease from those girls, have you thought of having accident while going to achieve your plans or even while going home? Because God is giving you opportunities to change does not mean he does not know what to do. And you always forget that some of ụmụ Eve that you are planning to deal with are also agents if darkness. Don’t worry, na spiritual problems you will not know how to handle will humble you. As you are planning on how to carry different girls, also remember that your village people are planning on how to give you different bad lucks. Plan on positive things, plan on how to help these girls instead of how to destroy them.

Ụmụ Adam, why are you making plans on how to borrow a car to come home for Christmas to impress those who will laugh at you when the car gets problem in your hands? You want to borrow car to show your classmates that you have made it when you know you have nothing, the devil is dancing AWILO on your head. See how you are attracting your village people on yourself when you have nothing. Where will you even park the borrowed car? In front of that your father’s old out fashioned house? Nna ooo, zukwanike ka ekpere rụọ ọrụ na ịsị gi. Instead of hiring a car, buy a painter of rice for your family. As you are borrowing car, you will also borrow money to spend. Borrowed cars borrow also problems. A1 comes with A1 expenditures. If you come back with a car, be ready to spend as a car owner. If I see you with a car this Christmas, be ready to buy me meat and drinks. Who no like better thing?

Bịa this ụmụ Adam, have you ever thought of how you will feel if all these you have been doing to other girls and you are planning to do to other girls when they are done to your sisters? You are planning on how to sleep with Nkechi and you are not planning on how to take the responsibility of your action. Odi ka iñụrụ mkpụrụ mmiri. Na like that you will like to force Obinna to marry your sister because he got her pregnant, na so you will be forced to marry Amara this year. Some of you who come back with series of ajọ sexual diseases and ajọ mmụọ dị involved, instead of treating yourselves, you come home to distribute them like Christmas rice, do you not think that the devil is becoming better than you? Onye arụrụ ala ka ịbụ. You are sharing death and spiritual problems and you are happy. You are now second in command to Ekwensu. Nkem nee ole 😜😜😜, I am a man already, you cannot give it to me and relying on God, I know I will not near your co-distributors (all these loosed girls in the village). Nke onye metaru and nke onye jetaru, oburu.

Bịa, ndị aka gum, how do you feel each time ụmụnne gị yọrọ gị ego and you will tell them the story of how Abraham supported Judas Iscariot to plan for the killing of Jesus, worst still your friends? My brothers, Chukwu gozie gi, biko nye ndị obodo gị. If God blesses you, please cut soap for your people. Do giveaway. Things are very hard and some are enjoying every day, cut soap for your people biko. Give your mother something huge, give your father something huge, give your siblings, give your friends who have not made it, take your friends out. Ụwa bu ofu mbia. Take girls out for them to enjoy your money but do not take them in after. Just do the taking out for charity and not for paying back with taking in. 

Let me talk to these classmates that like giving people BP. Since we left secondary school many years ago, we have been calling you people for reunion and you have refused to answer. Now you have bought Benz and built mansions you are calling us for reunion or get-together in your house to show us that we have not made it. Actually it is not a sin that you are calling us, but why have you not joined us before in the previous years we have been having the meeting? Why can’t you join us this year before inviting us to your house? Since you have made it, why can’t you ask one of us who have not made it to join you in the struggle for you to make him better? You are only interested in spoiling us with ihe oriri na ọṅụṅụ. Biko, I am not coming for any reunion in your house. I know ndị agụ will go but, let us check the thing. Ka anyị nakwa e check. Daalụ nụ Happy Weekend

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