Friday, 14 January 2022


 Ndị men and women of God

Some may think that I am tired of breaking the table. I still have excess energy, just that I decided to enjoy my Christmas break. I really enjoyed the break. I am back again but not to break tables but just like Nigerian films, I will change the name of the series now. From now, it will no longer be table breaking but VILLAGE MEETING (MEETING ỤMỤNNA).

This Christmas opened my eyes ooo. A lady met me complaining how bad this her particular friend is. That they have been friends from childhood and this girl paid her back with betrayal. Because I know the pain of betrayal, I was already having pity on her. I was feeling her pains. But when I asked her what her friend did, my feelings changed. Continue Reading..........

She told me this story. A particular man came to marry me, I told Ijeọma about it and she was very happy for and with me. She told me to pray over it. I took her advice to pray over it. I went to Sis. Joy who has prayer ministry at Ugwu Queens. After praying for me that day, she gave me one week prayer and fasting and asked me to come back after that. When I went back the following week, she told me that the Holy Spirit said I should not marry Henry. That he is not my husband, that he will use me for money rituals and so on. When I came back, I told Ijeọma and she told me that I am mad, she said that I should marry him. Out of fear, I refused to marry Henry. I told Ijeọma that I have turned down the marriage and she supported me at last. Hope you are getting me?

Now, see their invitation card. Henry and Ijeọma are going to do wedding and traditional marriage on 30th of December. My own best friend marrying someone that I refused to marry. Instead of insisting that I should marry him, she just told me once to marry him and when I refused, she went and married him. Tobe, how do you see it? My own is that she betrayed me. If she dies, she will not say that she did not know. Henry is not good for her. I went to Sis Joy to complain and she told me to give the marriage few years and see the result.

Lekwanu mụ trouble. You refused to marry someone based on your onye ekpere prophecy and you are now complaining. Even the one week prayer and fasting you did, you could not figure anything out of it rather only the one that Sis Joy told you. Let me just take your last points one after the other.

1. Tobe how do you see it? I see it as God perfecting his plans for her and her family. God used you to make her achieve her destiny and I am happy for her. I wish her well in her marriage. I also have her invitation card for Henry is my friend and I will attend the wedding to join them in prayers. E choke you?

2. My own is that she betrayed me. Betrayed who bikonu? There is no betrayal there. If she had advised you not to marry him from onset and even was the one who took you to Sis Joy and went behind you to marry him, I would have seen it as a betrayal but since she tried to convince you but you did not accept her opinion, then there is nothing like betrayal. You betrayed yourself. You do not know what you want in life and you do not even have sufficient reasoning, you need to buy small sense that will make you to know what you want.

3. If she dies she will not say that she did not know. Is it your death? Who told you that you will not even die single? Who told you that you will not die in the early days, weeks, months and years of your marriage? Or has Sis Joy promised you life without end? Biko, do not wish someone’s daughter bad in her marriage, I pray that it will please God to keep her longer. You that is in the mind of God or your so called sis Joy, when are two of you going to die? Nwa mmadụ will enjoy the fruit of her labour biko. Ijeọma you will not die, you will live to see the goodness of God.

4. Henry is not good for her. Let me ask you, who is good for her? You that have not found who is good for you is deciding on who is good or not for another. Remove the log of wood in your eyes first before looking for a splinter in Ijeọma’s eyes Nnem. You need to understand yourself first before knowing who will be good for you and for others. It is only Sis Joy that can tell you who is good for you and you have the gut to say that Henry is not good for her. Onye goodness.

5. I went to Sis Joy to complain and she told me to give the marriage few years and see the result. The result I pray is God’s choicest blessings for them. They will enjoy the union and the result will shock you and your so called Sis Joy. Why are people wicked. Because of your stupidity and that of your Sis Joy, you want someone’s daughter not to enjoy her marriage. This is complete witch craft and you need deliverance I swear. Ma gi ma Sis Joy need deliverance. Kedụ ajọ Chi bu nkea? She did not stop you from marrying him, she did not stop Sis Joy from marrying him, why are you now bewitching her? Ụnụ na ekpere ụnụ jebe hapụ nwa mmadụ aka.

Now, know it that I am not negating the fact of prophecy or the fact that unmarried can advise the married. I am only saying that contexts should be checked. Spirits should be tested (1 John 4:1). What proof can so called Sis Joy present to verify that Henry will kill Nkeiru? It can happen quite alright but ndị amụmaa have to be tested and proven beyond every reasonable doubt before taking actions or even taking them seriously. If we have meeting ụmụnna, we can profer means of proving them right or wrong than taking what they say hook line and sinker. Come and think of an unmarried Sis Joy telling you to marry and age is no longer on her side, she would like those that will join in her predicament so that she would not suffer alone. Or married Sis Joy who knows that she may loose a customer by allowing you to marry.

Depend on God and not on any human being. Those who depended on Simeon Odo (King of Satan), tell me their fate now. Those who depended on TB Joshua, tell me their fate now. Those who depended on Renhard Bonki, tell me their fate now. Those who depended on Fr Omego, tell me their fate now. Those who depend on those who are still alive, they will die one day but God does not die. Those who depend on me, I will die one day, tell me what your fate will be, depend only on God and not me. It is good to seek for the messengers of God but do not depend on them. Depend on God and you shall always be happy. God is above Sis Joy or any other Onye Amụma or Onye Ekpere or myself.

Let us have family meeting to address the issues of ndị amụma na ndị ekpere that are doing us more harm than good.


  1. Bro you are doing great, may God continue be with you.

  2. Chai e chock I swear, na for people that visit ulo ekpere e no concern me

  3. Family meeting is certainly a necessity with the way all this ndi amina are going....Nice one
