Saturday 4 December 2021



She tagged one of my statuses on WhatsApp and told me, “all men are the same, after all that we do for them.” When I saw the thing, I concluded that it is either that a true son of Adam has done it again or he did it in the past but not long ago. My problem is not about ihe nwa Adam mere but, I want to know exactly all those things that girls will always claim they have done for men. Severally I have heard that, after all that I did for him, I want to know exactly what they normally do. The thing is confusing me. Continue Reading............

Someone had already told me that this table is dimensional, biko, it is not, this is the fifth part and I alternate it. The first one was on girls, the second boys, third was on girls, fourth on boys, now, this fifth is on girls. No matter what I write, just know that there are still good boys and good girls. Do not say that I am condemning girls or boys, obu ka ụwa dị mma. But no matter what, I will still break tables, it is now giving me joy.

It is taken that it is the duty of a man to buy gifts for his girlfriend on the man’s birthday, the girl’s birthday, Valentine’s day, anniversary day, Christmas, New Year, Easter etc. To take the girl out from time to time, to buy her numerous gifts from time to time. Sometimes even when the man’s parents celebrate their birthdays or anniversary, the girl will still demand gift from the boy. Even on Independence Day, she will demand for a gift. After all these, any little thing that happens, what you will hear is, “after all that I did for him.” Seriously I am confused, is it after all that you have taken from him that you did or what? What have you contributed?

I am not saying that girls do not buy gifts for their boyfriends but the amount of complains when a little quarrel comes up is alarming. Boys will always buy quality gifts for them and in the turn of the boys, they will buy boxers and singlets for the boys as if they are Chigozie Okeke’s dancers. If you reciprocate the gifts with something huge, will you bend? “After all that you did for him” bu because of boxers and singlets. Nonsense

After taking numerous gifts from men and they feel committed, after checking themselves (those with low thinking faculty), seeing that they have nothing to offer, they will submit their bodies to reciprocate the gifts they have taken. Leading holy ụmụ Adam to sin and tomorrow she will say, after all that I did for him. After all the sins two of you have committed. You are offering sin as a gift and you are thinking the relationship will be solidified. I doubt if it will be. And even biology made us to understand that even in the sin you are offering, man suffers more. The lady enjoys more. Please tell me that thing you did that you think no one has ever done that will make him to stay. Instead of making him have a brighter future, you are busy giving him different styles to keep him. Sex does not keep a man. So, I have not seen that thing you did.

Ụmụ nwoke adịghị enwe the need of urgent 2k. Data ụmụ nwoke cannot finish that  will need subscription from their girls. Their airtime is everlasting that they must call always and also recharge their girls. Their house rents are for eternity. They do not have issues in school that need money to be sorted out. They do not enter stranded situations. God thank you for all these blessings. May be he should not leave you when you always collect these from him in good faith and even be angry when he did not reach up to the amount you demanded. Girls zukwanike ka ekpere rụọ ọrụ n' ịsị ụnụ. How could you be milking nwa mmadụ and you think he will be happy? Who spends too much money and remains happy? Develop self of independence and check if it will not help you. 

Few girls do help their guys oooo. I cannot lie but among those few that do help, the greater number dika ndị politics. They will like you to tell the world that they are the brain, pillars etc behind your success. That without them, you would not have succeeded. Any little problem, their statuses will be filled with speeches. Even Peter denied Jesus, who am I? My charity has turned against me. This world no balance, someone that was nothing, ya dibara Chukwu etc. You just did a quarter of what men do, biko do not blow the trumpet ok.

When you visit him, he will provide you with goodies. When going, he will give you transport fare. When he will visit you, he will buy many goodies for you and also take you out because he visited. And while going, he will give you money for welcoming him. Keduzi mgbe iji eme your own? Only on bed? Remember every girl can give sex but not every girl can advise, care, give, pray, wish well, support, understand, trust, overlook certain things, forgive etc. 

Now listen, if you can offer different styles but you can complain for Africa,  you stand the chance of loosing him. Earnest prayers can keep a man than faithful sex. Good advice can keep a man than good sex styles. Caring for him in his difficult situations can keep him than complaining that he has forgotten you or that he is following other girls. Wishing him well in any situation will keep him than making demands. Giving him the little gift you have aside sex will be wonderful than offering your body. When he explains his situation to you, understanding him will keep him than looking for reasons to justify your complaints. Trusting him is virtuous than investigating to know if he is cheating or not. Overlooking some situations and actions will give you peace of mind than demanding apology all the time. Forgiveness heals more than justice.

Remember, if you keep to my last words, you will have the Christian boyfriends and girlfriends that we need and not sex partners we have these days. Love people and not their bodies. If you have sex part, biko you are committing sins and you need to change. Have a virtuous boyfriend and girlfriend and that will lead you to heaven  and not after all the sins you have committed, you will come to tell us on the social media. After all that I did for him. Daalụ Nụ. Happy Weekend


  1. Good write up. Godliness and truthfulness will go a long way for the both. Kudos!!!

  2. True reflection of our young generation concept about love and relationships. May God help us. Amen

  3. May God bless your good works to humanity. Thanks for using ur creativity to touch life's.

  4. You are doing well Semi. God bless you more sir.
