Saturday 9 April 2022




Edith: Tobe Eze, flowing from what you wrote about Chioma being pregnant, it is true that we should not judge people, we should not condemn people because of their sins rather, we should condemn their sins. My problem is that some people present themselves as deputy Jesus. They feel they will be sitting at the right and left hands of Jesus on the last day to select those who will go to heaven and those that will go to hell. They present themselves as super human beings that cannot sin again. Chioma may not be a victim but I have seen many who are that way. What do you have to say? Continue Reading.......m

Tobe Eze: My dearest friend and sister Edith, you are very much correct. I was only reacting to a part and not a whole. One write up cannot exhaust every point needed. Coming to what I have to say about those who claim to be super human beings, I will rightly say that they have not even understood themselves talk more of understanding others and the world. Many things contribute to the way of life a person lives. Some who were pampered, it will definitely show in their behaviours, those who were hard trained, it will show, those who are coming from religious families, the same thing and so on. Schools people attend, places they go etc, all these contribute to the up bringing of people and before we condemn people or claim to be holier than them, we should check their background to know if that person has been making serious effort to live a good life (mind you, we are not to condemn anyone, we are to condemn their actions).

Edith: Wonderfully answered. Daalụ but still, I need you to give a kind of practical advice like pointing out practice examples how people condemn others. I  don’t know how to explain what I mean now but I believe you will understand. May problem is that you said I should not use voice note, I would have explained it better.

Tobe Eze: Hahahahaha. You have to type everything ooo. Anyways, you want me to call names abi? I will not call names but let me try giving the advice. Some of us have already concluded that some people would not go to heaven and some cannot go to hell and it is really a problem. If you feel you have the grace to pray very well, please do not just conclude that those who are not following your pattern of prayer are not spiritual, they may even be holier than you. If you have discovered that you can fast very well and others cannot, please do not judge people based on your way of life. There are many other ways to please God that are not fasting. Then on the other hand, if you have seen that you cannot pray very well or that you cannot pray at all, please seek for help than going about condemning all those praying, that they are pretending. Many persons are really making effort and we should acknowledge that than only seeing their weaknesses. It will be a contradiction to be a prayer warrior but cannot live with anyone in peace, think about it.

Edith: Tobe you have spoken well but you have not hit the nail on the head. Like now, what if Chioma was actually pretending but she takes every other person as sinners and this thing has happened now. I want you to make it clear that all of us are sinners and all of us need help from God to be holy, that holiness is not for a particular group. 

Tobe Eze: Since you know it, why not just type it so that I will just post it? Since you want me to say it, I will gladly do that.

Seriously I have noticed also that some persons can pretend for Africa. They will always present themselves as saints when they know categorically that they are not even making effort. They pretend never to know anything about relationship and they go behind indulging in illegal relationships everywhere. They have many boys and girls or men and women they have sex with every now and then. And if anything should happen, then, the devil will be called or they will look for a hungry womam in the village to accuse her of being responsible for it through witchcraft. They always present themselves as examples and they will like even calling names of those who are condemned already and forgetting the fact that nothing is hidden under the sun. So many have impregnated many girls and aided them to abortions. Some girls have also gotten pregnant severally and had procured abortions. Some are greatly enriching contraceptive companies etc and they will come out to present themselves as saints and others as sinners. These brothers will even always have sweet tongues to convince people into evils and also sweet tongues to present themselves as models. If any of us is in the habit, let us change and only live a good life. Only a good life is the solution, not pretentious life. Thanks and Happy Weekend. Edith I hope you are now satisfied?

Edith: Very much satisfied. Thank you very much. But read more to dwell on this more, Ok. Thanks dear. Happy Weekend too.

1 comment:

  1. Well.
    I don't know actually what to say.
    This evening teaching.
    One person said something similar to this, and I quote "this menace trending in the society, especially issue of pre marital sex and the rest of them. The worse is such person's recieving communion. Do you priests not see it? I suggest we go back to the time when Bishop Emeritus had to ban the parents of such youth from receiving Communion.
    Thank you"
    And what my priest replied was
    "Another person shouldn't pay for someone else's sin
    Then another he said. Mercy prevails before justice. We cannot condemn but rather give a second chance
    Then another he said, besides the woman whom person's brought to Jesus to judge on basis of infidelity.
    What did Jesus do?

    Now I'm not asking that it go on but then let everyone's conscience be the watchword to everyone

    I come in peace. I hope I didn't derail. Adanna
