Saturday 2 April 2022




Tessy: Tobe Eze, wonders shall never end. I have a full gist for you. This world is somehow ooo, people that you do not expect something from will always surprise you. What my eyes see, my mouth cannot say it and also what my ear heard. Just clean your ear very well and I will fill it with gist this weekend. My only problem is that you normally surprise people with your answer but I know you will like this gist.

Tobe Eze: This one you are trying to hype me this morning, what happened? You know I like gist very well, go ahead for I cleaned my ears when I woke up. My mind told me that someone must surely gist me today and I prepared for it from my rising. I can’t wait to hear this gist that is trying to escape from your mouth abi hand self for you are typing. Continue Reading.........

Tessy: Like I said, wonders shall never end. Do you know that that our friend back then before we left for our different schools, that Chioma? She is now pregnant. Chioma that we all knew to be a holy girl. I did not know that she has been pretending over the years. She has been enjoying life and we thought she was holy. I cannot forget the day she was advicing me not to follow guys around, not to do this and that and all those stories she told me that day. I swear this holy people can shock people oooo. Who on earth would believe that Chioma of all people can talk to a man talk more of getting pregnant. Nawaooooo. This life no balance at all. Na the gist I get for you ooo. You know you were always defending her and seeing us as sinners. Now, I have not gotten pregnant and she that has been claiming to be holy is now pregnant. This life has a way of dealing with people I swear.

Tobe Eze: Wow. This is a a serious surprise news ooo. How come, how did it happen? I mean, what actually happened? Chioma that I know would not do such a thing, not that she is not a human being that is open to temptation and fall but she has been sincerely making effort. Do you know what actually happened?

Tessy: I do not actually know what happened, my interest is that the so called holy girl is pregnant and we that are called sinners are not pregnant, period. Tobe do not ask me that type of question again, do I go with her wherever she goes? Don’t you know that they can use that their prayer thing and cover what they do. Is it because we do not like to pretend and you people see us as sinners and see them as holy people, forget that thing. Pretenders do the worst.

Tobe Eze: Actually I know pretenders do the worst but I have known Chioma for a long time and I can say she has not been pretending. This is just a mistake that can befall anyone. My problem is that you do not know what actually happened and you are now rejoicing that she is pregnant. What if she was raped? What if she was under the influence of alcohol? Many things may have happened and you do not know any of them. Lastly, she is also a human being that can fall into temptation. Remember, I am not saying that she did not sin, but I cannot judge her, I am not God.

Anyways, I am not trying to justify Chioma or anything like that, I am just trying to bring to your notice that she is still better than many of you (us). Many girls are sex addict and they have never missed their period because they use contraceptives. That does not make them saints because they are not pregnant. They are worst than the pregnant Chioma. Many girls have done severally abortions and no one knew that they got pregnant except them, those they told and the people who aided in the abortions. That does not make them saints. The pregnant Chioma is still better than them. They are quite worst than Chioma because she only committed fornication and those girls committed fornication and murder at the same time with lies attached to them.

I wonder why people rejoice for the misfortunes of others because you feel their behaviours are condemning your evils. Instead of changing your bad behaviour, you are waiting to see the mistake of the one making effort so that you will laugh at the person and cajole the person. You should repent as Chioma has advised you and not rejoice because she is pregnant. That you are safe in the eyes of men does not make you safe in the eyes of God. That you are not pregnant today does not mean you cannot be tomorrow or even get worst thing. What can you say about those dying of sexually transmitted diseases, are they pregnant?

Tessy: Tobe I am not surprised that you answered me in this way but I have heard from you. I would not say that I did not learn anything from what you answered. I am grateful and I promise I will have a change of heart. You are really a good man, God bless you and give you more wisdom. How I wish I will be understanding things the way you do, I pray earnestly for that.

Tobe Eze: Thank you my dear, just understand that I am not condemning you particularly, I am talking to all of us and not only you. God bless all of us

NOTE: Please dearest, do not try to figure out who is Tessy or who is Chioma, you can only know Tobe Eze but for Chioma and Tessy, they are imaginary names. The chat actually took place but not related to those names.

 Thanks and Happy Weekend


  1. I Know the real characters 🤣. We are in a world where sinners judge sinners because they sin differently. May Christ the kindly light help us to avoid unnecessary judgement
