Saturday 16 April 2022



I think I need a bottle of cool beer before starting this write up. I am even confused on how to start this write up but I must start it anyhow. It is now giving me and many other a serious concern that people are now leaving vital places of learning about homes and learning wrongly from wrong hands. I wonder why we have many broken homes these days that we have sophisticated technology that should have helped us live well. Our great grand parents did not have the opportunity we have these days and they lived in unity, happily and lived long. We have living examples these days from our aged parents. Some parents are still living happily but their children have divorced. What is actually happening? Should we go back into the world of no technology or no civilization? It is no longer possible. I think what is causing this is the wrong use of the opportunity we have. If we can use the opportunity we have now judiciously, we will be happier than our fore bearers. For instance: Continue Reading........

Mobile communication came to bring us closer and to make us feel each other very close to us though not so but we turn it to a monitoring instrument. We have also turned it to a deceptive material. Explaining further, instead of calling your wife or husband to know how he or she is in his or her place of work or business, you are eagerly waiting for him or her to come back to check his or her messages, to monitor who calls and who has not called. Instead of chatting him or her up, you are busy killing yourself with thinking, how could he or she be online without chatting me. Where is it written that he or she must be the first to chat you? Swallow that pride and protect your marriage biko. From the second point. Some men in their matrimonial homes, instead of having time for and with their wives, they prefer to be busy with friends in the air through their phones and likewise many women. No one is asking you not to keep friends but you are advised to value more your physical friend (most importantly, your partner) than those cloud friends. I have not in anyway exhausted points here but just to give a clue.

Our ancestors were coming together under trees to discuss and to advise each other and many made their families work through that means. Most times they even discuss with empty stomach and we know that a hungry man is an angry man, but they endured all and made themselves available for learning. One wonderful thing is that after everything, each one goes home and restructures the whole thing as it will suit his or her family for good. These days, we have restaurants where we eat and drink, under fans and ACs while discussing, no one should be angry for we discuss with mouth filled but it seems we are learning nothing or that we are learning the opposite. We now discuss (married men for that matter), how sweet, Enugu, Imo, Abia, Yoruba, Hausa, Akwaibom etc girls are in bed. Even when we bring up family issues, we try to find a means of making ourselves lords to our wives instead of how we can work, walk, play and live together in peace. Some men will advise their fellow men how to cheat without being caught, how to beat their wives, how to blame their wives in anything even the ones they are at fault, how to deal with their wives both emotionally, physically, psychologically, mentally, financially and even spiritually. I think we are loosing it. Some of these are the reasons bars, hotels and restaurants are seen as evils or places of sin when they should just serve as recreational avenue.

I sincerely appreciate the type of patience women exhibit when making their hairs. Someone can sit down for hours waiting for her turn and when it reaches, she will sit for another hours while the work is going on on her hair. Of course they do not sit without having something doing. They must be discussing. I have no problem with their discussion there, my only problem is the content of the discussion. How could women (married), be busy discussing in a saloon on how to deal with men in their families and stupid ones will leave there and take everything hook line and sinker to their homes and destroy a God given home. Who told you that every family is the same and what works for this family will work for the other one. Can’t you discuss about how a woman take good care of a home, how a woman can mend broken homes etc? Must men be your topic of discussion especially their bad attitudes? Discuss more, godly things that will promote sanity in our society that is filled now with insanity.

I wonder where we are heading to. It pains me that places, things that should teach us how to live happily are now agents of our destruction. Kedu ihe anyị ga eme ugbua?

We should not discard the wonderful gifts of civilization and technology God has given us, we should take the wonderful positive opportunities they have offered us and we shall have a better home. Let us look more on their positive values and ignore their negative inputs and we will experience a sweet change that all of us will enjoy. Women can transfer the type of patience they have during hair making to their homes and exercise the same to ugly situations they may experience in their homes. Thanks, Happy Holy Week and more especially Easter.

1 comment:

  1. If many of our parents tell you what they bear in marriage you'll be marvelled. Anyway, where there is love, obedience follows suit. Nowadays, Ladies hardly marry who they love rather they marry the man that is read for marriage (and probably have money).
    Again, the culture of asking about the background of the suitor has been swept under the carpet. They meet online, have sex once or twice and then move straight to marriage with the knowledge of the partner to be.

    I rest my case
